If the same is dead! Why don't they just die. At least we can't disgrace the name of xiaoyaomen. Lu Xingyuan takes a look at Luo Yunxiao. See his eyes blood and tears, despair pain to the collapse of the appearance, holding the wooden fish's hand tight. But soon he hardened his heart and went to the xiaoyaomen. As it approached, the percussion of the wooden fish sounded again and again. Every time you knock, you can shatter the sound wall that Moyan weaves. Her front clothes were soaked with blood. The fingers on the heavenly magic organ are full of holes, dripping with blood“ Mother! Mother! Let me go out and help you! "“ Mother, don't lock me in! "“ Mother, please --! " Xiao Bao's shrill cry rang in his ears again and again. Mu Yan turned a deaf ear. Her spiritual power was consumed by 7788 in the battle with Shi Boyong and Guan Santong. Now it can support Lu Xingyuan's casual attacks. It's overdrawn every inch of her life, overdrawn every inch of her soul. But at this moment, she can't care about anything. The same is true of all the people in xiaoyaomen. They don't want to die! But they will never allow people to torture the little martial uncle to death before their eyes“ Xiaobao, mother's next words, you must listen carefully... "In Xiaobao's heartbreaking cry, Muyan exhausted the last bit of strength to pass his voice in a little bit“ Xiaobao, do you remember what your mother said? "“ Also, ward off evil spirits, fat rabbit, ball, golden black, yellow, do you hear me“ Do remember“ Please guard Xiaobao for me. " Next, what did Xiaobao say? What did they reply to. Mu Yan couldn't hear clearly any more. She had no choice but to gamble recklessly. If we win, we will have a chance. Lose, then xiaoyaomen live and die together! But before she dies, she must at least arrange Xiaobao's way back. Emperor Ming Jue, if only you were by my side now... Dong -! Another sound of wooden fish percussion, accompanied by a strong air wave impact. Mu Yan suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, burning heart. Blood stained fingers are so cold, numb, as if they no longer belong to her. But it's not enough! The time has not come yet! She had to hold on a little longer, a little longer. She will fight for the last chance for“ Damn it! I cut off you bald ass! " Leng Yumo suddenly clenched his teeth, and the red lotus soul grabbing sword suddenly raised, and his body soared up“ Fourth elder martial sister, don't Mu Yan sent out a heartrending cry, injured fingers desperately pluck strings. The phantom also summons the seven Juezi sword to stop Leng Yumo's action. But it's still a little late! Leng Yumo rushes out of the area covered by the sound wall. The red lotus soul grabbing sword turns into a towering flame and cuts it toward the landing line. Her face is indomitable, no retreat, no fear. Didn't she know it was a dead end to rush out like this? Of course I know! But how can she look at the humble and bloody prayer of the little martial uncle, and see the little martial sister in order to protect everyone, so recklessly overdraw her soul yuan? She knows that the younger martial sister wants to wait for that opportunity! But she is a senior sister! How can you let the younger martial sister spare her life to protect her again and again, but enjoy it with peace of mind?