Book 3: Chapter 21: Soul summoning

Name:The Exorcist Author:
Book 3: Chapter 21: Soul summoning

The thick, dark clouds made the night even darker. There wasnt even a hint of moonlight and the winter rain continued to fall without end.

Within a luxurious residential apartment, the security guard who was patrolling the lobby suddenly felt a gust of cold wind, as though something had walked passed him. There was rustling but nothing could be seen. He only heard a light bump and a womans soft cry.

Recalling that the female tenant surnamed Gu had died violently, the security guard figured a ghost had appeared and was scared stiff. He watched as the elevator doors closed by themselves and the light indicated it had stopped on the floor where the murder occurred.

Looks like your abilities have improved once again. The invisibility talisman can now hide our shadows as well. In the empty elevator, Wan Li spoke. You dont understand, Xiao Xia. A talismans power is related to the creators abilities. Its just like how the richer someone is, the bigger the checks they can write. He saw Xiao Xias confused expression and took the initiative to explain. Others couldnt see them but they could see each other.

Really dont know why the Americans are spending so much money researching stealth technology. Cant they just pay Great Fortune Teller Ruan a couple hundred million to teach them? He continued speaking.

Its just a method using the trigram positions and blind spots in peoples perception. It can be scientifically explained. Ruan Zhan spoke as he stepped out of the elevator. He noticed there wasnt the slightest aura of life on this floor. The other residents probably moved out after the murder. Everyone living here was wealthy, and would definitely have other residences. They werent like salary workers who would have to bear with it despite being scared.

The place had been sealed by the police so he knelt down and picked the lock. The clank of metal was especially loud in the silent night.

Its really a waste for you not to be a burglar. Wan Li saw Ruan Zhan open the door while leaving the seal intact and lamented. Unfortunately theres going to be further rumors about hauntings here tomorrow. They wont know it was due to your display of skill.

No one will think youre mute even if you dont speak. Ruan Zhan retorted. He stretched out his hand and held Xiao Xias slightly trembling hand and slipped in through the door.

He immediately stopped after reaching the center of the living room. With the faint glow of a flashlight, he started using his steps to measure the most suitable location. Wan Li helped him arrange the miscellaneous items. There were talismans, slips containing the Flower Society members birthdates, pieces of their belonging that they used prior to death, as well as the bloodwood sword and tattered banner.

These had all been gathered by Wan Li to improve Ruan Zhans chances of summoning the spirits.

Xiao Xia watched them busy themselves and could only stand quietly on the side. She figured since she couldnt help, the least she could do was avoid getting in their way. She turned her head and noticed a large painting of potted flowers on the wall. Under the faint glow of the flashlight, she could tell they were large, blooming chrysanthemums. They should have been beautiful, but they made Xiao Xia feel threatened. The flowers seemed like bottomless mouths and the petals seemed to be beckoning her, inviting her to fall inside.

She felt her scalp turn numb and could only turn away, no longer looking at the painting. She told herself she was seeing things!

However, she didnt see that as she turned away, the flowers in the painting bloomed a little as though parting their mouths and smiling evilly.

Alright, the timing happens to be good. Lets begin. Ruan Zhan said softly, but his voice still startled Xiao Xia who had been scared by the painting.

Stand behind me, not too close. Ruan Zhan instructed. Wan Li will stand behind you.

Arent we just lining up in a row? Wan Li interrupted. Am I going to hold the bloodwood sword?

Thats right, but dont bring it out unless they intend to harm us.

I completely understand. Lets hurry, theres a game later I plan on watching. Wan Li urged, his tone relaxed as though they were doing something simple like shopping.

Ruan Zhan ignored him and started making preparations. First he burned the birthdate slips in a special vessel he brought along. Their belongings followed afterwards. Finally, he did some chanting and cut his finger using the sharp edge of the tattered banner. He flicked the bead of blood into the air and waited for the metal banner to turn a foot long.

The tattered banner made a humming sound, like the echo produced from lightly flicking metal. However, there was no change in the surroundings after the sound reverberated for a minute.

Didnt come? Wan Li asked.

Ruan Zhan shook his head.

Those poor women! Wan Li sighed, leaving things unspoken.

Didnt you say you want to search this place prior to leaving, and see if the police missed any clues? Wan Li pulled Ruan Zhan to the sofa. You sit here. I can search by myself. Hehe, this is somewhere Gu Yu Fang used to sit.

Ruan Zhan struggled to raise his hand. He was in the middle of drawing a symbol when Wan Li immediately scampered off. Fine, fine, fine, Ill stop speaking nonsense. Ill go search the bathroom and kitchen first. In geomancy terms, those places are more aligned towards water, and are thus more yin based. Also, evidence often gathers there. Ill start looking there.

Ill come help. Xiao Xia didnt want to be sitting idly and thus volunteered herself.

Alright. Then well first investigate her bedroom. There should be a bathroom in there. Wan Li said.

Ruan Zhan muttered to himself for a bit. You have to take the flashlight, and also leave the door open so I can see you.

Got it, Ill call you if anything happens.

Forget it, might as well call me. Wan Li waved the bloodwood sword in his hand. He first used up a lot of energy piecing the spirit together, and then was exhausted from investigating via possession. He wont be stronger than I am now. Or how about you take this sword?

Xiao Xia firmly refused.

She knew the unexpected had kept happening throughout this entire case. Now, Wan Li was looking for evidence. Although the police had investigated this place already, they hadnt been looking at things from an exorcists perspective. Perhaps they will discover something. Compared to the other two men, she was the weakest link. The only reason they brought her was because they didnt feel at ease leaving her alone. Of course, she also understood that having the strongest person in top condition was the most effective arrangement.

Wan Li wasnt a fussy person and didnt insist. The two entered Gu Yu Fangs bedroom together.

Her bedroom was very large in a luxurious, classical European style. It had an air of nobility but was also dark and complex. This was especially so under the flashlights wavering beam, making it seem filled with ghostly shadows.

Ill go check out the bathroom. Wan LI said, subconsciously lowering his voice for some reason.

Xiao Xia watched him enter and used the flashlight to look around the room.

This was her first time in the room. She saw several large photos of Gu Yu Fang on the wall, making her seem rather narcissistic. However, Xiao Xia kept getting the feeling the photos were alive. No matter where she went, she felt the people in the photos staring at her.

She endured her unease and seriously searched for any clues. She found a watercolor painting on the drawers. The painting was of a beautiful field of flowers. Within it was a black stone building. This made her recall the place Gu Yu Fang had described where she met with Shuo Yue. From the looks of it, she had painted it herself.

Ill have to show Ruan Zhan later to see if its of any use. She thought, and slowly walked towards the other set of doors, lightly opening it.

The scene behind the door startled her.

Was this what a rich persons wardrobe was like? It was actually large enough to count as a separate room. Inside was filled with various sorts of clothing. At a glance, it looked like a room full of people.

Xiao Xia was a little scared. She had wanted to leave but inexplicably, as though she couldnt control herself, she walked inside.

She kept walking, the flashlights beam accurately landing on a piece of clothing. It was hanging backwards, a jarring sight compared to the other clothing. This made Xiao Xia stretch her hand out uncontrollably, wanting to turn it around. When she lowered her eyes however, she saw even more jarringly a pair of white shoes underneath the clothes.

Something was wrong! The thought flashed through her mind as she hurriedly pulled her hand back.

At this time, the clothes turned itself around.

Even in the dark it was possible to sense its fresh redness, sleek, finely textured and a piercing raw scent mixed with that of light cosmetics in a nauseating combination.

Xiao Xia stared at the leather jacket that was made out of human skin and covered in fresh blood.

To put it more precisely, it was Gu Yu Fang transformed into a leather jacket. Her head was snapped backwards, sticking against the inside layer of the clothes, smiling straight at her. Her arms had become the two sleeves that reached towards Xiao Xia. Little sis, put me on. Im very beautiful!