Gu Qiancheng also paid attention to the issue of grain because of the situation in the south of the Yangtze River. He knew that there was no shortage of grain in the Qin Dynasty. At least, the price of grain in the market did not rise because the south of the Yangtze River was flooded, and there was no case that he could not buy grain.

The great Qin Dynasty was always rich and had enough food. The lack of food in Qin Jiyan refers to the lack of food in the imperial court. The reason why the imperial court did not buy grain from the grain merchants was that it was afraid that the news of the lack of grain would be leaked and the people would panic.

Gu Qiancheng said that he wanted to solve the problem of food shortage for Qin Jiyan. Of course, it was also the grain in the hands of grain merchants. She is a human being, not a God, and it is impossible for her to produce food for Qin Jiyan.

However, during the cautious period, Gu Qiancheng still asked, and got a definite answer from Qin Jiyan. Knowing that there was a large amount of grain in the hands of grain merchants, Gu Qiancheng showed a brilliant smile and said confidently: "as long as we have grain in the Qin Dynasty, things will be easy to do."

"What can I do?" With Gu Qiancheng's words, Qin Jiyan knew that things would definitely be solved. His worries disappeared instantly. He looked at Gu Qiancheng with great interest, waiting for Gu Qiancheng's answer.

"It's very simple. Emperor, you just need to say that the imperial court is going to war on Xihu. Because of the urgency and speed of the war, the imperial court may not be able to deliver grain in time and decide to accept the grain from the folk merchants. Let the interested big businesses go to the government for the record, and then write down the grade, quantity and price of the grain they can provide, and how many days they can deliver it to Xihu. "

"Of course, the imperial court can't choose anyone. The imperial court will choose the merchants with the best price, delivery time and integrity. After the grain was delivered, it was signed by the northwest military officials, sealed and verified by both sides, and the merchants came to the Beijing household department to collect the silver with this keepsake. In order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the merchants, the emperor can also say that this is the first time that the imperial court has cooperated with private merchants. In the future, it will often cooperate with private merchants, not limited to grain. " Since ancient times, businessmen had a low status. If they could get involved with the imperial court, many businessmen would be willing to lose money.

Of course, businessmen are heavy on profits, and they will lose once. It is impossible for them to lose all the time.

"Qiancheng, you are very good." As soon as Gu Qiancheng said the first sentence, Qin Jiyan knew that this method was excellent. When Gu Qiancheng finished, Qin Jiyan's eyes were bright.

They also buy grain from the grain merchants. The initiative is in the hands of the grain merchants. They can do it according to Gu Qiancheng's method. The initiative is in their hands, and even they can save the loss all the way.

We need to know that the delivery of food requires a large number of soldiers to escort, and the loss on the way is a huge amount. These figures are not only the food for soldiers along the way, but also the corruption of officials.

Although the food consumption of soldiers along the way can be calculated, there is a huge floating space, which can be coveted. In addition, shoddy, take old grain for new grain things also happen from time to time. It is an unwritten rule in the army to sell grain and grass in private. No matter who is going to escort the food and grass, someone will do so, even if they can't prevent it.

According to Gu Qiancheng, if we directly let merchants deliver grain, we can not only let more people find jobs, but also reduce unnecessary losses.

You know, businessmen have to find people to deliver food. At this time, the strong and strong people can find something to do.

With a solution, Qin Jiyan did not delay. He let go of Gu Qiancheng and immediately got up and said, "Qiancheng, I'll call the Lord to discuss business with them."

"It's so late, can't you say it tomorrow?" Even if Qin Jiyan is not tired, the civil servants of Feng Shoufu must be tired.

"Well, I'll see them tomorrow." Qin Jiyan found that he was really in a hurry, and immediately introspection and review.

"That's right. Rest when it's time to rest and work when it's time to work. And you should let them worry about it, or they won't think about it next time they encounter something similar. They will wait for you to think of a way. " Gu Qiancheng took Qin Jiyan and sat down, his head leaning on Qin Jiyan's shoulder, "emperor, don't let yourself too tired." If the emperor is too capable, the officials under him will relax, and the vicious circle will occur. By then, Qin Ji will be dead tired.

"All right, it's up to you." Qin Jiyan takes Gu Qiancheng's hand and smiles gently

Qin Jiyan is in a good mood after the problem is solved. Although he can't talk to Gu Qiancheng, he is still very satisfied that he can hold the beauty to sleep.

A good night's dream. The next day, Qin Jiyan appeared in the main hall with a fresh look. On the contrary, Feng Shoufu's looks were dispirited, his face was blue, his eyes were red, and he knew that he didn't sleep well.

Hum Qin Jiyan glanced, then sat down haughtily with a cold hum, waiting for the courtiers to kneel down.

Qin Jiyan was attacked in Taiyuan yesterday, which is well known in the whole dynasty. Last night, the royal guards arrested people everywhere, and the well-informed people have heard the news. So this morning, the Manchurian ministers were all trembling, and they did not dare to breathe. Those officials whose families were taken away by the royal guards were as white as paper, and they looked panicked and ready to fall at any time.

The main hall is very quiet. Today, the eunuch didn't shout. If you have something to play, you have nothing to retreat. After the courtiers got up, Qin Jiyan threw a bunch of folds in front of all the courtiers. "I'm so kind to you that I'm so bold that I dare to count my life.""Plop..." The ministers who had just stood up knelt down again: "the emperor calmed down, and the ministers were terrified."

"Fear? Hum... " Qin Jiyan sneered, "Feng Shoufu, you all have a look Look at what my subjects and your family's children have done? "

"Yes." Feng Shoufu came forward, picked up the fold and looked at it carefully

Don't be afraid of ghosts. Feng Shoufu is very clear about his family's affairs. If there is an old man in charge, the people next to Feng's family will never betray the emperor.

After reading one, Feng Shoufu handed one to the people behind him. After reading dozens of copies, none of them had anything to do with Feng's family. The seal is not obvious on the surface, but I am very satisfied at the bottom of my heart.

They have a good family tradition. As for the families mentioned in the fold?

Feng Shoufu silently wrote down the names of these people and crossed them off the list of "friends" in his heart.

It is conceivable that this family can raise descendants who betray the emperor and collude with the king of Zhou and the son of King Rong. It's better not to make friends with such people.

Many of them have the same idea as Feng Shoufu. They have been officials for decades, and they are very clear that these families are abandoned. Even if the emperor is merciful and doesn't care about their family, and doesn't pursue the responsibility of the family behind these people, the children of the family can't be reused.

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