Chapter 430 - Great Astley Empire: Chaos In The Capital


Several explosions occurred in the capital and it quickly caused a panic. The emperor who was having a speak immediately received several reports about this incident.


The emperor was shaken when he heard the report. Those people were attacking the capital and they easily breached the barrier around the whole city.

What the hell is wrong with those people? How did they do it?

"Stop those people. Use everything that we have."

He ordered his subordinates. He then ended his speech as he excused himself. His fear was coming out and he couldn't let his citizens find that he was scared.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. I will protect you even at the cost of my life."

A person beside him wearing silver-colored armor said in a respectful tone. This man was the captain of the royal guard, Daynsvi. Also, he was one of the most powerful people in the whole empire.

"I'm glad that you're here beside me, Daynsvi." The emperor glanced at his royal guard and said with a smile.

The two went inside the royal palace. They had to make sure that the emperor's family was safe. Their bloodline must be kept safe. Their ancestor was the founder of the Great Astley Empire.

Their family was the one who's controlling the empire since the dawn of time. They were the ones who built it to its current state. The previous emperor of the empire came from the same bloodline. They didn't have any outsiders as their leaders. No one succeeded in overthrowing their family so their family solidified its position as the royal bloodline.

The emperor found his family in his chamber. They were safe and it gives him a room to breathe.

"I'm glad that all of you are fine. I will not let anything happen to any of you."

The emperor said with a serious expression. He glanced at his royal guard and added,

"I'll use the warheads, the Guardian Fortress."

Daynsvi opened his eyes widely. He couldn't believe what he heard just now. The protector that hasn't been used before was finally going to show its fang in the world.



Franklin laughed madly as his liquefied mana spread out. He then gathered it in his palm and destroyed several buildings.

Boom! Boom!

The dragon and other members of the elite team were following him. All of them were causing havoc in the royal capital. They were spreading destruction and nothing else. Just pure destruction was all they needed.

"Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die! Die!"

Franklin was insane. He kept shooting powerful condense mana in every direction.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Several explosions shook the ground heavily. Hundreds of tall buildings have fallen down because of it. People who didn't manage to evacuate on time have died.

"This is payback for everything!! I will kill every single one of you!!"

Franklin roared as he used a powerful skill to annihilate everything in front of him.


Suddenly he stopped as he turned his head on the south. Not just him, even the dragon felt something from the south.

"They are coming..."

Franklin said as he narrowed his eyes.


The dragon nodded as his best feram started to circulate around his body. He was preparing himself for the upcoming battle.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Five figures flashed and landed several meters away from them. All of them were wearing armor that seems to be alive. A parasitic essence parasite. These figures were the powerful top fighters of the empire.

Franklin looked serious and muttered, "Liquefied mana...? with parasites..."

The figure at the center stepped forward. A layer of flesh opened on its head and it revealed the human within the gray-colored flesh.

"You're a member of the Liberation White Army, right? So why are you killing innocent people? If you want to fight you can just fight us not the citizens of our country." The man said to Franklin with a plain expression.

"Innocent people? You're making me laugh. There are no innocent people in this world. Each people in this world have at least one slave. For everyone in this world, every folk from other worlds is just a slave that you can abuse. Am I right?" Franklin laughed lightly as he glanced at the five people that appeared here. "You don't have to deny it. Twenty years ago, I'm also one of the slaves that you're people took."

"Oh?" The man raised his eyebrows with interest. "From a slave to a person that has a high power level. Liquefying one mana is a great feat that even the general in our army could hardly do it."

"Enough chit-chat! Let me have a taste of your power!" Franklin grinned widely as his mana burst out of his body. He charged towards the five people without saying anything.


The intense battle in the royal capital of the Great Astley Empire has started.


Souta and Torkez were dashing towards the royal palace. They were trying to hide their energy while Franklin and the rest were distracting everyone.

After a few minutes, the two arrived near the royal palace. Just like the whole city, the royal palace was covered by a barrier. It was to protect the family of the emperor and the emperor himself.

Ordinary B-rank wouldn't be able to breach this barrier easily. But Souta wasn't a B-rank. He was stronger than B-rank experts as he was a third evolution monster. It would take a bunch of B-rank of different classes before they could fight Souta.

In game terms, he was already a boss of an early version.

Souta sighed to himself. He turned to Torkez and said, "We don't have a choice. If we want to enter the barrier, we have to break it and breaking it means that the people inside the palace will notice us."

"Sure, I don't have a problem with it," Torkez said as a layer of flesh covered his entire body. He activated the parasitic essence eater in his body. He knew that they couldn't avoid fighting.

Souta nodded and he dashed towards the barrier. He used the same attack when he breached the barrier around the city.


A red energy blade created a hole in the barrier easily. As soon as they broke through the barrier, an alarm sounded in the entire palace. It put everyone in their guard as the royal guards quickly assembled to protect their leader and his family.

"Let's go..."

Souta smiled as ten black balls appeared on his back. He raised his sword above his head and the ten black balls flew in the sky.

"Settle down!"


A gravitational field erupted in the sky and it spread out. It covered the entire royal palace. This field will prevent anyone from leaving and anyone from entering inside the royal palace.

No one could escape this field unless they had a power that could rival Souta's power.

Souta was floating in the sky while looking down at the huge palace. He slowly opened his mouth and said, "Everyone should stay still. If you don't follow my words, I will simply massacre everyone in the palace."

His cold voice penetrated the walls of the palace and every people inside it heard it clearly. His best feram spread out of his body and it covered the whole place. The pressure that it brought to ordinary people was heavy, making them fell on their knees.

The mana density in this place was too low so Souta could easily do this kind of trick. Nothing prevented him from freely using his energy in this place.

Souta narrowed his eyes as he felt the vibration inside the palace. It seems that those people dared to make a move even with his warning.

"I said that everyone should stay still!!"

A ball of energy condensed on the tip of his sword and it flew towards the palace.


A huge explosion occurred that destroyed several rooms. It wasn't too powerful as Souta clearly hold back.


Souta flew towards the palace and landed near the powerful person that he felt. This person was clearly an A-rank powerhouse. Also, this person had a parasitic essence eater that could boost his power.


Torkez landed beside him and said, "Souta, the people behind this man is the royal family with the emperor. You can guess it as that man is wearing a golden crown with the crest of the empire."


Souta raised his eyebrows as he stepped forward but the man quickly formed a blade in his hand and slashed it forward.


Souta avoided the slash and the vajra sword emitted a red aura. He then thrust his sword forward.


Everything happened so fast and the people only realized it when the shockwaves from Souta's attack blown them away.

Smoke and dust filled the entire place.

Souta glanced at the group of people that appeared in front of him on time to protect the royal family. These people must be the royal guards.

He could see that their wounds were regenerating with insane speed.