Chapter 396 - Freeing the prisoners

There's only one way to go inside the huge building. He couldn't go underground as he found that the building was embedded hundred meters under the ground and it was protected with thick metals to prevent the people that were imprisoned inside from escaping.

Two guards were standing beside the door and some of the guards were patrolling around the building. It was tightly guarded.

"I need to make this real quick..."

Souta muttered while hiding in the shadows observing the guards. He turned his head and looked at the other small prisons. He silently casted the [Shadow Bind] spell and created black tentacles.

He waited for a while. When the guards looked away he controlled the tentacles to destroys the cells and quickly canceled the spell.


The guards quickly noticed it and they immediately locked the entire cell in just a few minutes. While they were busy, Souta knocked down the guards who were guarding the huge building.

Before he entered the building, Souta used his [Shadow Bind] once again to destroy some of the cells. The guards didn't even realize what happened when the prisoners escaped their cells. Everything was too fast and they didn't have a time to investigate how the prisoners escaped.

"How did this happen?!"

"How could they escaped!?"

"Damn! Capture them!!"

"Well, punish them for trying to escape!!"

Souta went to the door of the huge building. He tried to push the door but it didn't budge at all. He knocked his knuckle on it and heard a metallic sound.

Judging from the sound, the door was one foot thick of pure strong metal so people at D-rank level wouldn't be able to escape this place. Even C-rank would have a hard time breaking this door.

But not him...

Souta raised his hand and his hand pierced the one-foot thick door. He simply crushed the door with brute strength.

He stepped inside the door and saw a group of seven guards was looking at him while brandishing their weapons.

The seven guards were trembling. They just saw him crushed a thick metal door easily. How did he do that? Just what sort of strength does he have?


Souta looked at them as he raised his palm and five strings of thread flew out of his fingers.



"They are C-rank but not that much... Also, their equipment is just colorless grade."

He said as he glanced at their body. He then continued to walk. C-ranks were pretty rare back in that sub-world. They were already regarded as powerful people and were called Knight Level.

At the end of the hallway, Souta found a two paths. One on the left and one on the right. The left path was leading upstairs and the right path was leading underground.

If there were hiding something or detaining strong people, then they would imprison those people underground. So Souta went to the right path.

As soon as he got down, a bell rung throughout the whole building. It was a warning. A warning to prepare the guards of the building about the intruder.


The Third Warden already received the notice about what's happening in his catastrophe rank prison. The normal prisoners were breaking free one by one. It wasn't a problem as the guards could handle those prisoners. There were more than twenty thousand guards that were stationed in that prison so he didn't worry about it.

Even if all thirty thousand prisoners got freed on the normal jails, the guards could handle them.

"Hmm...? No one could easily break through that building... It seems that General Asimon and Albert are right."

The Third Warden looked at his subordinates and said, "Go notify the generals about this. I'll go there just in case something happened. If the prisoners in that place got out then it's definitely going to be a problem."


On the underground of the main building, Souta just finished dealing with countless guards that kept rushing at him. All of them have the power level of C-rank.

'This forces could already overwhelm the Gyunar Republic.' Saya said in his head.

Souta couldn't help but agree with her. He looked around him and found that each cell of this prison was covered in thick metals. He couldn't even see any of the prisoners because of it.

There's not even a window. Only words were posted at the door of the cells.

He leaned forward and tried to read the words written on it but he couldn't because it was written in a different language.

"So it's not Norman language..."

He muttered as he rubbed his chin. The people of the Great Astley Empire were talking using Norman language that's why he could understand them but it seems that they also used other languages.

Souta simply crushed the metal door and looked at the creature inside. Inside the cell, there was a man wearing a white shirt and pants. He had long white hair, a thick beard, and a mustache. He also had an eye on the center of his forehead.

'This guy is a member of a Three-eye Tribe...'

The man looked at him with a fierce expression. He tried to stand up but his limbs were bound with chains.

"Can you understand me?"

Souta asked as he approached the man.

The man simply looked at Souta. He was observing Souta as this was the first time he saw him. Also, from his clothes, he could understand that this man wasn't from the Great Astley Empire.

There's one more thing why he guessed that Souta wasn't from the Great Astley Empire. The way Souta opened the door. He clearly doesn't have a key with him to open it.

"Well, doesn't matter..."

Souta sighed and he broke the chains that were restraining the man. He was a little bit surprised when he saw the chains. The chains were yellow grade equipment.

"Just create chaos outside..."

He said before he left the man and started checking the cells one by one.

The man simply looked at Souta before he turned around and left. He could understand Souta's words but he didn't know how to speak using that language.


Souta freed all the prisoners on this floor so he went downstairs. All the prisoners here were C-rank and some people were exuding thick bloodl.u.s.t. He said that they should free the other people if they want to escape as their numbers weren't enough to handle all the guards outside.

They were from different worlds. Some people knew the Norman language while the others didn't know but they all understand what he meant.

The prisoners' target was the floors above. It will help them if they freed everyone on those floors.

After half an hour, Souta arrived on the lowest floor. There's a single guard here, the leader of all the guards in this building. That guard possessed the power of a normal B-rank but a single B-rank wouldn't pose a problem to Souta.

He immediately took out the leader of the guards. The leader didn't even have a parasitic essence eater that could boost his stats and some high-quality equipment. Even before he evolved, Souta could defeat this level of opponent.

Just by using his brute strength, Souta defeated the leader of the guards.

'You're so strong now... Even Curdova wouldn't stand a chance against you...' Saya's voice sounded in his mind.

"Not that much. It's natural for a third evolution monster to be this strong." Souta replied to her while shrugging his shoulder. He then looked around. There were only three giant cells on this floor.

Everything was sealed tightly as if they were scared of the people inside these three cells. The door was tougher than anything that he found in this world.

He could even feel mana flowing in the doors as if to make it stronger and tougher. It was enchanted.

"So someone knew how to enchant objects from the Great Astley Empire..."

He muttered as he stood in front of a gigantic door. He was curious about the people that were sealed in this place, the lowest floor. The floor above this already houses B-rank powerhouses so... the three people inside the cells must be stronger than those B-rank.

"Let's take a look."

Souta pulled out the vajra sword from its sheath and he clad it with his energy.


He slashed his sword and a thin line appeared on its surface.

After a few moments, the upper part of the door slid down and fell on the ground causing a loud sound.