Qin Jiyan set the date of leaving Beijing three days later, which means he has to arrange everything in these three days.

The next day was the day when King Rong Shizi and King Zhou were taken to Beijing. They were brought to Beijing for the crime of conspiracy to assassinate the emperor. Qin Jiyan didn't give them face and asked them to go to Beijing by prison car according to the rules.

As for the family members of the king of Zhou, Qin Jiyan did not embarrass them and let them sit in the carriage. However, it was not a luxury carriage for two or three people, but a carriage for seven or eight people, and the arrangement in the carriage was also very simple.

Prisoners should stay where they should be and live their lives. They are too kind to them. They all think that the emperor does not dare to do anything to them.

The people in the capital always like to join in the fun. When they encounter such things, they will not miss it. When they see the emperor Rongwang Shizi and the king Zhouwang in the prison car, the people in the capital have a lot of discussions.

"That's Prince Rong? I saw it outside Fu'an restaurant a few years ago. How can I see it different from what I saw a few years ago? "

"I look a little different. This prince Rong looks like the head of the prison. It's really scary."

"Look at his eyes Ouch, it's not so frightening. I wouldn't dare to see it if I wasn't locked up in a prison car. "

"Xiang was born in his heart. Wang Shizi of Rong wanted to kill the emperor and rebel every day. He had a lot of things in his mind, but his mind was heavy. How could it not change."


There are ordinary people, as well as ordinary official disciples and students watching. When they see the emperor Rong Shizi and King Zhou who were escorted to Beijing, they are more moved.

"The king of Zhou and the prince of Rong are defeated. I'm afraid there will be no good end."

"Even if they don't come to a good end, they are also Royal. The emperor has always been kind. For the sake of the same ancestors, he will let them live together. You see, the Emperor didn't kill the rebellious King Zhao before. He just banned him and kept him good. "

"The worst thing is their followers. The emperor will not let them go. How many people have been killed in the vegetable market some time ago, even the nephew of the Empress Dowager has been killed. I don't know how many people will be killed this time. Our emperor is not a soft hearted person. He doesn't blink at killing people. " There is a crazy life, regardless of the occasion said.

The people around him were startled. Some of them were close to him. They bowed their heads and said, "these words are also what you can say. Be careful not to let others pass them on. You can feel it."

And those who are not close to him just stand up and say, "let's go, let's go somewhere else."

"Well In this world, people don't tell the truth. Can the emperor imprison his own grandfather? Can't we even say that? " Kuangsheng didn't know what he had done wrong. He was still complaining that the emperor was fatuous, the political situation was unclear, and the treacherous officials were in charge. He was not able to win the election and enter the officialdom, and even now he didn't have the freedom to speak.

Kindly remind his scholar, heard this almost scared to pee pants, ran out.

"There are a lot of people who don't know the greatness of heaven and earth." Feng Sijin and the Chief Constable of liumenmen are sitting in the lobby. They are supposed to guard against the king of Zhou and the son of Rongwang. But they don't want to hear the crazy words of ignorance. They can't help shaking their heads.

"Such a person is lack of a lesson. If he thinks he knows two words, he thinks Lao Tzu is the best in the world." The Chief Constable of liumenmen is Qin Jiyan's confidant. When he heard that someone was arranging Qin Jiyan in public, he almost killed him with a knife.

Fortunately, his reason still exists. Knowing that it's not good to kill people in public, he made a sign to the six door captor in the dark, asking them to come forward to lead people. But in the middle of the sign, Feng Sijin held him down. "Don't act rashly. This man's behavior is suspicious. Most likely, he deliberately led us to show up."

"Lord Feng is right." The chief constable did not despise Feng Sijin and ignore his opinions just because he was not as senior as him. On the contrary, the chief constable attached great importance to Feng Sijin's opinions and listened to his words.

When the official didn't show up, ordinary people wouldn't come forward to argue with kuangsheng. Kuangsheng was even more confident. He picked up the chopsticks on the table and knocked on the dishes on the table.

"The emperor is fatuous and imprisons his own grandfather. Forced uncle no way to live, had to revolt, and finally pretended not to kill them, put them in a circle. But in fact, I keep them as pigs and dogs. I haven't seen anyone as hypocritical as the saint today since I was so old. "

"I'm a great country, handed down for thousands of years, but now I'm in charge of treacherous officials, weak monarchs, constant civil strife and constant foreign wars. The great Qin Dynasty is in danger. The great Qin Dynasty is in danger. "

Crazy life called and sang, and the voice almost spread to the outside. The people outside the shop heard his arrogant words and looked at him with the eyes of a fool.

In order to clarify the suspicion, people outside the restaurant retreated one after another, while the guests in the restaurant left silver one after another. They did not want the shopkeeper to look for silver, and they ran fast.

Knowing what happened outside, the shopkeeper quickly came out to persuade kuangsheng. However, kuangsheng was not a person who listened to the advice. With a little push, he pushed the shopkeeper away and said, "a dog of a feather, a mob! Shame, shame"It's practice." The Chief Constable of liumenmen and Feng Sijin are the only ones who haven't left. Seeing the action of crazy life, the chief constable's eyes flash with a touch of light.

Sure enough, it's not easy. He just said that ordinary people have no brains and know what to say and what not to say.

In such a big restaurant, there are only the chief constable and Feng Sijin. There are still people at the table. The goal is very obvious. Kuangsheng pushes aside the shopkeeper, carries a wine pot, and staggers towards them.

The chief constable turned his back to kuangsheng. He wanted to start, but he was held down by Feng Sijin again. "Don't worry."

Kuangsheng seems to be crazy, but his speed is not slow. But in a flash, kuangsheng is only five steps away from Feng Sijin and the chief constable.

"Two brothers..." Crazy born hit a wine burp, step a meal, carry the hand of wine pot a turn, a silver light flash.

"Get out of the way!" Feng Sijin's reaction was very quick. He raised his hand and smashed the teapot on the table to the other side. At the same time, he got up and stepped back.

The chief constable is a practitioner. He moves faster. He not only avoids his seat for the first time, but also sets up his stool to fight against kuangsheng.

"Pa..." The dagger stabbed into the wooden stool, and the tip of the dagger fell into it. You can see the ferocity of kuangsheng's force. If this knife stabs at a person, I'm afraid it will cost half my life if I don't die.

Crazy life hit not, no matter into the bench dagger, looked up to Feng Sijin, "Feng Sijin? How old and how young are you

"Yes." The people of the dark guard of Feng family have already stood in front of Feng Sijin, who doesn't pay attention to this little crazy life.

"Very good. You're the one." When kuangsheng's eyes brightened, he whistled.

the whistle was not loud, but there was a special frequency. Feng Sijin knew that this kind of whistle could be heard by people 100 meters away.

Sure enough, not long after kuangsheng whistled, dozens of big men sprang out of the crowd, and several people ran out of the Inn and teahouse opposite. Qi Qi ran to their restaurant.

Feng Sijin took a look at the prison car coming towards them and frowned: "are you aiming at me?"

How can he be so beautiful? The people of King Zhou and King Rong used their last strength on him. It's really It's a great honor.

"The son of Feng Shoufu, the eldest son of Feng family, and a close Minister of the emperor who is deeply trusted by the emperor, who else is worthy of our hand besides you?" Crazy life ferocious smile, look at Feng Sijin's eyes, just like looking at the lamb slaughtered.

"I don't understand. What's the use of killing me?" If you really want to assassinate him, it's also to kill the emperor. What's the use of killing him besides making the Feng family more dissatisfied with the king of Zhou?

"Who says we're going to kill you? We're going to catch you alive. There are two chief assistants in Fengjia, whose students are all over the world. It can be said that it is not too much to be powerful. You are the successor of Fengjia. You are going to fall into our hands. What price will Fengjia pay for you? " The living are more valuable than the dead. What's the use of Feng Sijin?

"In my grandfather's and father's heart, there is only Daqin. It's useless for you to arrest me. We will not do anything harmful to Daqin's interests for our own interests." This is the foundation that Fengjia can be handed down from generation to generation.

No matter who is the emperor, no matter who is in power, no matter how important the family is, the family will not betray Daqin.

"If it's any use, I'll catch you." Kuangsheng looks at the person behind him. Seeing that the person is coming, he waves his hand and signals the person behind him to come forward. "Capture Feng Sijin alive, let alone kill other personalities."

"Yes A group of strong men who did not show any signs in the crowd showed their fierce and ferocious faces one after another. They took out the big knife hidden in their clothes and cut it off towards Feng Sijin.

The Chief Constable of liumenmen came forward to take it. As soon as he fought, he found that the comers were not good. They were not opponents of each other. He turned around and asked, "Lord Feng, the strength of the other side is not weak. We have to call someone to come."

Feng Sijin didn't let him call people, and he didn't dare to make decisions without authorization. In terms of intelligence and prudence, ten of them are not as good as Feng Sijin. The emperor also said that he should listen to Feng Sijin more outside.

"Don't wait for the van to enter the palace." Although kuangsheng kept saying that he would be captured alive, Feng Sijin couldn't believe what he said.

Who can guarantee that this is not an attack from the east?

These crazy students deliberately attack him, so that he can attract people hiding in the dark, and then another wave of people will take the opportunity to rob the prison car.

"All right. Take care of yourself, Mr. Feng. " The chief constable couldn't help it, so he had to bite his teeth to support it, but he was not a helper. At least some of the constables who were ambushing in the inn were recruited by him.

In this way, the gap between the two sides is not very big, at least a dozen possible. Besides, they are not without backers. This is their territory. It's a dream for these crazy people to take advantage of them

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