"Gu Yan?" Yan Yuying's footsteps slowed slightly, "why call him?"

"...." Li Xinyao was also stunned. He was speechless about what he just said without thinking.

"That..." Li Xinyao turned her head and said hurriedly, "Gu Yan helped to find the elder's house. It's normal for him to have dinner together!"

"Is it normal?" Yan Yuying glanced. "I think it's better to forget... The seniors want to thank, and they're not in a hurry tonight!"

If Gu Yan is brought over one by one tonight, she estimates that the senior can hurt internally!

It's just

Yan Yuying thought a little and thought while walking to the subway.

- something's wrong with this state?!

"I'll just mention it..." Li Xinyao glanced at Dong Xuejiao and said, "I'll go to Huaxi to find you when I send back my things."

"Well, good." Yan Yuying answered and hung up the phone. He couldn't help shaking his head and sighing.

It seems that there has been no enlightenment one by one, because Gu Yan has enlightened... Alas, it hurts to learn for three seconds.

Yan Yuying shrugged and continued to walk to the subway station.

For emotional matters, she believes that others can only push, but can't intervene.

Whether it's with the senior student or Gu Yan in the end, as long as the party is happy.

As for her... As a best friend, she just needs support one by one.


"Gillian, I'll go first..." Li Xinyao returned to the classroom, packed up her books and quickly turned and left.

It felt as if she was afraid that Dong Xuejiao would mention climbing again.

Dong Xuejiao frowned slightly, looked at the figure of Li Xinyao leaving in a hurry, and looked down. Some of them took their bags angrily and walked out. They also said, "I'm afraid I'm getting along with Gu Yan. It seems that there's something urgent."

She glanced down, Dong Xuejiao's eyes turned, and then the corners of her mouth smiled. She planned to go to Gu Yan's department to find him.

"Dong Xuemei..." Zhao Pengfei played basketball in his hand and came down one side of the stairs.

"Senior." Dong Xuejiao looked at the basketball in his hand, "go play?"

"Yes." Zhao Pengfei stopped in front of Dong Xuejiao with a smile. "Do you want to see me play?"

Dong Xuejiao said, "it depends on whether there is Gu Yan on the court!"

"Why are you girls so superficial?" Zhao Pengfei seemed very helpless. "There are so many people on the court, and there is a good-looking Gu Yan in his eyes!"

"Yes, we are so superficial... After all, there are very few boys who look like Gu Yan!" Dong Xuejiao took it for granted, paused slightly and asked, "is there Gu Yan?"

"Gu Yan seems to have something to do with the professors of his department this afternoon. He should not play today..."

"Senior, I'll go first!" Dong Xuejiao quickly bowed her hands and left in a hurry.

"Alas..." Zhao Pengfei lifted his hand, looked at Dong Xuejiao's back and snorted discontentedly, "Gu Yan didn't plan to go to graduate school before, and the whole school's single boys still think spring is coming... Now it's good, it's winter in an instant!"

After a sigh, Zhao Pengfei looked at himself.

Ming Ming is tall and healthy. Although he is not delicate enough, he is also full of hormones... Why can't he catch a sister?

The main thing is that the same families climb the wall. It's unbearable!


"Professor, I'll go first," Gu Yan said after saving the document and turning off the machine.

The professor nodded and looked at Gu Yan. His eyes were full of joy and joy for the satisfied students.

Gu Yan and Wang Xiao left together. When they got out of the door, they saw Dong Xuejiao leaning on the side of the corridor and looking at her mobile phone.

"Make a bet, she's here to block you." Wang Xiao whispered with a smile.

Gu Yan glanced at him lightly, didn't speak, just walked forward.

Hearing the footsteps, Dong Xuejiao looked up and saw that it was Gu Yan this time. Her eyes immediately came forward, "Gu Yan!"

"Why are you here?" Gu Yan asked knowingly, and kept moving forward.

"Come and look for you." Dong Xuejiao didn't hide, and asked with a big smile, "are you free in the evening?"

"No..." Gu Yan refused directly.

When Dong Xuejiao heard this, she immediately drooped her shoulders and sighed, "Alas... Xinyao was called away by the man yesterday. She also wanted to come to see you and have dinner together!"

Gu Yan's steps stopped, looked at Dong Xuejiao, who was deliberately but pretended not to say it, and a sneer crossed the bottom of his eyes.

"Gu Yan, are you free at the weekend?" Dong Xuejiao followed Gu Yan's footsteps and always kept a cheerful and mindless smile on her face. "I have an appointment with Xinyao to climb the mountain at the weekend. Do you and Wang Xiao want to go together?"

Wang Xiao tried to hold back his smile and felt that there was still a little bit of this sister's paragraph number.

At least, I know the weakness of catching Gu Yan.

Gu Yan stopped this time and looked straight ahead. After a few seconds, he took back and looked at Dong Xuejiao with a big look on his side. "If you have time on Saturday, you can make an appointment!"

"Really?!" Dong Xuejiao brightened her eyes immediately. "Then I'll finalize the specific time and which mountain to climb with Xinyao tomorrow, and then come and tell you?"

"HMM." Gu Yan said faintly, then took a step and left with Wang Xiao.

Dong Xuejiao didn't follow up this time. She just looked at the figure Gu Yan left. She smiled deeply at the corners of her mouth. At the same time, she had a deeper concern at the bottom of her eyes.

After Wang Xiao and Gu Yan went out of the building together, he asked curiously, "I see that sister is taking sister Xinyao as a Pathfinder. I don't believe you didn't see it."

"So what?" Gu Yan looked indifferent.

"It's nothing. I'm just curious. You promised." Wang Xiao was really curious.

Gu Yan didn't know what program to install in his mind. Shuangshang was not only online, but also very high.

With regard to Dong Xuejiao's number, he estimated that Gu Yan didn't need to think about it. He knew what twists and turns were turning in her mind.

"I'll go to Lu Yuanting one by one today. Yan Yuying is there, so I don't want to follow." Gu Yan's thin lips flashed a light smile. "Now, Dong Xuejiao is looking for some blocking for her. I think it's also good."

"What do you mean?" Wang Xiao didn't understand.

Gu Yan glanced at Wang Xiao and didn't speak, but his smile grew deeper and deeper.

Dong Xuejiao is not stupid. It should be said that people who can learn medicine have high IQ.

As a bystander, she can naturally see that he likes one by one, and one by one is still ignorant.

And a person who has thoughts about him wants to kill all those ignorant thoughts, so she must be eager to say something to them at this moment?

Not only can she stop one by one, she also has a better chance.

And for him

11. Because Dong Xuejiao is blocked, the "appointment" with Lu Yuanting tonight will naturally be out of mind.

Climbing on weekends can also stimulate her and kill two birds with one stone!