Expressing Delight

Reaching the gates of the capital, I saw Esta standing alone by herself.

By the looks of it, it seems Ralf hasn’t been able to come back with Snow just yet.

“Esta, did I keep you waiting long?”

“Ah, Chris-san. I haven’t been waiting that long. In fact, I too only just arrived.”

“That’s fine then. What about the inn? Did you find a good one?”

“Yes, [Gilavar Hotel] was unfortunately no good but, I did find a really good place that also allows for monster pets.”

“As expected of Esta. So I guess we’re just waiting on Ralf then?”

“It would seem so, considering I can’t seem to see him anywhere near here. Considering the distance, I really thought he would have reached by now but……”

Right as I was talking to Esta—–from afar, a very familiar howl was heard.

We both turned to look towards the direction of the howl, and sure enough, I could see Snow rush past the gates and running towards us.

“That’s Snow right!?”

“And I can see Ralf despreately trying to keep up behind it as well. Looks like he made it just in time after all.”

Snow rushed towards us with immense momentum and lunged at me without slowing down even a bit.

I instantly activated [Fortification] and [Iron Wall] to catch it but, I really hope Snow would stop doing this, or at least lessen its strength when jumping if possible.

“Hey Snow, been doing well? Sorry for not being able to come see you.”


It kept on licking my face over and over so my face was completely wet from top to bottom now.

It’s soft and fluffy pure white fur hadn’t changed one bit but, since it had been living inside the forest for all this time, the smell has certainly taken a turn for the worse, so I really wished it got off me now but…….it continued licking me as if it could eat me up at any moment now.

“Snow, I get you’re happy but please, calm down. I’ve bought some melons for you as well.”

Hearing the word ‘melon’ perked its ears, and it quickly stopped licking and sat down like an obedient pup.

But it was panting with its tongue out, and it’s tail was wagging and slamming the ground, meaning it was trying its best to go against its instincts just t listen to my orders it seems.

“Snow, have you been healthy? Let’s take a bath together okay?”


Unlike with me, Snow was always a lot gentler when interacting with Esta. While still overjoyed, it would at most lick her hand and nothing more.

“Zee haa………Sn-snow, you’re way too damn fast man! And, I told you not to suddenly sprint away as well! It’s been running at this pace from the moment the capital came into our sights!”

“Looks like it really tired you out huh? Thanks for going to get it Ralf.”

Ralf finally reached us and panting with his hands on his knees, so I gave him some words of gratitude.

By the looks of it, Snow must have left Ralf behind and ran ahead, and from the point of view of normal people, it must’ve looked like a monster running towards them with great speed.

Thank god Ralf desperately kept up with its pace somehow.

“Ah, yeah. I mean I was the one who suggested to go so I don’t need thanks though! That aside, let me take a breather for a while please! I’m sweating all over and want a bath so bad!!”

“Then let’s head to the inn asap. We have bought ingredients as well, so assuming we have an attached kitchen available at the inn, we can make some food as well.”

“It does! A kitchen, as well as a bath and toilet, it has it all.”

“As expected of Esta! You always know how to find the best places!”

“Yeah. Lead the way.”

And thus, after a rejoicing over meeting Snow again, we quickly decided to head to the inn Esta had picked out for us.

Following after her, the place we reached was a building that was even bigger than [Gilavar Hotel].

It’s name was……..[Sky Top], or so it was written.

“Is this our new inn!? You sure? It seems crazy expensive!”

“Fine by me. We have the money, and it’s just three more days……..actually only 2 days to be exact. Might as well splurge out in luxury before heading out for the decisive battle.”

“That’s true I guess…….in that case, we really should enjoy a nice place to stay at eh!?”

“Well, that’s what Chris-san told me beforehand so I found the best place that also allowed for monsters pets in the entire capital. I’ve already booked our room so allow me to guide you.”

Esta took charge as we entered the inn but, right after entering alone, I could tell this place was not a normal inn at all.

Just as how there are deep dark underground places like the Black Market, the upper, surface side is also equally over-the-top. I suppose that’s the royal capital for you.

The place was grandiose, in a different way to the church, and even a idiot like me could tell how much gold had been used in simply decorating this place.

I almost felt bad for entering the place in such normal looking clothes but, we are paying for this place, so we continued to boldly make our way to our room.

Our room was at the top, the fourth floor, and was supposedly the best room in the entire inn.

And as expected of a place that allowed monster pets, every door was made to be specifically larger than usual. And judging by how afar ever room door was, I could already tell that the rooms themselves were massive as well.

“This is our room. Let me open it with the key.”

“Oh boy, now I’m getting a bit excited!”

Ralf was fidgeting as he waited for Esta to open the room, and seeing him Snow also began to wag its tail wildly, as if infected by his excitement.

And to be honest, I was the same——-and I too quickly followed Ralf and Snow inside who jumped inside the room as soon as it was opened.