"Ye Liangchen is the top of the new split sky list!" Just saw the rain battlefield jiedan, a man defeated the three people, such as tosano Cheng, they can also exclaim and scream. Just when they saw Chu Mo Li's hand picking up the artifact "Zhentian arrow", they could still take a breath. But at this moment, in the whole Feilong City, up and down the stands, there is only a silent silence. Gudong! After a long time, someone swallowed, "it's me... Did I hear you wrong? Just... Was that an illusion? After the nihility list, ye Liangchen... He slaughtered the split sky list again?! That... Represents the split sky list with powerful and powerful spirit power, which can only be passed by relying on solid fighting? "“ no I, if I don't have amnesia, I've left the list of nothingness slaughtered by Ye Dashen. It seems that it's less than an hour since then Everyone in the stands looked at each other and saw the horror in each other's eyes. Oh, my God! Two hours, two tables. What's the concept?! Who can do it? No one can do it well“ Gudong Several people couldn't help swallowing their saliva, "so, what is the sacred God of Ye?"?! Is Ye Dashen really a great power in the period of emergence? "“ Stop dreaming, OK! Dragon six represents the strength and talent of young friars. Only friars under the age of 30 who have not broken through the yuan infant period can participate. What's more, which great power have you ever seen that can break through the period of emergence before the age of 30? " In Feilong City, it's completely fried. They even forgot to ridicule Fusang for a moment. Some people were frightened and said: "Ye... Ye Dashen is not going to kill all the six lists, is he?"“ No, no, no, it's impossible! To be able to slaughter two lists in one day, ye Dashen is now absolutely at the limit. If we can continue to slaughter the qianjunbang, is it still human? "“ That's right, so we have to hear about the change of owners of the thousand average list. I'm afraid it will be tomorrow morning. " Some members of the Kirin team were not satisfied. "Duan Dashen's strength is second only to that of elder martial brother Chu of the Kirin team. How can you be so sure that qianjunbang..." before he finished, he was mercilessly interrupted“ Hehe, brother, we are tired of hearing such words, and we are tired of being beaten in the face. There is no doubt that ye Dashen is the strongest in this feast. "“ That's Dragon six! Since the founding of Longteng college, no one has ever been able to occupy the top of the six lists! Are we going to witness history There was a lot of discussion in the stands, all around ye Liangchen and Liu Bang. Only a small number of indignant nuns laughed and mocked Fusang team. And this kind of disregard, or for a woman to ignore them, said to Liu Gu Yi, simply be spit on, abuse let him more unbearable. Liu Gu gritted his teeth and said, "shut up! shut up! shut up! Ye Liangchen's ability only shows that he is not a woman at all, but a resounding man It's OK that he didn't roar. As soon as he roared, he immediately focused the audience's attention on him“ Ha ha ha, did Liu Guyi forget that who just yelled that ye Liangchen could only slaughter the auxiliary list, and he would never touch the split sky and Qianjun two lists? "