Book 4: Chapter 17: I had my eye on that man first!

Name:The Exorcist Author:
Book 4: Chapter 17: I had my eye on that man first!

The snow fell harder and harder, with a ferocity that threatened to bury the world.

Ruan Zhan walked with difficulty through the snow, stopping every few steps. He did his best to sense the traces Xiao Xia had inadvertently left behind. He didnt have experience tracking someone in the wilderness, but his senses were far sharper than ordinary people. This was especially the case towards the smell of blood. He just needed to use his spirit power to enhance his senses and he could find even a drop of blood. Wan Li often teased him by comparing him to a dog.

Xiao Xia was most afraid of pain. Normally, she refused to get a vaccine even if she got sick. However, he could tell by the thick layer of blood used for the writing how heavily she had cut herself. She must have done it with the crafting knife Wan Li had given her. That knife was beautiful and dull, but she liked it a lot. She made a show of putting it in her boots when she came on this trip. He didnt know how much she had to steel her heart to draw so much blood with a dull blade.

He knew Xiao Xia wouldnt have ignored his instructions without a pressing and special reason. She also wouldnt have written words in her own blood, telling him not to follow. But how could he not follow? How could he let her fall into danger? How could he live in a world without her!?

Furthermore, he was the opponents target! This entire matter, including all the innocent victims, was all a setup for him. It was reasonable to call him the cause of everything! Between him and the enemy, one of them would have to die. Otherwise, there would be no end to this. Therefore, he was responsible for protecting anyone that got swept up in this, and couldnt let anyone else get hurt. Especially since the person in danger now was the girl who kept prickling his heart every now and then.

The smell of blood grew faint. Her wound must have clotted by this point. The snow had covered any possible traces and the ground was undisturbed as though no one had passed through this place. However, the snow and fog swept up by the mountain wind brought with it a different scent: fiendish aura!

He stood for a moment considering his next move. He wasnt afraid of being unable to find the opponent. His opponent would come to him. He just worried that Xiao Xia would freeze to death if he was too slow. She wouldnt be able to last in the winter night in the depths of the mountain.

Ruan ZhanRuan Zhan! Xiao Xias voice suddenly rang out from behind him.

In that moment, Ruan Zhan almost looked back. However, he stiffened his neck and didnt turn. That was Xiao Xias voice, but Xiao Xia wouldnt use such a cloying and seductive tone when calling him.

He thought for a second before continuing forward.

Ruan Zhan, wait for me. I cant walk anymore! The voice continued calling him. It was dainty and gentle, with some pleading and coquettishness. Men would soften their hearts upon hearing it.

But Ruan Zhan continued to ignore it.

Ruan Zhan, Im so cold. Can you hold me? Please, dont be so ruthless. Wait for me!

Although having told himself this wasnt Xiao Xia, the voice was too similar. Speaking to him so aggrievedly, three parts crying and seven parts complaining, was like a needle in his heart.

He walked swiftly, subconsciously wanting to escape that voice. However, he realized the thing behind him grew closer instead.

Not turning around and continuing forward wasnt because he was scared of something. He just wanted to keep moving and control the situation, waiting to see what the opponent had planned. However, he hadnt expected them to imitate Xiao Xias voice to entice him. His heart had grown chaotic at some point.

Ruan Zhan, take a look! The voice grew close to his ear. At the same time, an extremely soft yet extremely cold hand landed on his left shoulder. It was like a large flurry of snow that was silent and traceless, yet chilled the bone.

What technique is this? He didnt move and didnt look back as he asked coldly. His voice was more emotionless than the snowy night.

Were just fond of you! Another hand was placed on his right shoulder. Such a handsome man! Let us accompany you!

Sure! Release Yue Xiao Xia first!

Accept us! They laughed lightly and slowly walked over. This time they werent floating, but were truly walking. They stepped upon the snow with their beautiful and stirring legs, their bearing graceful yet seductive, leaving no trace in the snow. Along with their exceptionally beautiful faces, no man should be able to refuse this scene.

Unfortunately, they were up against a man who was unfeeling like a blade in front of enemies. Therefore, they only got halfway when they were struck back again by red flames.

A waste of effort! Ruan Zhan didnt show any mercy to these beauties. Instead, he was more satisfied by the brand he cultivated after unsealing some of his powers.

He glanced coldly at the enchantresses floating in the darkness before turning and leaving. However, he suddenly felt a chill on his back. The injury he suffered back at the hotel was acting up due to his exertions.

He couldnt let the two Yuki-Onna realize this!

This was his first thought. He knew he hadnt been able to injure them seriously due to his own wound. He had just scared them into retreating. If they discovered he was weak, trouble would come.

But at this time, despite trying to walk steadily, the cold in his chest burrowed into his organs before winding into his flesh like a mixer. Cold sweat immediately dripped from his brows, making his movements rigid.

Youre injured. Come, let us comfort you! One Yuki-Onna had caught up again at some point. Dont try to be tough. The cold air inside you was inserted by us. When it moves, we will know about it!

But youre truly an impressive man. You actually didnt die on the spot. As expected, you were worth our anticipation! The other spoke and slowly sidled up as well.

Ruan Zhan wanted to use a spell but realized he wasnt able to exert any strength. He felt his consciousness blur and sensed the two Yuki-Onna floating around him. They wrapped around his body like snakes. Each time he shook himself free, they would wrap around him once more. Their cold, naked bodies wound around him, their icy lips kissing him and their equally chilling hands caressing him. They also started using Xiao Xias voice to seduce him.

Ruan Zhan, were fond of you. Come, be our man! Comecome.

If it were a forceful assault, Ruan Zhan would still be able to deal with it. However, the two Yuki-Onna were like the softest breeze and snow, making him unable to exert his strength anywhere. They took advantage of his injury flaring up and used softness to conquer strength as they worked with the chill in his body. He fell at a disadvantage in an instant and grew less and less able to resist. He could only grit his teeth and allow them to tangle him up and provoke him while he continued to walk forwards.

No matter how the situation changed, he was going to rescue Xiao Xia! This was the only thought in his mind.

He walked mechanically into the depths of the forest. He felt the Yuki-Onna harassing him winding tighter and tighter, making his steps more difficult. He had trouble breathing and was about to fall over. He could only hear the wind and flirtatious giggling.

Then, another womans voice was suddenly added into the mix. The brightness seemed to illuminate the gradually blurring snowy night!

Borrow Mt. Tais might, stone generaland also Elder Ksitigarbha Boddhisatvaeveryone together, strike!

There was a thud as though something was struck, followed by a scream. Ruan Zhan felt his body loosen and saw two clumps of white mist scattering into fragments, vanishing into the snow. Before they disappeared, the shriveled head of a woman had fallen out from somewhere. It also cried out brokenly and slipped away along the snow.

I had my eye on this man first. You should at least notify me if youre planning on making a move! That womans voice continued yelling. Go back and tell your Japanese master that here in China, good friends are met with fine alcohol, and jackals are met with hunting rifles!

It was Xiao Xia. She had run over from somewhere!

Ruan Zhans heart relaxed and he immediately collapsed.