All blame seven Huang this unreliable misleading oneself. Freezing? Mu Yan thought suddenly. If it's too cold, generally speaking, it's better to bake? Ordinary fire is not good, but if this world's most rigid to strong Jinwu fire essence? When I think of it, I will summon Jinwu in the space. Originally, pets entering Tianguang market need special jade keys or liuhunding. However, as today's Guangxu changed, Muyan had half of the control of tianguangxu. So it was easy to drag the fire spirit in. However, as soon as a one eyed fire spirit comes up, he is scared out of his wits by the strong resentment and evil spirit in a BITA, and his head shrinks back into space. No matter how Muyan summoned, he would not come out. In the space of Tianmo Qin, Xiaobao leads a group of little guys, looking down at the fire spirit who refuses to work. His face showed a sneer: "are you really not going to help your mother?" The fire spirit shows an aggrieved eye, and the round head shakes like a rattle? Then the next moment, they were surrounded and beaten by the little guys“ Sobbing, sobbing Xiao Bao put his hands around his chest and looked at the pitiful fire spirit crying. His voice was cold: "since you don't help your mother, it means you don't have the value of existence. Rabbit, just swallow it! If you swallow it, you can upgrade. " Fat rabbit a pair of mung bean eyes flashing, and then a mouth, directly swallow the fire essence“ Ouch, ouch, ouch --! " There was a strange scream. Fat rabbit's body from the fierce struggle and impact, let it furry body left concave right convex, describe terror. But the fat rabbit seems to have no sense of general, even wriggling three mouth, it seems to be in great interest of chewing. Until the scream inside became weaker and weaker. Xiaobao said: "rabbit, let it out." Fat rabbit: "bah It's terrible! The beautiful fireball, which was energetic and shining before, was crawling on the ground, covered with the liquid of suspected saliva, and curled up into a group of crying. Xiaobao: "are you willing to listen to your mother's instructions?" Jinwu nodded wildly. Woo woo, it will never be eaten again. What kind of monster is that fat rabbit! Even the golden black fire spirit can swallow it. And just in the belly of the fat rabbit, it really felt that it was about to be digested. It's terrible! It's terrible! Is it willing to do anything as long as it's not eaten? Jinwu looked up secretly. I saw the fat rabbit who had just swallowed it ferociously. At this time, he was arching his hairy body, rubbing and rubbing in the arms of the little master. How stupid it is, how stupid it is, how harmless it is. Feel the sight of Jinwu. Fat rabbit suddenly turned back, cold mung bean eyes looked over, cold light flashing. Woo! Jin Wu shrinks his head and hides his one eye. Then deftly dry the sticky saliva with flame, jump out of the space to help Muyan. Back over the body, but still hate teeth itch. If you think about it, where is it? It's not the existence that others fear and respect. But now I'm forced to sign a master servant contract with someone, and I can't even use one tenth of the power of Jinwu fire in this magic Qin space. Otherwise, how can you be bullied by that fat rabbit? Hum! One day, it will make the dead rabbit look good. While swearing in his heart, Jin Wu turned his back and secretly spat out a piece of [Zhu Yu].