Book 8: Chapter 6: Spirit Medium

Name:The Exorcist Author:
Book 8: Chapter 6: Spirit Medium

Up close, Xiao Xia saw a pair of earrings with red gemstones in He Fu Guis ears.

She had only thought him tacky previously, seemingly wishing to wear a giant golden ring on each finger. The gold chain around his neck was thick like those of a bicycle. She had never noticed that his earrings were so simple, delicate and exquisite.

She wasnt sure what those red gemstones were. They gave off a chill, and made He Fu Guis face seem unusually pale. What are your earrings made out of? Xiao Xia blurted.

He Fu Gui took a step back, seeming a little guarded for some reason. They were an inheritance. Is something wrong? No, I just think theyre very beautiful. Xiao Xia knew he didnt want to tell her so didnt ask further. As expected, they were antiques. Otherwise, how could He Fu Gui have such things based on his tastes. Come talk in my room. He Fu Gui waved his hand at Xiao Xia and led her back to his room.

Xiao Xia recounted the events of the night, though she of course hid her minor use of magic. She secretly observed He Fu Guis expression as she spoke, seeing him looking more and more afraid. At times, he even seemed to space out, as if listening to someone else speaking. He muttered to himself for a while before asking, Did that female ghost say anything else? What did she look like? Is Chairman He familiar with thatwoman? Xiao Xia astutely sensed something.

He Fu Gui froze for a moment, then said a little angrily, I was born and raised in Jingshi Town, and have never come here before. How could I be familiar with her? Secretary Yue, isnt your imagination a little too rich? Apologies, Chairman He. I was just speaking randomly. Xiao Xia apologized, but felt He Fu Gui was being evasive. But since this place isnt clean, should we leave? No, I havent won He Fu Gui halted his tongue, and spoke again after a while. I still have business and cannot leave for now. If Secretary Yue doesnt like this place, we can change hotels. Im going to sleep for a bit. You can make the decision.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

Xiao Xia could only agree. Seeing his displeased expression, she tactfully took her leave. She was truly exhausted after being tormented all night. Her new room faced the sun. She opened the curtains wide, and only dared sleep with the sun shining on her body. Despite this, she still slept extremely uneasily. She kept having those strange dreams. She dreamt of Ruan Zhans lonely and dashing figure facing away from her, causing her incessant heartache yet remaining untouchable. She dreamt she was in a small, wet alley being bitten by several vicious dogs. She dreamt a rope was trying to slip around her neck. Finally, she dreamt that she burst into a room and saw He Fu Gui sitting there. However, he had three heads. Apart from his own, there was one on each of his shoulders. They were both crimson female faces that glittered like gems!

The dream startled her awake and she was unable to fall back asleep. Wan Li had said she was easily affected by her subconscious mind. Could the past few hours have caused some psychological trauma? She forced herself to be strong, but the current situation made her recall when she had first met Ruan Zhan. Another wave of bitterness rose in her heart. She had decided not to miss him, but if reason could overcome emotions, those emotions wouldnt be real!

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Xiao Xia was startled, not expecting the elder to realize it at a glance. She hadnt planned on telling anyone else, but the elder seemed to have some charm that lowered her guard, causing her to recount everything that happened last night. It included her doubts about He Fu Gui, but she still didnt mention the bit of magic she had.

The elder pondered for a long while before speaking. That female ghost is very fierce. If you had hidden and avoided provoking her, things would be fine. But now The elder glanced at Xiao Xias amulet. Although your Yang aura is weak, you have karmic ties with Buddha. Furthermore, that warding object of yours isnt ordinary. It contains a very strong willpower and external magic force. Theres definitely two people who love you to the extreme protecting you.

Xiao Xia didnt speak, but her heart ached and she immediately teared up. Her grandma definitely loved her the most in this world, but she had passed away. As for the one who added the magic on her amulet, did he really love her? Why did she faintly sense it, but was never able to grab hold of that feeling? The best thing to do now is to keep your distance from that female ghost. Although she is fierce, her powers arent strong. With this amulet, you wont have any issues. The elder continued speaking. But the chill around your Yang fire isnt something that hanged ghost could maintain. I can only say there is an object of utmost poisoned resentment in your vicinity. You must be especially wary of it! Could it be my boss Xiao Xia was shocked, not having been aware that she was already contaminated. But he is able to roam around during the day, it shouldnt beor is he carrying something? Xiao Xia recalled those particularly beautiful earrings that made her extremely uncomfortable.

She had experienced many supernatural events, and knew antiques are easily possessed. Especially since He Fu Gui was truly acting weird. Just what was he doing? Why did he always leave during the night mysteriously? Why was his money seemingly endless? She had been too anxious in finding a job, and hadnt noticed anything at all. Had she stepped into a trap yet again? Who was the target of those hidden in the shadows this time? Was it a coincidence that she was chosen as He Fu Guis secretary? From what youve told me, your boss is definitely no good. Lass, heed my words, stay away from him. The elder exhorted.

Being receptive to advice is important. Xiao Xia knew she wasnt capable enough and also didnt want to provoke trouble. Therefore, she decided to take the elders advice. But she wasnt able to leave right away. She had no money, and she also had to act natural. If there really was something wrong with He Fu Gui, he would become suspicious if she suddenly wanted to leave. She felt that he currently had no ill intent towards her, so she planned on acting oblivious for two weeks and leave after getting her paycheck.

Having come to a decision, Xiao Xia and the elder chatted a while longer. She even went out and brought some food back, promising to visit in the future, before leaving.

By the time she finished booking the new hotel and got back, it was already sunset. The moment she walked into the lobby, she saw He Fu Gui pacing around impatiently. Seeing her approach, he said sternly, Secretary Yue, where have you been? I didnt hire you to stroll around.

Xiao Xia frowned, a little angry. She knew getting mistreated was inevitable when working for others. However, not even Director Pan had criticized her in front of so many people before. This rural tycoon with his murky background who might have committed atrocities was actually humiliating her like this?! Well that was also fine. Falling out with him would give her an excuse to quit. Had Chairman He instructed me to do anything? You didnt employ me to be on call 24/7. Xiao Xia said coldly. Since you have me work evenings, Im off the clock during the day. Whatever I do during that time has nothing to do with you. According to the law, citizens have the right to rest. No matter how awesome you are, you arent above the law!

She spoke loudly and righteously, stunning the people in the lobby as they waited to see how the boss would lose it. He Fu Gui had never been angered like this after starting his winning streak, especially in front of so many onlookers. His face reddened in fury. Right as he was about to explode, he suddenly froze as if hearing something. Then, he strangely nodded and said to Xiao Xia, Then are you on the clock now? I await your instructions. Didnt you want to change hotels? If youve found a new one, give me the address. Ill leave the rest to you.

Xiao Xia glared at He Fu Gui, seeing the repressed rage in his eyes. She felt the matter was off, but it wasnt convenient to say anything at the moment. She gave him the knew hotels address and went upstairs. Ive never seen such an unruly employee before. She might have some uncertain relationship with that local tycoon!

The onlookers gossiped but He Fu Gui could only hear two voices. What an oversight. That secretary of yours isnt an ordinary person! Three Inch Golden Lotus spoke into his left ear. I really didnt notice that the women with weak Yang flames actually had a protective treasure. Say, do you think shes aware of it herself? Definitely. Ordinary shoes said in his right ear. Didnt you see? When she got angry, there was very faint spirit power around her. She might know some magic. Well have to see if shes here to cause trouble. Hmph, at this point, nothing can stop us. Three Inch Golden Lotus sneered.