Chapter 320 Volume V - 38: Unmet Conditions

Name:The Extra of The Lunerra Author:
Chapter 320 Volume V - Chapter 38: Unmet Conditions

?As I looked at the six people standing not far away from me, I felt something strange inside me, as if... the people in front of me were not simply 'humans'. I couldn't make sense of it, but for some reason, it felt like these people were out of my reach, even though they were standing right in front of me.

The children standing behind the adults, with the exception of the eldest, who looked like a high schooler, ran backward.

In the awkward silence of the hallway, I tried to focus on their appearance, but my eyes suddenly locked with those of the man with the stern look. I don't know why, but... I couldn't take my eyes off him. He had really beautiful ocean-blue eyes, but it wasn't simply because they looked 'beautiful' that I couldn't take my eyes off him.

It was like... he had truly 'magical' eyes.

I frowned for a moment. As I looked into the eyes of the man in front of me... I felt like my thoughts were slipping away, and I didn't like it.

I took a short step toward them, but they didn't do anything, they just continued to watch me. With my second step, I saw the man's eyebrows raise slightly, as if... surprised. He had a look as if he didn't expect me to be able to take a step again. But again, there was no other reaction. Even on my third and fourth steps, nothing happened.

When there were only about two meters between us... the man's magical eyes seemed to sparkle for a moment. It was only then that my eyes were forcibly separated from his. With my vision momentarily blurred and a wave of pain spreading throughout my body, I lost my balance and fell to my knees.

A metallic taste reappeared in my mouth. But this time, I didn't even have time to swallow it back. As blood oozed from between my lips, I deactivated Mana Ascension as fast as I could. The golden glow surrounding my body slowly faded, and the patterns on my skin began to fade as my shoulder-length hair receded.

I could feel the tremendous flow of mana coming from behind me again, and they began to move slightly as if my command to them was losing its effect. After only a second or two... a massive amount of mana that could have killed me on the spot would pile on me again.

However, this did not happen. Instead, the man, whose feet I could only see, slowly approached me. As I forced my head up, I saw with my blurred eyes that he raised his hand and held it behind me. His ocean-blue eyes flashed even more fiercely, and then... as if someone had built a wall behind me, the flow of mana that was about to pin me to the ground suddenly stopped.

But that didn't stop my consciousness from slipping through my hands. One last voice I could hear and the whole world went dark.

"Claire, put him on the couch." New novel chapters are published on


So... should I try or not?

I took a deep breath, staring blankly at the wall, trying to decide which made more sense in the midst of my thoughts.

My house was silent. I didn't have the TV on, I didn't have anything to do and Paul was... simply sleeping. He was sick, as he often was. He was always sick because his body was too weak. But... that wasn't the important thing right now.

Last night, after I was sure that he was hiding something from me, I thought of something I could do, but how right it was to do it... that's what I wasn't sure about.

I nodded, finally tearing my eyes away from the white wall, and walking slowly toward the room where Paul slept. I kept as quiet as I could so as not to wake him, and then I pushed open his door, which was already open.

I gave him the room I had prepared in case I had guests staying at my house. It was a simple room with a wardrobe, a mirror, a few drawers, and a bed. Paul was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, his mouth slightly open, and a thin sheet over him, his chest rising and falling extremely slowly, indicating that he was indeed asleep.

I stepped in front of him without making a sound, I couldn't help looking at him briefly.

I swallowed, tension wrapped around my body. It was already hard for me to stay where I was because of the tiredness from lack of sleep, and now with this tension on top of it... I was afraid of making a mistake.

What will I do if I wake him up? Maybe I can make something up, but what if he wakes up while I'm using my skill? How can I explain the situation then?

After a brief moment, I paused, closed my eyes, and sighed lightly, calming myself as much as I could.

No, I shouldn't think about such things. I'd rather regret it in the future than spend every second thinking about it. I've already made up my mind.

I opened my eyes, looked at Paul's sleeping face again, and he didn't look very peaceful. His illness and the state of his body must have been taking its toll. But... for the moment, it didn't matter.

I slowly moved my hand above his head, then focused on the only active skill I had, thinking of Paul as the target as my mana moved through my body, activating my skill.

I quickly closed my eyes and a beam of light appeared in front of me. As I felt the mana passing through my arm, which I was pointing towards Paul, I felt it leaving me, slowly moving towards Paul. When my mana actually touched Paul... that's when the bright glow behind my eyelids became more intense.

I could no longer feel my feet on the ground, even my perception of heat and cold slowly disappeared as if my surroundings were changing. Throughout the process... I simply thought about one thing, what Paul was hiding from me and that I wanted to see it.

After a short time, just as I was about to open my eyes, expecting to find myself in Paul's memories... something strange happened as if time stopped. My perception of cold and heat returned to me in an instant. The dazzling radiance behind my eyelids quickly disappeared. Even my mana left Paul and returned to me.

Before I knew what had happened, I opened my eyes and found myself back in my guest room, my hand on Paul with no problem. He didn't seem to be awake. His eyes were still closed and his chest was rising and falling slowly, just like before.

The only difference... there was a notification window in front of me. And when I read what it said, my mouth dropped open and I found myself literally unable to think of anything.



The conditions for traveling through the memories of the target have not been met!


Silence enveloped my body and I stood where I was, unable to focus on anything but the notification in front of me.

What? Are the conditions not met...?