Pick star is not wrong, she is really unmarried lost innocence, but so what?

She didn't make her conscience uneasy, and she didn't use her body as a weapon to achieve her goal

Midnight dream back, she lay in bed, can sleep at ease, will not regret sad.

Under the sun, she can be proud to say: all her things can be spread in the sun.

As for her relationship with his highness Qin?

That's her business. She's an adult. She's fully responsible for her actions. She knows what she's doing.

Picking up the stars will not hurt Gu Qiancheng, nor will it have any impact. After solving the problem of picking up the stars, Gu Qiancheng takes the man in black and starts to search the picking up Star building.

Seeing that Gu Qiancheng didn't take the words of picking up stars seriously, the people in black breathed a sigh of relief and secretly guessed that the woman named picking up stars was talking nonsense. Otherwise, Miss Gu would not care?

The words of picking up the stars didn't make a ripple. Gu Qiancheng didn't take it seriously, and the people in black couldn't pass it around. When they heard the dog barking, they didn't even ask.

The hall of jiexinglou is not obvious, but it is full of splendor and luxury. The pillars and railings of the corridor are all covered with gold foil. With a knife, you can scrape out a pile of gold powder.

The corridors and bedrooms are not lit by candles, but by night pearls inlaid on the pillars, which are much more than the imperial palace.

"It's really the gold selling cave." Gu Qiancheng was surprised to see that the owner behind the star picking tower was arrogant. He also praised its big background.

Such a place, standing in the capital but not being watched, the owner of the star picking tower is definitely not a simple role.

Gu Qiancheng took people around and got a general idea of the layout of jiexinglou. Then he asked people to search for jiexinglou inch by inch and find out all the suspicious things.

A group of people who had gone in before soon came out carrying boxes of gold, silver and jewelry, as well as a small box of banknotes, the smallest of which was worth 100 Liang.

Gu Qiancheng took a look, did not have what interest to move to open an eye, "continue to search." There's a lot of silver and jewelry, but Gu Qiancheng didn't come here for it today.

The guard in black retreated. After a while, the guard ran over and said excitedly, "girl, I found a secret room. There are some things in it."

Dark Wei vaguely said "things", which shows that these things are very special.

"Go and have a look." Gu Qiancheng motioned to the dark guard to lead the way.

It's not hard to find the secret room of the star picking building. The passage is in the kitchen in the backyard.

Looking at the removed stove, Gu Qiancheng felt that this passage was inexplicably familiar

There is a feeling of playing Tunnel Warfare!

Mercilessly embarrassed, Gu Qiancheng jumps down under the protection of the dark guard.

There were no steps or passages at the entrance of the chamber of secrets. There was only a long rope. Gu Qiancheng wrapped the rope in his sleeve and jumped down with a slight jump.

It's light to the ground, and the palm of her hand is not even broken. Gu Qiancheng has to say that Ziche's training is very effective. In the future, if she wants to have a daughter, she will also send her to training to improve her combat effectiveness.

The secret room is only ten square meters, very empty. There are several wooden boards scattered on the ground, and there is no sign of movement. Dark Wei found here, the first time reported, did not dare to damage the scene.

Gu Qiancheng came forward, picked up the board and looked, "Sketchpad?" Although Gu Qiancheng didn't know how to appreciate calligraphy and painting, he could see a little bit of it from his experience.

"The paintings of the previous dynasties were not famous paintings, but they were expensive." The dark guard beside his highness Qin was very good, "girl, there are still some formed paintings here."

Dark Wei pulls out the picture scroll in the corner and opens it.

The picture scrolls inside have been worn out for a long time. Both the paper and the Scrolls have a strong sense of the times. The above Scrolls have been finished. Looking at them roughly, they really feel like old things.

"Fake ancient paintings?" Gu Qiancheng picked up the scroll, silent sneer: "to check, where their pigment." Do you want to fool her with these pictures? Do you think she is a fool?

Is it that easy to imitate the ancient paintings of the former dynasties?

With such a broken secret room, a few drawing boards and a few old pictures, we can imitate ancient paintings?

Jiexinglou really despises the art of counterfeiting.

Of course, if Gu Qiancheng had not helped the public security organs to crack a huge fraud case, she would not have known how many steps it would take to copy an ancient painting.

Even if the times change, the art of counterfeiting is not as exquisite and complex as the modern, but it is not so childish. Famous paintings and ancient books can not be imitated with just a few sketchboards or scrolls.

Seeing Gu Qiancheng's calm face, dark Wei knew that these things might not be of much use. He was a bit ashamed

They thought that if they found the stereotype, they could find the stereotype of counterfeit banknotes.

The group left the secret room and continued to search. Except for this secret room, the dark guard and the man in black never found anything suspicious. The layout of the star picking tower was simple, and soon it was turned upside down."Nothing."

"Found some paint for painting."

"Found a potion to soak the paper."

"There's a lot of hand carved wood in the house, like for scrolls."

"There are a lot of broken scrolls."

"There's only paint in the house, nothing."

They looked around and found that the Jiexing building was actually a nest for making fake paintings, and there was nothing else.

Although the case was solved, it was totally different from what they expected.

Today, they are not here to catch the fake painting leader

This result is really unacceptable.

Gu Qiancheng saw that people were like eggplants beaten by frost, and comforted him with a sentence: "if you didn't find out the clues, it's not your dereliction of duty, it's because there is nothing to check here."

"But..." Today's action is so big, if there is no harvest, how can they hand over?

"No, but." Gu Qiancheng interrupted coldly: "not every time you pay, you will get something. It's normal that you can't find something. It's strange that you have to get something every time you act."

The way is one foot high, the devil is one foot high. Criminals spend most of their time thinking about how to avoid the punishment of the law and innovate crime patterns It's normal for them to follow the criminal and be taken into the ditch.

"Bring up all the people who pick up the Star Tower." Gu Qiancheng went back to the hall, thinking about the clues she might have missed, or other things.

There is absolutely something wrong with Jiexing building. If there is no problem, the woman named Jiexing will not be so hostile to her.

The star picking building is not like what they found. It's just a place for making fake paintings. The people behind the scenes obviously collude with each other by making fake paintings, and also cover up the real purpose.

She always felt that she had missed something, but she couldn't remember for a moment

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