Book 6: Chapter 3: Empty city

Name:The Exorcist Author:
Book 6: Chapter 3: Empty city

Why? This side is clearly easier to walk. Xiao Xia asked in surprise. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Mao Fu and Zhao Jia Yuan didnt respond right away. They merely exchanged a glance. Xiao Xia keenly sensed the two were exchanging some message through their glances very suspiciously.

Thats right, why not take the wide open road instead of the winding path? One of the provincial reporters followed up.

She was called Liu Hong, and was the only woman apart from Xiao Xia in the group. Therefore, she didnt have as much stamina. Xiao Xia was wearing simple jeans, a white blouse and sneakers. Her hair was tied in a ponytail. The reporter wore a beautiful suit and high heels. Therefore, she was already panting from exhaustion, her exquisite makeup already ruined. She really wished someone would give her a piggyback ride.

Besides, it might start raining soon. I also cant walk any further! She continued to say, looking up at the sky.

The sky had become even gloomier. There was the faint sound of muffled thunder rolling over. Everyone understood that they had been extremely lucky the rain hadnt fallen yet. If it had been raining, they wouldnt have even made half the progress they did! Yet it appeared they could no longer hope for the heavens to give them face. They had to quickly make a decision.

You guys arent locals so you might not understand. Before people move in, we cannot pass through a new town. Zhao Jia Yuan explained after Mao Fu signaled with his eyes.

But why not? Are you saying its like a gift that can only be opened on the chosen date? Before Xiao Xia could retort, Liu Hong already started making a fuss. Her exhaustion made her feel flustered and exasperated. She could no longer maintain the elegant grace of a virtuous woman she had kept up all day.

Thats not it. Zhao Jia Yuan hurriedly waved his hands, not daring to anger the mouthpiece of public opinion. We have a tradition here to perform some rites before moving into a new place. It involves three days of chanting and ceremony. Since were relocating the whole town this time, weve already looked into everything and will start things off next month. The time isnt right yet, so if we enter now itll ruin the fengshui and offend the townspeople. Although we are all realists here, we should still be considerate of the populace.

Were just passing through, whats the big deal? Liu Hong refused to drop it. She turned and glanced at Xiao Xia, seeking allies. However, Xiao Xia felt that since it was tradition, it was best to respect it. Although she felt Mao Fu and Zhao Jia Yuans glances were a little evasive, she still didnt respond.

Fine, if you guys wont go, Ill go by myself. Its just rural superstition, there arent any laws against it! Seeing the only other woman Xiao Xia and her cameraman not helping her, Liu Hong threw an unreasonable tantrum. Ignoring everyone else, she walked away with large strides, ignoring the crowd calling after her.

Let her go. Were just rural, superstitious folk while shes a modernized woman! An official said impatiently.

Xiao Xia remembered he was called Wang Wen Ge. He was around forty with a pale and chubby appearance. He looked to be very easy going. Unexpectedly, he was the first to write the beautiful reporter off.

We folks here believe that an uninhabited place will have some foul things hiding inside. The new town has been completed for almost a year and no ones ever lived there before. Its also so big. If Miss Liu isnt afraid, then best of luck to her! Mayor Mao, lets go this way! He spoke very loudly.

The mountain wind successfully brought his words into Liu Hongs ears, making her stop fast. She didnt keep going but also didnt walk back. She didnt dare go somewhere that might be foul by herself, yet was also too embarrassed to turn back.

Xiao Xia saw the situation and hurriedly smoothed things over, calling Liu Hong back to walk with the rest. She knew it was easy to talk a big game, but there werent many who could follow up on their words. Over her many years of life, she had only met two people who could.

Xiao Xia called two or three times before Liu Hong returned discontentedly and continued walking with everyone along the mountain path. She grumbled while she walked about how awful her luck was, having to walk such a path while getting rained on, and how she was never coming back here, and so on. It wasnt clear if it was due to her grumbling. The rain hadnt started this whole time despite the gloomy skies and thick rainclouds. Yet not ten minutes after she complained, there was a huge roar of thunder and heavy rain started pouring mercilessly.

Now, the group was even more bedraggled. The few raincoats had been given to Xiao Xia and the provincial and regional reporters. The others, including Mao Fu, all lined up and continued walking in the rain.

The rain was heavier than expected, making it even hard to keep their eyes open. The surroundings seemed to be covered in watery curtains, making it hard to see people a little further away. The mountain paths mud and weeds became incomparably slippery. Xiao Xia was still doing ok, but Liu Hong would slip and fall every few steps. In the end, she even started crying!

Hold on a little longer. Well reach the village in a little bit. Zhao Jia Yuans voice came from the front.

Xiao Xia had also never walked such a path before. She was plenty exhausted, but gritted her teeth and followed the person in front of her closely. Although the raincoat blocked the rain, her sweat still caused her clothes to become wet. Along with her face which was covered with rain, the raincoat didnt make much of a difference.

It had started getting dark. There was no moon or starlight within the heavy rain. The group staggered forwards, relying on the flashlights being held by every other person.

Xiao Xia followed blearily behind. She heard a cry of alarm as six flashlights pointed in the same direction. The new town had once again appeared in the rain, but this time it was the north gate!

Xiao Xia immediately looked around. Zuo Des flashlight followed her gaze understandingly. As expected, she saw a string blowing in the wind tied around a branch on a nearby tree. Surprisingly, it was the beautiful multicolored patterned string!

Sure enough, they had been going around in the same place. They had either gotten turned around in the rainy night, or they had encountered the ghost builds wall phenomenon that hadnt appeared in a while! But what about that city? If they were in the same spot, why did they see different gates? Was it an illusion or was the city alive, able to spin on its own?!

Xiao Xia was lost in thought when Liu Hong shoved her from behind. It turns out the group had started walking again. This time, no one had said anything. They all just started walking automatically. Everyone was probably panicking, subconsciously trying to escape and therefore thoughtlessly started walking again.

Xiao Xia was in the middle of the group and was being moved along. Although she felt that something was wrong, her mind was frozen, unable to think. Then, she once again saw the string marker she had left, as well as the citys west gate at the same time!

Ah. Liu Hong wailed and sat down on the ground. She hugged Zuo Des leg as she started bawling for the third time that night. However, this time it was in terror.

Im scared! Im scared! Her delicate voice sounded mournful and hoarse. Her crying caused everyones fear and unease to surface. Although no one screamed or lost control of themselves, the group immediately became restless!

If they became divided, they would be in more danger as their vulnerabilities were exploited. The potential number of casualties would increase. Therefore, it was most vital to remain united and calm!

Dont cry! Everyone, group up! Zuo De shouted again. The mild looking person was now speaking very sternly.

The others had been dazed and distracted. Hearing his shout, they immediately grew quieter.

Lets stay where we are. We cant get out even if we keep running. Itll only exhaust our stamina. Zuo De said loudly. Sit in a circle and shine the flashlights outwards. Even if something happens, dont panic!

I agree! Xiao Xia immediately called out in agreement to give Zuo Des words more weight.

Fine, I also agree. After a moment of silence, Mao Fu who had been silent this whole time also responded. He then walked over next to Zuo De.

Once he moved, the others also came over in succession to sit on the floor. Those wearing raincoats all took them off and everyone raised them above their heads to provide some shelter from the rain. Then, they turned off three flashlights to conserve batteries and arranged the remaining ones to face outwards.

Although the sky was very dark, their watches indicated it wasnt even ten oclock yet. Despite having walked for over four hours, there was still a long night ahead. They had to save some of their sources of light!

Everything had been properly arranged. Xiao Xia looked at Zuo De who was still standing, hoping that he would help her take the patterned string down from the tree. Ruan Zhan had given it to her. Although it wasnt worth anything, she still didnt want to lose it.

Zuo De understood her meaning. He stretched his hand out towards the branch. He had just turned aside when Xiao Xia saw a black shadow behind him!

Its features couldnt be seen clearly and it was murky all over. It stood there within the dark, rainy night, drifting and unobtrusive. It wasnt clear how long it had stood there. It was hard to distinguish whether it was an actual entity or just a shadow. Xiao Xia also couldnt tell whether she was the only one who could see it!

Right as she was startled speechless, the black shadow drifted towards them!

Xiao Xia pointed behind Zuo De, trying to warn him. However, she realized at that moment her speechlessness wasnt due to herself, but more like something had covered her mouth. She wanted to jump up and help, but realized her body couldnt move! She wasnt able to do anything, and could only watch Zuo De anxiously.

Zuo De saw that Xiao Xias expression was a little off and involuntarily froze. He lowered his hand slowly, and then, as if sensing something, suddenly whirled around!