The king of Pingxi County, with 100000 troops, has no chance of winning against the Allied forces of King Zhao and Xihu. How stupid is he to send troops like this?

On the battlefield, the Xihu people and the soldiers of the king of Zhao only wanted to fight happily, but did not think deeply.

Feng Yao thought of it, but

Can he say it?

As for King Zhao?

Maybe he also thought of it, because he secretly recruited Deputy generals and whispered a few words to them. Then he saw that King Zhao's troops were moving more slowly and more concentrated

In the hands of the king of Zhao, more than 100000 people suddenly gathered together, and all those who rushed to the front line were Xihu people.

It's not only fengyao who will do it, but also King Zhao!

Feng Yao sees all these things in his eyes, but he doesn't say anything. He just looks coldly at the children who are fighting in the battlefield and their fearless sacrifice.

A moment ago, those people respectfully called him commander-in-chief; at this moment, he could watch them die in the battlefield mercilessly

His blood, as expected, was cold.

The war continued. Tang Wanjin didn't fight, but Daqin still showed his momentum. At the beginning, he suppressed Xihu. Although Xihu didn't have the strength to fight, it really made them fight very hard. What's more, he made the people on the battlefield very angry, and there seemed to be a nameless feeling in his heart.

Feng Yao sighed and knew the result of the battle.

To tell the truth, even if the heart toward Daqin, but this war still let him extremely depressed, extremely depressed.

This battle is the biggest defeat in his life, but he didn't let go of it. At most, he didn't stop it in time when he knew something was wrong.

"It's clear that he's a prince with high status. How can he be so talented in leading soldiers to fight? Do you still want others to live?" Fengyao murmured to himself, because the voice on the battlefield was loud, and his position was blowing with the wind, so others did not hear what he was saying, only saw his frown.

Seeing this, the two deputy marshals comforted: "marshal, you can rest assured that we will win this battle."

They both admire Feng Yao. Today's battle plan is all arranged by Feng Yao, and they think they can't do better than Feng Yao.

"This battle is very pending. I have a bad feeling in my heart. You two immediately inform some of the generals to be ready to withdraw at any time." Feng Yao's face is dignified, and his tone is not as serious as before.

If he is too weak, how can he show Qin Jiyan's strength; if he is too weak, how can he convince Xihu.

Therefore, at the critical moment, he is the commander-in-chief who still needs to do some personnel work.

However, Feng Yao admitted that he had done something, but the two deputy commanders didn't think so. Although they didn't have an overwhelming victory at the beginning of the war, they won because of the large number of people. After a long time, they would certainly crush the troops of Daqin. At this time, they are preparing to retreat. Is this what people do?

"Dashai..." Two vice marshals really want to ask fengyao, aren't you stupid?

"Take my advice and make arrangements first." Time should be almost up, that is to show his ingenious calculation, and let Qin Jiyan make a great contribution.

Feng Yao silently praises himself in his heart. In order to balance the credit of both sides, he also works hard.

The two vice marshals looked at each other. Seeing Feng Yao's serious face, they hesitated for a moment and decided to listen to Feng Yao.

Anyway, they are just preparing to leave, not really leaving. If the war goes smoothly, there is no need for them to leave at all.

The Deputy commander-in-chief thought so in his heart, and then he did the same. When he told several generals to do things, he was less anxious, so

The tragedy happened!

When the two sides were fighting hard on the battlefield, Qin Jiyan, who was said to be fast for three days and slow for five days, suddenly appeared with reinforcements!

At the moment when Qin Jiyan appeared, everyone except Feng Yao and King Zhao was confused.

"It's impossible. How can it be?"

"How can we not receive any news of the arrival of 300000 reinforcements?"

"Reinforcements? Doesn't it mean we'll be there in three days? Why are you here at this time? "


When Feng Yao heard what the people said, he couldn't help laughing: what are you talking about on the battlefield? How stupid is that?

Daqin said, reinforcements will arrive in three days. Do you really believe that reinforcements will arrive in three days? How naive are you?

Well, before today, he was naive, who let him not receive the news of reinforcements, so that Qin Jiyan gave him a pit.

It must have been Qin Jiyan's intention to let them go today and give him time to go on his way, so that he could take the army and kill them unprepared.

It has to be said that Feng Yao is really depressed this time, especially when he sees Qin Jiyan sitting on a high horse, rushing ahead and shouting "attack".

He and Qin Jiyan have made a lot of friends, but they have never won a complete victory. This time, they are even more intrigued by him.It's a fire!

"Retreat!" No matter how hot the fire is, fengyao doesn't forget to withdraw. It's just

His orders were issued in time, but the people who carried them out were not in place.

After hearing Feng Yao's command, the two deputy commanders realized what they had done wrong. They rushed to dispatch and arrange the evacuation of the army, but they lost the chance.

"Kill Qin Jiyan with 300000 reinforcements, like a tiger just down the mountain, dashed into the battlefield, instantly scattered the formation of Xihu and the whole army of King Zhao.

"Decapitation of ten people will lead to the rise of one hundred households, decapitation of one hundred people will lead to the rise of one thousand households, and rewards will be given to more than one hundred people." Qin Jiyan's voice was sent out by his internal force and immediately spread on the battlefield.

"Kill, for the sake of military merit, kill, kill, kill!" When the soldiers of Daqin heard this, they were all enthusiastic. They wished that the battlefield was full of Xihu people, or all the people of King Zhao.

Most of the pioneers in the front are cannon fodder without their back. They can fight for military merit. Now the chance of promotion is just around the corner. How can they not fight for it.

"Fight, I fight with them."

"Kill, kill them!"

Even if King Zhao and fengyao gave the order to retreat at the first time, they could not stop the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty.

"Chase, don't let them run away." After fighting for more than a month, this was the first time that the soldiers of Daqin chased the troops of Xihu. It was also the first time that the soldiers of Daqin beat back the siege troops.

Most of the month, most of the month when his highness Qin disappeared, they had to be beaten passively every time. They watched Xihu people rush up again and again, and then they went back. They tried to beat Xihu people back countless times, but

They don't have that force!

Under the strong attack of the Xihu people, they could not even defend their own city. How could they defeat the enemy?

This is the first time that the two sides have pursued each other and beaten each other out.

Excited soldiers, while chasing the Xihu army, while shouting: "his royal highness, Emperor TAISUN, brilliant, thousand years old, thousand years old."

It soon became the common slogan of nearly 400000 troops.

"Your Highness, the emperor's great grandson, is wise and powerful, thousands of years old, thousands of years old."

A sound, resounding through the sky, even if the wind is far away from the king of Zhao, you can hear

This war, Qin Jiyan came too timely, too timely.

Qin Jiyan is famous for this war! , the fastest update of the webnovel!