Hearing this, the man quickly nodded. When he went to Chu Jiaxuan and saw the scar on her face, he was shocked. But soon he returned to normal again. He went to her side, raised his hands and began to examine Chu Jiaxuan. Then he checked her mouth.

When helping Chu Jiaxuan check his body, his brows wrinkled tightly and his face was solemn. Chu Jiaxuan looked at his face and his heart sank.

The man sat on one side, his straight and slender legs folded together, and his whole body was emitting a cold breath. His eyes were fixed on Chu Jiaxuan.

His eyes sank when he saw the doctor's face heavy.

After the doctor examined Chu Jiaxuan, he said solemnly: "young master, according to the examination, this young lady should have been given a kind of contraband drug which can damage the nerve tissue. However, it is not clear what kind of illegal drug is. The nerve tissue in her hands and throat has been damaged, and the damage is still serious."

The man frowned as he listened: "is there any possibility of recovery?"

"It's hard to say. I'll go back and study it." The doctor spoke honestly.

"Can her face be cured?" Looking at the complex scar on her face, she asked again.

"The scar is deep, but it's not that there is no chance of recovery." The doctor spoke again.

Chu Jiaxuan gets excited when she listens to them. If her face can recover, can she drive the fake away? She can test DNA with the fake, and then the fake will be exposed.

Chu Jiaxuan winked at the man and told him with a blazing eyes: "please help me with the operation. I have very important things to do."

The man looked at her eyes, thin lips pulled out a beautiful arc.

"Young master, is the operation scheduled?" The doctor asked the man respectfully.

Chu Jiaxuan listened to the doctor and looked at him with more intense eyes. Please help me with the operation. Please. This is the hope that he finally got now. He doesn't want to give up easily.

"Not for the time being. Go down first." The man's deep voice sounded, and a touch of complexity flashed through his eyes.

Hearing what he said, Chu Jiaxuan couldn't help but look silly. He spent so much time asking for a doctor for her, wasn't it to treat her? I want to see how sick she is?

No! The man obviously knew her, but she couldn't remember who this man was?

Forget it. She doesn't know him anyway. How could he operate on her? With this in mind, Chu Jiaxuan got up from the sofa, nodded to him, and then turned around to leave the place.

Since the man refused to help her, she didn't have to stay here to waste time.

Seeing that she was going to leave, the man stood up from the sofa and blocked her in front of her with long legs. His thin lips raised a sneer: "here you are, do you think you can go if you want to go? From today on, you are my woman. "

Chu Jiaxuan listens to his words and her pupils suddenly widen. What does he mean by that? Is it possible that her appearance now can arouse men's interest?

How could it be? I feel sick and scared when I look at this face, let alone others.

Chu Jiaxuan looks up at the man's beautiful face and blinks, as if asking who he is.