Book 5: Chapter 46: Calamity of threes

Name:The Exorcist Author:
Book 5: Chapter 46: Calamity of threes

Although Wan Li couldnt speak, he let out a muffled cry within his throat while blinking his eyes forcefully. His meaning was a firm refusal of Ruan Zhans actions. If this Gu really couldnt be dissolved, Ruan Zhan was essentially giving up his life in exchange. They were best friends, so there was no way Wan Li would be so selfish!

Unfortunately, Im a selfish person. Ruan Zhan seemed to have heard Wan Lis thoughts. Im also a proud person. I cant accept being unable to keep a promise I made. That would seriously hurt my self-esteem. For my emotional wellbeing, Ill have to ignore your feelings. He moved Wan Lis foot over as he spoke, and cut a deep gash where the Death Gu had entered.

Wan Li couldnt move or speak, but he could still feel. He started sweating from the pain.

Endure it. Dont be such a wimp! Ruan Zhan pretended to mock him.

This Gu was very powerful. He had to make the cut deep for it to work. There also wasnt time to help Wan Li numb the pain. Despite this, the wound only bled a tiny bit, unlike the torrent of blood that should have come out. This made Ruan Zhan involuntarily recall Huang Bo Hengs corpse.

Who was the true mastermind behind everything? Was it Yang Mu You? He seemed to be the only suspect, but Ruan Zhan felt the methods didnt seem to fit!Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

If there really was another mysterious person, this person was too powerful! Not only could he control plants and animals, cast Death Gu and Ghost Gu, he even used Huang Bo Heng as a false front!

Normally speaking, Huang Bo Heng was already very powerful. Unfortunately his opponent had been Ruan Zhan, and his fearful state during battle had made him seem rather lacking.

When they were attacked at the wilderness inn, the feeling had been completely different. Although Ruan Zhan had managed to resolve things that time, he felt that the opponent was merely probing them. It felt like a casual display of skill and not an all-out attack.

Huang Bo Heng had admitted to being responsible for everything. He didnt seem to covering for someone, and didnt seem to be acting under orders. He truly believed he had been the orchestrator of everything. From the looks of things, he had been the borrowed sword. The questions was: who was wielding the sword? What was the point of it all? Why did this person help Huang Bo Heng behind the scenes but abandon him in the end?

This made him recall a sort of Japanese puppetry technique. A skilled user could make a puppet accomplish his goals while taking any resulting damage. He felt that the opponent this time was using a similar method. However, this true mastermind had clearly trained this sort of manipulation technique to greater heights.

If his reasoning was correct, Huang Bo Heng was a puppet of the mastermind. This puppet wasnt crafted from other materials, but was made using the corpse as the main ingredient. Moreover, there was a heart constructed with some sort of witchcraft!

Not only did that person bring Huang Bo Heng to life, he also made him think he had his own free will and motivations. Huang Bo Heng hadnt realized he was a puppet at all. What an advanced technique!

He didnt think that this matter had to do with the Japanese again. Japanese techniques mostly felt rather rigid. Yet this persons methods were diverse and even exquisite. His schemes were also profound, unlike Yang Mu You, who was cautious yet arrogant. It made him feel this mastermind had no weaknesses and gave him no openings.

But what was the goal of the person behind Huang Bo Heng? How was this related to them?

He had given Huang Bo Heng such a lavish life. Was he living in greater luxury or did he not care about wealth? Was it Zhang Qun? No, impossible. From his analysis, Zhang Qun had already been possessed by Yang Mu You.

This matter had seemed to be clearing up, but with this turn of events it was once again a mess. They were back to square one.

The only key to this mystery was that weirdo Ah Wu. However, they couldnt rely on this clue even if she knew the whole story. From Huang Bo Hengs words, it seems she was very afraid and wouldnt dare reveal the truth. Therefore, they had to rely on their own strength to peel off the layers of fog surrounding this matter before they could find the answer.

Ruan Zhans thoughts were chaotic but his hands never stopped moving. He cut a similarly deep wound in his own palm and mixed his blood with Wan Lis. Then, he took off Wan Lis clothing, leaving only his underwear. Using the mixed blood, he repeatedly drew a strange symbol from his foot to the top of his head.

After finishing his preparations, he took a deep breath and grabbed Wan Lis foot. He stuck their wounds together.

Dont try to resist. Itll put us in greater danger! Ruan Zhan ignored Wan Lis muffled protests. If we both die, there will be no one left to keep Xiao Xia company.

Wan Li was sweating from anxiety. He knew he couldnt stop Ruan Zhan. He had never been able to talk him out of anything. Despite his indifferent exterior, Ruan Zhan was more reckless than anyone once his mind was made up!

He watched as Ruan Zhan sat cross-legged, the wound on his left hand still stuck to Wan Lis foot. He closed his eyes and his lips moved. His index and middle finger on his right hand was extended, pointing between Wan Lis brows. After a moment of stillness, he started making a pulling gesture.

Although there wasnt anything material, Ruan Zhan seemed to be pulling very heavily. At the same time, Wan Li felt a threadlike object being pulled from within his body. Or rather, it was more like a snake hidden within his body. This snake writhed and wasnt willing to leave, trying to burrow even deeper. Yet Ruan Zhan remained firm.

Were you thinking that dying might make it easier to solve this matter? Wan Li glared at Ruan Zhan doubtfully. I dont know what happened while I was unconscious for two days. Is the enemy really that strong?

Just shut up. Am I some weakling? Ruan Zhan raised his brows arrogantly. No matter how strong he is, I wouldnt be so lame as to kill myself! Im just saying that in case I really kick the bucket, it wont affect you and Xiao Xia. I can still protect you guys.

Wont affect? Wan Li retorted. Do you think Xiao Xia wouldnt be sad?

Hearing her name, Ruan Zhan felt a trace of reluctance in his heart. However, he forcibly suppressed that sort of emotion. He didnt have too many opportunities to make choices in this matter, and didnt have the qualifications to feel weakness. His only choice was to face death. This was the best allocation of resources. Even if he died, he would still be the best defense against the enemy. He had at least this much confidence!

If someone has to die this time, then just let her grieve once. Ruan Zhan looked calmly at Wan Li. Do you trust my fathers words?

Of course.

He said you will definitely encounter calamity due to your curious nature. However, he also said you will live long. See, everything has come to pass as predicted. Youve encountered calamity, but there was a way to resolve it and you will live a long life.

What do you mean? Wan Li was a little confused. He kept getting the feeling that Ruan Zhan was leaving behind his last words.

I also trust my fathers words. His predictions have never been wrong before. He said I will encounter a calamity of threes. Seeing Wan Lis confused expression, Ruan Zhan explained, As you know, I was born on the third day of the third month. The calamity of threes means that before my thirty-third birthday, I will encounter a huge calamity that I am unlikely to avoid. Unless

Unless what? Wan Li asked urgently. He had extreme faith in Ruan Zhans father. If the elder had truly said this, Ruan Zhan might really be in huge trouble!

Its nothing. Nows not the time to discuss this. Ruan Zhan stood up. Ill go check on Xiao Xia. Then, we can discuss our next step.

Wan Li opened his mouth but his question remained unspoken. He watched as Ruan Zhan went downstairs. Although he knew they were still in danger, he was completely stunned by this calamity of threes.

He understood Ruan Zhans meaning. He was saying that since he didnt have long to live anyway, they had to leave someone by Xiao Xias side who could protect her. Otherwise, she would have to grieve over losing both the men important to her.

He was the same age as Ruan Zhan. Wasnt next year his thirty-third birthday? Ruan Zhans father had passed away while he was in high school. He had actually kept this to himself for so many years! It turns out there was such a large mountain weighing on his heart. The one with a blade hanging above his head was actually Ruan Zhan! Wan Li had called himself his best friend. He was really unworthy!

No wonder Ruan Zhan never let anyone get close. No wonder he didnt accept Xiao Xias feelings. It turns out he didnt want to form any emotional attachments. He didnt wish to have anyone suffer if he wasnt able to avoid his fate.

Ruan Zhan mentioning it now was probably to give him a heads up! He wanted him to take good care of Xiao Xia. He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for their happiness.

Is there a need to be so noble!? He muttered. Although his tone was light, his expression was extremely stern.

At this moment, he understood that Xiao Xia hadnt just melted Ruan Zhans heart. He loved her! He just kept it inside and never said anything!

As he thought of this, he made up his mind. Just like how Ruan Zhan did everything to save him, he would also help Ruan Zhan. Otherwise, what was the point of having friends!

He would help him! He had to help him!

However, the danger at hand still had to be resolved first. There was still over a year until Ruan Zhans calamity of threes. There was still time. The current matter was more pressing. However, Wan Li kept getting the feeling he knew who the mastermind was. Before he fell unconscious, he seemed to have seen that persons face.

But for some reason, he couldnt remember. Whenever he tried he would get a piercing headache. It was like an eggbeater inside his head. Was it a side-effect of the Death Gu?

He cradled his head as he racked his brains, but it was still no use!

It was after midnight. Wan Li had managed to survive, but Xiao Xia was currently experiencing another vision.