Leng Yuexia's face was gloomy for a moment. Divine musician level 7!! How old is this cheap talent? How long has it been since he ascended from the martial arts training continent to the cultivation continent? He has even ascended to the seventh level of the divine musician?! Moreover, her music, even his Xuanxian's authority can be easily resolved【 Star field] has reached the third level! Her own field has just entered the fourth level! Leng Yuxia's heart is filled with unspeakable panic. This bitch, if you give her a little more time to grow up, the consequences are unimaginable. Leng Yuexia's eyes swept the demon Qin, and a trace of greed surged up from her eyes. At the beginning, when she said coldly that she couldn't get the demon Qin in junmuyan's hand, she didn't pay attention to it. Probably because she knew that the major sects in Xiuxian mainland pursued and killed Shenle sect. Only Baili Yinluo drags his half dead body to escape from the land of cultivating truth and practicing martial arts. In the meantime, she may not want to let them take advantage, so she disassembled the heavenly magic organ one by one. The most important parts are discarded at will. When it came to the martial arts mainland, the magic harp almost became a scrap that day. This also made the strength of Baili Yinluo drop greatly. As soon as he escaped to the martial arts mainland, he was directly killed. However, how can they think that this slut has left a backhand. He inherited the heavenly magic organ and the divine musician in the martial arts performing mainland. But even if it is passed on by the divine musician, without the powerful Tianmo Qin, its strength can not be improved at all. But now, junmuyan's divine musician skill has been upgraded to level 7. That means that the demon organ has been at least half repaired. If Leng Yuexia can get such a demonic zither and the inheritance of the divine musician, the cold contempt on Leng Yuexia's face will be gradually replaced by excitement and excitement. She said in a deep voice, "I'll give you another chance to hand over the demonic zither and the inheritance of the divine musician. I can just scrap your cultivation and spare your life." During Leng Yuexia's observation and speaking, Muyan never stopped playing the piano. Hearing this, she said with a sneer, "do you people in Xiuxian land like to talk nonsense? In addition, he is very poor. He always likes to ask for things from others. He also has the virtue that you must give him“ Oh, who gave you faces? Oh, no, I don't think you have such a thing as cheekiness? " Leng Yuexia's face suddenly became cold and angry. "It's your honor that this palace wants your things. Just a friar of golden elixir dares to be presumptuous in front of our palace. As long as our palace... "OK, I'm tired of listening to such cruel words!" Muyan mercilessly interrupted her, "if you want to fight, fight or roll."“ If you want what I have, you can step on my body. Of course, the premise is that when I die, these things are still intact! " The last note is over. In her hand, the heavenly magic organ suddenly turned into a seven Jue sword. Under the rain curtain as like as two peas in the same shape, Leng Yuexia held the seven swords, surrounded him in seven, and suddenly attacked. The whole body trembled with the cold moon. Extreme anger, so that she even forgot to shield the rain, so that their hair and clothes are a bit wet. How did she not expect that a small golden elixir, in the face of her mysterious fairy, showed not fear, caution, but such unbridled arrogance!