Book 6: Chapter 11: Kiss

Name:The Exorcist Author:
Book 6: Chapter 11: Kiss

She remained unmoving in his arms. Seeing that she had calmed down, Ruan Zhan gently released her. Although he couldnt see her, he could feel her aura. It was the existence he held fondly in his heart that he longed for night and day. There was no mistake!

Although he released her, they still stood very close to each other. They were so close smell each others scent and sense each others presence.

Ruan Zhan felt their current state was dangerously ambiguous and took a step back. Unexpectedly, Xiao Xia suddenly pounced over and hugged him desperately, sticking close to him, feeling his warm, sturdy body and strong heartbeat.

Is it really you? She choked.

Its me.

It was only two words, but they caused Xiao Xias face to be covered in tears. All the fear and despair in her heart turned into a warming force that filled her heart, mind, soul, all of her!

Dont cry.

Ruan Zhan raised his hand, accurately cupping her face. Her face was completely wet. The ice cold yet exquisite sensation gave rise to an extremely tender emotion within him. Like flood water breaking through a dam, his feelings burst through his calm and reason as if they werent even there.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Perhaps his heart had heated up as he fervently called her name along the way. Now, she was his whole world. Any danger, any ghosts and ghouls, seemed to be nonexistent.

He loved her so much! Although he didnt know when it started, but he remembered his heart skipping a beat for the first time she cupped his face with concern and distress beneath the dormitory building of T University during the Bloody Mary case. He remembered she was the first person to pick him up with an umbrella in the rain. He remembered her yelling at the Yuki-Onna I had my eyes on this man first. He remembered her grief and timidity when she tried to confess her feelings and he acted oblivious. He remembered their cohabitation at City A. He remembered her considerate tenderness beneath her normally rowdy demeanor.

Bit by bit, he had engraved her into his heart during their many life and death experiences together. She had become the only warmth in that seemingly frozen heart of his!

He had struggled against it before, but it was completely useless. The more he forced himself to keep away, the more he wanted to get close. That sort of longing and torment left him restless. His heart was like a volcano. Although normally calm, there was boiling magma within!

His hand lingered on her soft cheek. He couldnt help but lower his head, sensing her breathing getting closer and closer. He drew so close that the slightest movement would make their lips touch.

Xiao XiaXiao Xia He repeatedly murmured. Although she was right in his arms, he still pined for her as lovers might even when they were next to each other.

Ruan Zhan Xiao Xia said his name quietly. Her lips almost touched his as she spoke, and he had to use all his strength to prevent himself from immediately closing the almost imperceptible distance.

Its me He seemed to be trembling!

I need to prove it.

Xiao Xia responded. She visibly hesitated for a moment before moving forward by just a centimeter, pressing her lips to Ruan Zhans.

I love you!

Whats wrong with your eyes? She was completely focused on his injuries. You must have suffered an attack for the sake of coming in to find me, right? Gosh, this is all my fault!

She hugged him once again. Im a born misfortune magnet and screwup. Itd be so much better if you let me be. That way you wouldnt get hurt. Its all my fault, I keep getting you involved. You should have just ignored me from the beginning. That way, youd definitely still be peacefully and happily tending your bar. You wouldnt have to do things you hate against your wishes! Its all my fault!

It isnt like that. Ruan Zhan pulled Xiao Xia away and spoke very seriously. The reason you keep encountering supernatural cases is because you have a sensitive constitution that makes it easy to communicate with spirits. Youre also softhearted, and inadvertently end up calling them over. They want your help, and you truly end up helping them. If doing good is a mistake, then would there still be anything thats not a mistake?

ButI keep getting you involved.

No, this time it was me who got you involved. Si Ma Nan is responsible for all this. Ruan Zhan couldnt help but stroke her hair. My injuries are no concern. I was merely ambushed by Si Ma Nan as I was breaking the barrier. Some of my abilities and my sight have been sealed. Theyll recover once we get out.

Youre just trying to make me feel better!

No, Im telling the truth. I swear I will recover. You dont have to worry. Ruan Zhan pulled Xiao Xia into his arms again, but this time it wasnt just out of passion. He also wanted to discuss things with her without being overheard. However, since the majority of his powers have been sealed, the barriers he could set up were rather limited. Therefore, he could only do this.

His eyes could no longer see the ordinary world and his Yinyang Eye couldnt see the supernatural. However, he gradually felt that they were on a busy street. Therefore, he used his remaining abilities to conceal his and Xiao Xias aura, making those things temporarily lose track of them.

Now were good. Ruan Zhan composed himself and did his best to turn his thoughts to the matter at hand. First, tell me why Ah Bai isnt with you.

Hearing her name made Xiao Xias heart constrict. I dont know. She had been with me the entire time. But when we slid down from the hill into the city, I fell unconscious for a while. When I woke up, she was gone!

Unconscious? You were injured? Where?

Its nothing, just a scraped shoulder. She instinctively shrunk her left shoulder back, making Ruan Zhan immediately realize where she was hurt.

I should have followed you more closely. He felt both distress and guilt as he stroked her shoulder.

Its all the same since youre here now. Xiao Xia rubbed her face comfortably against his chest. But where would Ah Bai have gone? She wouldnt just leave without telling me. Im afraid something might have happened to her!

Shes a spirit, so theoretically she should be fine. But the resentful aura is very heavy here, which might cause her harm. However, she was someone impressive while she was alive, and should be able to protect herself. You dont need to worry to much. Once the matter is finished, everything will return to normal.

But, what is going on here?

There must have been a huge injustice that involved many people. Ruan Zhan sighed. From what I see, this matter was successfully covered up and the resentful spirits had also been suppressed secretly in this town. Based on Hongqing Towns situation, things would have probably been resolved a month later. Unfortunately, Si Ma Nan used the situation and released the resentful spirits. He also sealed the town. Hes trying to deal with me!

Then those people are all innocent? Xiao Xia recalled the cruel killings and shivered in Ruan Zhans arms. Six have already died.

She then told him in detail what had happened after entering the city.

Ruan Zhan listened carefully. He considered for a moment before sneering. Innocent? That might not be the case! I have a feeling that apart from you who got dragged into this because of me, everyone here is related to this hidden matter to some extent.