Too... Too cruel! Let the emperor of tangtangjiyu join us! When I heard this in the broken temple, I thought it was just a joke. Now look at the expression of xiaoyaomen people, this is very serious! Compared with the previous conditions of the devil, xiaoyaomen is really cruel! Emperor Ming Jue looks at Mu Yan's cunning smile, and he just wants to bully her in his arms. He stretched out his fingertips and gently scratched Mu Yan's palm. His voice was slightly hoarse and said, "of course I agree. So when can I join you? " Cold night wipe forehead cold sweat, want to remind oneself gentleman very much: polar region also wants face! Is it not a joke for the whole Xiuxian continent? But... But he didn't dare! If you don't go to the Xiaoyao gate and miss you won't marry, the little shadow will not let him go. At that time, he will die a hundred times more miserable than Wen Zhe. Until then, the look on Jun Jitian's face was better. For the Emperor Ming Jue is willing to spoil the baby daughter unconditionally, even the emperor of the most important region doesn't care about entering the superfluous, Jun Zaitian is very satisfied“ Now, I have one last condition. " Junjitian's voice softened: "your wedding will be two years later. Yan Yan finally returned to the demons. I want to keep her around for a few more years. " This requirement can be said to be reasonable. Just now, so many unequal treaties have been agreed, which requires that the monarch of the polar region will not oppose? That's what everyone thinks. However, their ears soon heard the cold voice of emperor mingjue: "no, I want to marry Yanyan right away... Or enter the Xiaoyao gate, whatever! Anyway, I want to! The moment! Yes! Kiss What if Mu Yan thinks of the past when they first met and refuses to marry him? Night long dream, or marry home early, good morning As a result, the conversation between Weng and his son-in-law broke up in unhappiness. The onlookers were all at a loss. When it rains, they can't help laughing“ Ha ha ha... I haven't seen tutor Mo so naive yet... "Although he was cold in the whole process, he seemed to be aloof and proud. But what he said was that he played tricks and didn't give up until he reached his goal. The demon lord killed the sky and almost didn't get angry. Directly threatened to find a few more Huangfu for Muyan“ Hahaha, sixth elder martial sister, do you think master Mo will tear down the whole demon clan if he really finds more men for you? " After all, master Mo is jealous. That's an undifferentiated attack. Even the people in their xiaoyaomen have been shot. Mu Yan nodded his head with a smile and pressed his temple with a headache. It's the key. She's not in charge. No matter which side she favors, the other will be furious“ Forget it. Leave them alone. Elder martial brother, have you ever thought about where our Xiaoyao sect's address is? " Yun Ruohan gathered a smile and said, "what do you think, younger martial sister?" Mu Yan hands a Yang, void appeared a map. She drew a red circle in a certain place with her divine sense and said slowly, "what do you think of this place, elder martial brother?" Yun Ruohan was stunned. "If I remember correctly, this seems to be the ancient battlefield at the junction of the polar region and the netherworld, and it's just above the abyss."