Book 6: Chapter 24: It moves!

Name:The Exorcist Author:
Book 6: Chapter 24: It moves!

Wan Li no longer spoke. He felt some clues were surfacing, and straightened them out in his mind. Although that middle-aged woman still chattered on about the towns matters, his years of experience as a psychiatrist allowed him to ponder over things while still conversing with her. Especially since he just had to react vaguely. This kind yet chatty big sis just wanted to talk, and didnt really care about his responses.

Previously they had already figured this matter might be related to the kiln facility. Now, despite having no direct link to the kiln, there was indirect proof that those trapped in the empty town were intricately related: they were all officials who were promoted at the same time. They had cooperated in obtaining benefits for this time. Furthermore, they had all done some secret experiments related to porcelain together.

Could they have done something heinous before inviting someone with Daoist powers to suppress the resentful spirits? Then, after Si Ma Nan inadvertently discovered this, he released the resentful spirits and helped them set up their revenge? Of course, he was just acting in his own interests. That person wouldnt get out of bed if it didnt benefit him!

It seems he would have to contact Ruan Zhan immediately and exchange information. Then, they would decided what to do next. Now the answers seemed ready to be revealed, but that meant they had to be even more cautious. Accidents often happened at the most critical moments.

Oh, goodness, its already so late! The middle-aged woman was in the middle of speaking excitedly when she suddenly let out and exclamation. The kid and adult are all going to be home soon. I have to go make food. She whirled to leave, but only took a few steps before seeming to think of something. She turned back and said to Wan Li, Im also making a portion for Lady Feng. I might as well bring some extra. This mister can have a meal before leaving!

Wan Li was going to decline, but it seemed this big sis hadnt had such a good chat in a long while. Therefore, she was exceptionally passionate in detaining him, saying how her cooking of local specialties was much better than a hotels. It wasnt appropriate to keep refusing, so Wan Li could only agree to stay.

While the big sis went off to cook, Wan Li tried to chat with Lady Feng. Ever since he entered the courtyard, she hadnt spoken a word. She merely smiled serenely while gently polishing those four porcelain pieces over and over. She watched Wan Li and that big sis converse with a blissful expression. Thinking of her pitiful past, Wan Lis heart felt sour and he really wanted to help her somehow.

Yet no matter what he said, Lady Feng merely smiled at him. She even stroked his face a little, so he could only give up in the end. He used her preferred method of silent communication to interact with her. He knew Lady Feng wanted to make him feel at home. Therefore, he didnt stand on ceremony and took a tour around the small courtyard.

By the entryway, there was a simple shack with two rooms. It was clearly the kitchen and pantry, but its cold state made it obvious it hadnt been used in a long time. Across from it were a row of three rooms. The room in the middle was Lady Fengs. It was plain, unadorned, even decrepit. The room on the left was the worship room. It was very small but rather clean. A small incense burner smoldered silently. The room on the right wasnt large either. The furniture was simple. Although it was also very clean, the moment the door was opened, an indescribable chill swept forth.

That room belongs to my familys Yong Zi. Lady Feng suddenly spoke, startling Wan Li.

He turned around to see Lady Feng carrying the wooden box of porcelain as she stood behind him. He hurriedly reached out to help but Lady Feng turned away, not letting him touch the box. She placed it neatly on the bed herself and caressed it for a while, muttering under her breath as if the box was alive.

Wan Li stood frozen for some time. He suddenly had a strange feeling that he was interrupting, and thus left the room. Luckily, the chatty big sis came back not long after, carrying a large aluminum plate. On the plate were two large dishes and several steamed buns.

Give my cooking a try. I guarantee youll start thinking of the next meal while eating this one! She called him over warmly and also called Lady Feng outside.

It was summer so the dining table was placed in the courtyard. The chatty big sis helped Lady Feng fill her bowl with rice, and was about to help Wan Li when Lady Feng stopped her. Wan Li and the chatty big sis were both a little surprised. They didnt know what the matter was. They were about to ask when they saw the elder walk into the room on the right. She held a set of snow white bowl and plate when she came out.

You can use these! Lady Feng said beaming.

Wan Li heard the big sis suck in a breath and looked over in confusion.

My goodness! The chatty big sis looked incredulous. Those are Lady Fengs treasures. She normally pits her life against anyone who touches them, but shes actually letting you eat out of them today!?

Wan Li didnt know what to say. Lady Feng attentively helped him scoop some rice and get some of the dishes before stuffing everything into his hands. She stared at him, waiting for him to eat. He was born with plenty of guys, and wasnt afraid of anything. Yet he had never been so exaggeratedly nervous. He hadnt blinked when he stared death in the face several times, but his hands were trembling as he held the exquisite rice bowl.

Whether or not it was expensive wasnt the main issue. Since Lady Feng cared so much about it, wouldnt it be a huge crime if he accidentally broke the bowl?

Eat! The elder urged. Wan Li shook with fear as he scooped a bite of rice into his mouth, swallowing down after randomly chewing a couple of times.

The chatty big sis stared for a while before running back home to spread the gossip, leaving Wan Li behind to struggle. The more nervous he was, the heavier the bowl felt in his hands. As he ate, he actually felt the bowl shake. Startled, he immediately held it tight, afraid it would shatter.

However, as he held it in his palms, a strange sensation suddenly arose. The bowl started heating up for some reason. Eventually, it grew hot, making his palms feel as if they had been bitten! Had he held it too long, or was he just imagining things?

He hurriedly placed the bowl on the small wooden table and glanced at Lady Feng. The elder showed no reaction as she slowly ate her own food. She didnt seem to have noticed the bowls abnormality.

He steadied himself and looked at the sky. The sun was setting and the light was already very faint. They were sitting in the shade, without any direct sunlight. Even if the sun was shining on him, it would only feel warm, right? That scalding sensation shouldnt have been possible.

He reached out and touched the side of the bowlit was burning hot as expected. Although it wasnt to the extent of causing injury, it was at least above seventy degrees.

Whats going on? He mumbled softly.

Best of all, the bathroom was without any windows. Unless Si Ma Nan was hiding inside the toilet bowl, they would be safe.

Boss Sun was startled by the talisman, his face turning pale.

Dont be scared, its just an isolation talisman. With this, no one outside can hear our conversation. He randomly made up a name. Forgive me for yelling at you earlier. But believe me, there is someone in this inn that you and I need to be mindful of.

What do you mean? Boss Sun recovered his wits. Im running an inn here, all who come are guests. Its got nothing to do with me!

Stop trying to pass the buck. Youre a smart man. You should know that I wouldnt have come to you in a rush if I hadnt gotten some clues. Wan Li spoke frankly. You hinted at me to go to the western side of town. Werent you pointing the way for me? What, still not going to admit it? Let me tell you, Ive already found Lady Feng, and also got hold of those moving porcelain pieces.

Boss Sun didnt speak, but his face alternated colors.

Your father was the official surnamed Sun back then, right? Wan Li continued to speak. Out with it. The people who did that unspeakable thing back then are all trapped in the new town, their fates unknown. I trust you know the reason why.

You dont need to trick me. Boss Sun said. Ill tell you honestly, I know nothing.

You know nothing? Then why did you give me a hint? This is very contradictory, but I can understand. You might have no choice due to certain difficulties. But no matter if youre benevolent or trying to atone, no one can remain uninvolved once this blows up.

I really dont know.

Fine, then bring me the lamp and vase you used to scare Miss Yue last time. Ill ask them myself. Ruan Zhan had told him what Xiao Xia had encountered at this inn. This point made Wan Li detest this Boss Sun a little. If theres something to say, just say it. Why act mysterious and scare women. Even if there are some difficulties, you can still make your own choice as a man. In psychological terms, this was a desire to be forced into doing something. When someone wasnt able to choose, they would subconsciously want others to force a choice on them, making them passively accept an outcome.

This was a mentality of avoidance! Unfortunately the situation was too urgent. He didnt have the time to let him avoid things!

How did you Boss Sun suddenly stopped speaking but his expression changed. These words clearly struck at his heart.

How did I know, right? Because Im in the same group as that Miss Yue. With us is a sorcerer with profound powers. They are currently facing off against resentful spirits in the new town. Im to help them on the outside. Im sure you knew that. Otherwise, you wouldnt direct me to Lady Feng in the west side of town!

Boss Sun didnt speak for a moment, before asking quietly, How are those people?

There are several still alive. The rest have all died, died very tragically. Wan Li spoke the truth to strike at his mental barriers. The resentful aura surrounding those spirits is too deep. They wont stop until they kill every last one.

Boss Sun clearly shivered. My father has been dead for many years.

The resentful spirits wont care about that. Others might not know about the background of those missing, but you probably do. Included in the group are the descendants of those responsible back then. Even though they werent personally responsible, they still had to pay with their lives! Miss Yue is completely unrelated, but she was also swept up in it. Therefore, it wont be possible for you to stay out of this.

But Ive been helping Boss Sun blurted out, but stopped speaking again.

Wan Li was irritated, not knowing why he kept trailing off. It seems whatever difficulties he had was indeed putting a lot of psychological pressure on him. He had yet to truly exchange information with Ruan Zhan. Most of what he said was a bluff. However, he was now sure that Boss Sun definitely knew about this matter, at least part of it.

Who have you been helping? Seeing Boss Sun still hesitating, Wan Li said mercilessly, Its fine if you dont want to say it. When the city is unable to hold those resentful spirits, you can just wait for death. Master Long might be powerful, but that place has already been destroyed by someone!

No, I dont want to die. Ive also had enough. My dad died. Ive been helping Feng Yong Zis family this whole time. I even hinted at you and Miss Yue to go purify the grudge from back then. I shouldnt have to suffer retaliation!

As expected!

Wan Li let out a long breath. Are you the one who gave Lady Feng the porcelain? Back then, your father was one of the participants of the first kiln. He was the one who took the remaining porcelain out, right? But how did they become possessed by spirits?

I dont know, I really dont know. Boss Sun said, Before he died, my dad only told me they had done something heinous. He told me to give the porcelain away, and to help Yong Zis family financially. He also wanted me to find someone to purify the grudge before we moved into the new town. He really didnt tell me anything. I just figured that Miss Yue had come from a major city to spread knowledge of the law, and also sensed you must have come to find her. So I

You should at least tell me whether the one possessing the porcelain is Feng Yong Zi.