Bai Ziliang's face suddenly raised his anger. "So, do you admit that you connive at the murderers of your subordinates and hurt the people in changshenggu, and you also humiliate an innocent girl to death?" All of a sudden, the noisy Beisheng square quieted down again. Someone suddenly realized. Even if these things are not directed by Ye Liangchen, the actions of Liangchen's army have indeed been completely destroyed. The old man who had just beaten he Jinwen woke up. All of a sudden, he rushed to Mu Yan crying and screamed, "you return my daughter... Return my daughter!! My daughter worships you so much and talks about ye Dashen in front of me all day, but... What did you bring to her? It's a disaster of topping! You give me my daughter back! " The old man's face was full of anger and despair. He cried hysterically and wanted to drag Muyan into hell together. Just face Dong Yulong arrogant and free and easy girl, but at this time a face calm, not dodge. However, when the old man was about to pounce on Mu Yan. But Chu Tianyou suddenly rushed over and stood in front of Mu Yan. The old man's sharp nails made a cut in his face. Physical damage in Tianguang market will not be reflected in the body. But the spirit will really feel the pain. However, Chu Tianyou's face was exposed and his eyes were half blind, but he didn't even frown. Mu Yan's brow jumped fiercely for a while, hurriedly stepped forward, "you --!" Chu Tianyou toward her smile, "nothing, this pain, for me is nothing." Mu Yan opened her mouth to talk. But Chu Tianyou interrupted, "Miss, let me deal with this matter. You promised to give me a chance to prove my worth, didn't you? " Thunder clouds roll over the memorial square. Because the old man's wounding behavior has violated the iron law of Tianguang market. Thunder is coming down. Mu Yan Mou Guang a coagulation, the God knows the cage to cover the old man. Once ray is robbed, it's no longer the old man, but her. However, to Muyan's surprise, when her divine sense was involved with the old man, she was ready to bear the thunder. The cloud in the sky disappeared in a flash. Mu Yan couldn't help but wonder in her heart: "Xiaotian?" What's going on? She remembers Xiaotian saying that even he could not violate the rules of Tianguang market. At most, we can catch small loopholes within the scope of rules and give her a little convenience. "Xiao Tian's voice came from his ear," it's the master's order! The master said that ye Liangchen should be given the same defense authority as his master, that is, the highest level of defense authority. All attacks of tianguangxu can't be carried out on the primary host you. Hee hee, the master told me that I didn't break the rules Mu Yan Zheng Zheng, "Xiao Tian, who is your master?" Why give her such a high defense authority“ Primary host, Xiaotian can't say! " Just at this time, Chu Tianyou's wound had healed and he came to the old man's side. Mu Yan had to suppress the doubts in her heart“ I'm sorry for the bad management of Liangchen army, which has brought disaster to you and your daughter. However, the urgent task now is to find out the real murderer behind the scenes, so that your daughter's spirit in heaven can close her eyes. " Chu Tianyou's voice was calm and low, but sonorous and powerful. Word by word, hit the old man, and all the people present in the heart.