Book 5: Chapter 36: Who’s the groom?

Name:The Exorcist Author:
Book 5: Chapter 36: Who’s the groom?

For some reason, despite not being able to see the man called Ah Nans face, Xiao Xia felt he was exceptionally familiar. She wanted to get a better look, but the image in her mind started becoming blurry. As footsteps came down the stairs, the vision completely faded.

Ruan Zhan had returned.

Xiao Xia was able to make out who the footsteps belonged to right away. She wasnt frightened but there was a trace of panic as she hurriedly took off the shoe and stuffed everything back under the shrine. She had just gotten up when Ruan Zhan quickly came down the stairs.

Is something wrong? He asked, looking concerned.

Ernothing. Xiao Xia hesitated for a moment but ultimately decide not to tell him about the person in the water. The warning that person gave still echoed in her mind, Dont tell the man surnamed Ruan about this matter! He will mess things up! Remember this, remember this by all means!

Then why did you come down here? Its also a mess upstairs. Ruan Zhan looked doubtfully at Xiao Xia. He knew she didnt want to cause trouble for him, but he didnt want her to hide things from him.

I heard noises downstairs and came to take a look. See. Xiao Xia raised her hand, I brought the bloodwood sword! I also have the talisman you left me in my pocket. Everythings fine.

Ruan Zhan nodded. Although he felt something wasnt right, he didnt wish to keep questioning her. Alright then. Lets go back up first. I want you to tell me what happened earlier.

He knew her leg was injured so he carried her up the stairs. Xiao Xia cuddled into his arms, thanking her own injured leg. If she wasnt hurt, she probably wouldnt get such treatment, right?

I think its best to avoid warping space for such short distances unless its especially urgent, right? Since they were close enough to feel each others breathing, Xiao Xia could clearly see Ruan Zhans face was a little pale. She couldnt help but offer the suggestion.


It violates the laws of nature after all. Wan Li once said its a type of sorcery, and you would be injured if you used it too frequently.

Alright. Once this matter is over, I wont use it in the future if I dont have to. Now, tell me what happened tonight. Ruan Zhan promised and lightly put her on the bed. He went and sat on one of the chairs. After listening to Xiao Xias account, he let out a silent breath and fell into thought.

He was too tired!

There were two other villages apart from Naman village on this side of the valley in the mountains. After investigating without rest for two days and a night, he had essentially eliminated one of those villages from the list. This meant that it was unrelated to the matter at hand. That village was further away from Naman. The other village called Najin on the other hand was intricately linked with Naman.

They were both constructed after the liberation. They werent separated by tribe, and was instead a mishmash of difference tribes living together. There was the Zhuang tribe, the Miao tribe, the Bai tribe, the Pumi tribe, the Yi tribe and so on. Although there were slight differences in their religious practices, they got along rather well since they respected each other. Furthermore, there was a lot of intermarriage between tribes.

What drew his attention first was that raincoat ghost. Although she seemed to be a minor character, the pair of beautiful embroidered shoes made her the first clue within this jumbled mess. Therefore, the first thing he investigated was her origin.

According to the elders in the village, one of the nearby villages had a bride die during the Cultural Revolution. She had fallen in love with an educated youth, but her parents forced her to marry a local youngster from their tribe. Therefore, that beautiful girl threw herself into the river and committed suicide on the day of her wedding.

This sounded like an ordinary and tragic love story, but after Ah Zhan ran over to Najin village to get the details, he discovered the heartbroken groom back than was actually from Naman!

The trail once again led to Naman!

Naman! Naman! Guan Zheng had left the same message before he died. It was also Huang Bo Hengs birthplace. It was also the place the real Yang Mu You crossed over from Myanmar, and most likely where the dead spirit Yang Mu You possessed the human and started causing havoc. Based on the other things he learned these past few days, he was extremely sure the answers to everything could be found here!

After finding out the groom was from Naman, he returned and asked around some more. Yet he discovered that the honest and open villagers were very secretive about this matter. They refused to say anything about the grooms family. After being pressed for answers, they merely said the grooms family had ended up moving elsewhere.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

This made him recall two other things. Firstly, when he had been chatting happily with one of the village elders in the beginning, that elder had mentioned the matter of the bride jumping into the river. The other elders had immediately pulled him away, seeming to rebuke him for saying too much. Secondly, the parents of the deceased bride had also died of mysterious causes shortly after the tragedy.

Im thinking about that water basin.

Did it really just try to frighten you?

Thats right. It didnt say anythingit just tried to scare me. Xiao Xia said evasively.

Ruan Zhan shook his head inwardly.

Xiao Xia really didnt know how to hide anything. All her thoughts were clear to read on her face. She was innocent, but that also meant she could easily get hurt.

Dont be afraid. It was just some witchcraft. He said gently.

But it felt very real. Xiao Xia subconsciously felt her own neck. I thought it made sense afterwards. I heard that many divination spells rely on water basins to see visions. Its like those crystal balls used by western witches.

En, its an illusion. As long as you ignore it and keep the bloodwood sword on you, it wont harm you. Ruan Zhan picked up a petal on the table as he spoke. The spell was activated because this fell into the water. Our opponent is good at controlling plants and animals. His Gu is also refined from this.

Did we encounter another boss-level opponent? Xiao Xia asked worriedly.

Dont worry about him. No matter who he is, he wont be able to take my friends lives in front of me! Do you trust me?

Ruan Zhans words made Xiao Xia recall what the person in the water said. Then she recalled the vision she saw by the shrine on the second floor.

I trust you! She forcefully nodded to express her determination.

I wont let you down.

Youre leaving again? Seeing him stand up, Xiao Xia hurriedly asked.

I have to keep searching for that weird woman. I think its very likely for her to reappear nearby.

But you should also rest a little. Sit for ten more minutes! Xiao Xia looked longingly at Ruan Zhan.

Dont worry, Ill be nearby. Ill be able to hear you if you shout. Furthermore, I dont think anything else will show up. Otherwise, theyll end up like those white hands. If he sends plants over, you can use the hunting rifle. Didnt I teach you how to use it? Because Xiao Xia was scared, Ruan Zhan spoke comfortingly.

Xiao Xia didnt speak but she reached out and felt under the covers. Inside was a hunting rifle Ruan Zhan had borrowed from the village. Before leaving that morning, he had made careful defensive preparations.

If ghosts came, there was the tattered banner and the talismans. If something more corporeal came, there was the hunting rifle.

Five more minutes then. She essentially begged.

Ruan Zhan hesitated before finally nodding in agreement. He didnt expect Xiao Xia to make another request, asking him to sit next to her and hold her hand.

He didnt refuse her but still felt a little strange. He knew Xiao Xia had feelings for him but she had never been so clingy. This was the first time, but it also felt like it would be the last.

Furthermore, despite saying only five minutes, the two ended up holding hands and sitting there for over two hours!