Chapter 90 Raven The Leech!

Name:The Extra's Dominance Author:
[Ervin's POV]



Rough breathing came out of my mouth after killing a total of 23 goblins...

Goblins are much weaker than me, they have the same strength of a normal teenager.

But because they attack in groups without giving me a second to catch my breath, I couldn't help but still find the situation kinda tiring and annoying.

I've been fighting nonstop for about 15 minutes!

'I should rest for a bit...'

I thought.


But as I was attempting to relax, a goblin jumped at me from my behind!


I exclaimed and violently turned my whole body to the goblin.


But before I could even complete my spin, a black dagger flew and dug into the goblin's skull!

I shifted my head where the dagger came from... And I saw Raven massacring some goblins!


He heavily swung his sword diagonally down.


Cutting multiple goblins into 2 at the same time!


But it seems like he didn't control his strength properly as after slashing the goblins...

His sword didn't stop and it continued going down, so in the end, it struck the ground!

'That happened too when he fought with me during the test...'

I thought.

It's like Raven is not used to his strength..

Anyway, I can see Raven frowning really hard as he was in an awkward position after his sword hit the ground.

He's basically bending down like he's picking something up...


But then I saw Raven raise his right foot!


After that, he spun his body to the right as he use his sword that's stuck on the ground as a support!


Something black covered his whole right foot, and it soon transformed his foot into a black sword blade!

And Raven performed a horizontal kick with it!


Killing some goblins that are planning on attacking him from the back!


After that, Raven let go of his sword, then he aimed his left hand to me!


Then a gun suddenly appeared in his left hand!



And Raven pulled the trigger!

The bullet went pass beside my head, and...


It hit a goblin's head that's trying to ambush me from the behind again!

After that, Raven completed his spin and while doing so...


He retrieved his sword again, and his gun disappeared in his left hand again!

It all happened in matter of seconds that I don't even know what the fuck really happened!

The only thing I'm sure is that Raven already killed most of the goblins, and he kinda saved me twice.

'I won't die just by receiving an attack of two from a goblin after all...'

I thought.

It was then, Raven looked back at me.

"Don't let your guard down because they're weak, they're still going through hypersexuality..."

Then he said!


My eyes widened when I heard his words.

It made me realized why most goblins are attacking me from my behind!

The goblins are attacking with the thought of sexually harrasing me!

Chills ran through my spine after knowing that, I tightened my grasp on my sword and I immediately took a fighting stance.


And when I heard a goblin near me...


My hand moved unconsciously and I swung my sword where I heard the noise!

Killing it immediately even before it closes its distance to me even more!

"That's more like it."

I heard Raven's voice after that.

Though, I just ignored him for the time being and just focused on the goblins that are surrounding me.


[Raven's POV]

After a few more minutes of fighting, or I mean one-sidedly killing the goblins.


I finally killed the last goblin of the horde using [Nyx].

And there was a total of 73 goblins, Sariel counted.

'I'm a bit tired now...'

I thought.

The fight lasted for about 18 minutes.

[Dumbasss, it lasted for 19 minutes.]

'Shut up.'


And not far away from me, I can see Ervin sitting on the ground while heavily breathing.

He's strong and all, but it's understandable that he's exhausted like that after fighting some goblins.

'He entered dungeons in the past along with a group of professional heroes after all.'

So that means Ervin can focus on one enemy because his teammates are much stronger than him and can cover for him.

But just now, he fought a lot of enemies at the same time all by himself without stopping.

In short, Ervin is not used in fighting multiple enemies all by himself.

While me, I have few experiences of fighting a group alone, but I'm not really good at it.

For example, when I went alone to face Sean's whole team...

I can somehow hold my ground against them but if Jeanna and the others didn't arrive, I was planning to do a hit and run tactic using the forest that's surrounding Sean's team's base.



Anyway, I took out a low stamina potion from my spatial storage and threw it at Ervin.



Ervin caught it and thanked me before opening the vial...


Then he drank everything in the vial in a single chug.

After that, I walked toward him...


And I took something out from my spatial storage and handed it to Ervin.

Ervin looked at what's in my hand, then he suddenly frowned.

"What's that?"

He asked me.

"A mana contract, a high quality one."

And I answered.

"I know that, but why are you handing it to me?"

Ervin asked me again.

"Just take it and read it."

And I lazily replied.


Ervin just looked at me weirdly for some seconds.

But in the end, he took the contract from me...

And read through its content.


After some seconds, his eyes widened and he immediately looked at me.

"Are you serious about this?!"

Ervin asked me in a surprised manner.

And as a respond, I just nodded my head.

"Can you even fulfill this condition?"

Then he doubtfully asked me.

I smirked at him.

"Of course."

And I confidently replied.

"...Who the hell are you really?"

Ervin mumbled.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm Raven Obadiah, a handsome dude."

And I casually responded to him.


Ervin then went silent at my answer.

But in the end, he just shook his head and opened his mouth.

"I'll think about it."

He said.

"I'm fine with that."

I stated.

About the contract...

It was written there that I will provide Ervin with anything he need to create and manage a guild.

Under the condition that the guild will work under me.

Guilds are very costly, but Ervin can't create a big guild in one night, he would start small.

And funding a small guild will just be fine for me as I would earn millions monthly because of my partnership with the [Paradise].

Why am I doing this all?

In the novel, after Sean's fall, Ervin started a small mercenary group that soon became a small guild.

And he turned it into a big guild!

In short, Ervin will become very successful in the future!

And he'll be ridiculously strong too!

So, I'm not doing all of this for Ervin out of kindness.

I'm planning to ride on Ervin's success to be successful too!

I won't let such opportunity go!

[You leech-like bastart...]

'Shut up, Sariel.'