After solving the problems of those experts, the temple regained its tranquility. Qin Jiyan announced that the ceremony would continue without changing his face. However, the newly rescued ministers not only had no opinions, but also seemed to be beating the blood of a chicken. The more you don't want the ceremony to go on smoothly, the more we have to finish it smoothly.

Although there were many twists and turns, with the concerted efforts of all the people, the ceremony was still successfully completed. Now Qin Jiyan is the emperor of the great Qin Dynasty. It takes a lot of effort for the emperor to abolish him.

At the end of the ceremony, it is said that we still need to go back to the palace to have a banquet and celebrate. But without waiting for the courtiers to transfer their positions, the people in the palace reported that the supreme emperor was assassinated. The assassin was from changshengmen. Fortunately, Gu Qiancheng rescued him bravely, and the supreme emperor was OK.

When the new emperor ascended the throne, not only the grand ceremony was disturbed, but also the supreme emperor met assassins. This was absolutely a provocation to the dignity of the great Qin Dynasty. There was no need for Qin Jiyan to speak. As soon as a group of ministers were angry, they yelled: "holy Lord, this matter must be thoroughly investigated, and those behind the scenes must be severely punished."

"It's hateful to assassinate the emperor and destroy the grand ceremony of the emperor's accession to the throne. The Changsheng sect is arrogant and should be punished." A group of courtiers were very angry, and several hot-blooded generals were eager to raise their sleeves and fight with others.

Qin Jiyan listened to the meaningless shouting of these people and said impatiently, "enough. The emperor is shocked. I want to go back to the palace to visit the emperor. Madam Feng, I'll leave it to you. "

The ceremony was over. Qin Jiyan made no mistake in leaving at this time. Not only was he right, he also brushed off his favor. All the courtiers responded and called for the emperor's filial piety and the blessing of Qin.

also make complaints about adults and general Feng Lao, but these two people are not obvious, but they are all kinds of Tucao.

Emperor filial piety?

Ha ha When the emperor knows, he will vomit blood in anger. However, what happened today was enough for the emperor to vomit blood several times, so he got used to it.

When Qin Jiyan arrived at the palace, the wound of the emperor had been bandaged up. The first sentence that the emperor saw Qin Jiyan was: "Jiyan, kill Gu Qiancheng!"

Qin Jiyan did not stop, came forward and said: "grandfather Huang, it's impossible."

"Even if you don't want to help the emperor with such a small matter?" The emperor was angry and looked at Qin Jiyan with a sinister look on his face.

Qin Jiyan no matter people generally sit next to the collapse of the bed, carrying the bowl from the eunuch, very considerate to the emperor feed soup, "emperor grandfather, you good healing, other things I will deal with."

The emperor did not drink, but looked at Qin Jiyan coldly, "what? Are you blaming me Blame him for messing up the ceremony.

"I There is no loss, how can you blame the emperor's grandfather. " Qin Jiyan specially stressed the word "I" to remind the emperor that he is the emperor now, and the emperor is in the past.

"As expected, if the wings are hard, they will not obey." The emperor's chest heaved violently, so he was very angry.

"Grandfather, I've always been like this, but you can't see it before." Qin Jiyan once again handed the spoon to the emperor and said, "don't worry, grandfather. There is no poison in the soup. No matter how cruel I am, I won't attack my relatives. Whether it's uncle Zhao, uncle Zhou, or even Yunchu, I won't take their lives. " Death is more painful than life.

"Bang..." The emperor was so angry that he knocked over the soup bowl in Qin Jiyan's hand. Qin Jiyan had the ability to protect it, but he didn't. instead, he let the warm soup drench on the quilt.

"Grandfather Huang, if you don't want to drink, you must be. I won't force you." Qin Jiyan stood up, and the eunuch with eyes immediately came forward and handed him a handkerchief.

Qin Jiyan wiped his hand and looked at the emperor calmly. It was the same as every time before. Only in the past, the emperor looked in his eyes. He thought Qin Jiyan was steady. Now he realized that Qin Jiyan didn't care.

"I don't understand you until today." The emperor suddenly felt that he was a failure. He spoiled Qin Jiyan for more than ten years, but found that he did not know his grandson.

"It's normal for grandfather Huang to see me. In grandfather Huang's eyes, I'm just a pet. When you are happy, you praise me. When you feel sorry for my father, you give me something. Usually If I'm hungry or bullied, you never care about me. " Qin Jiyan had never said these words before, because he knew that he could not get any good except to make the emperor unhappy.

What the emperor likes is obedient, clever and grateful to his eldest grandson. Only by doing so can he grow up peacefully and accumulate strength secretly.

"You Are you blaming the emperor for not taking good care of you? " The emperor looked at Qin Jiyan in shock. He couldn't believe that Qin Jiyan said these words.

Is he not good enough to Qin Jiyan these years?

Okay? okay?

Qin Jiyan gave a smile and said calmly: "granddad How many injuries have I suffered since I was five? How many times have you been poisoned? Do you remember? You did kill those who poisoned me and executed those assassins, but grandfather, don't you know that those people will kill me because of their masters behind the scenes, but when did you find out the culprits? "When Qin Jiyan said these words, his face was calm and his tone was flat. It was as if he was talking about other people's affairs. The emperor was angry and angry. "Even if I didn't find out who was behind the scenes, I would protect you and grow up, didn't I? If it had not been for me, you would have died. "

"The emperor's grandfather is right. Without your protection, I can't survive in the harem when I was five years old without my parents' protection. But have you ever thought about the reason why I ended up without my parents?" Even if I told myself again and again that everything had passed, I still couldn't let it go.

The man who died was his own father!

And his own mother, so alive burned in front of him.

Every time he stayed in the East Palace, he couldn't close his eyes. The pictures of his father's tragic death and his mother's burning death flashed through his mind.

The emperor's face was decadent. He opened his mouth but could not make a sound.

The emperor is responsible for the death of the first prince. If not for this, he will not double the favor of Qin Jiyan and will not want to pass the throne to him.

The emperor's guilt did not soften Qin Jiyan's heart. Qin Jiyan continued: "grandfather Huang, I know you have been protecting me all these years. Compared with Yunchu, you are really very kind to me. But If my father and wife were still alive, and I was poisoned and nearly died, would they only deal with a few little maids instead of looking for the murderer behind the scenes? Will they ignore the hard facts and evidence and let them go just because the murderer behind the scenes cried and said that she didn't do it? "

The emperor has too many sons and grandsons. He is the emperor's favorite grandson, but not the only one , the fastest update of the webnovel!