Chapter 100 The Article

Name:The Extra's Dominance Author:
July 5, 2080.

Sunday, 8:00 PM.

Still at Ruby's room.


"Are you okay now?"

,m Keara asked Raven.

"Yeah, it's no big deal to begin with."

"I just lost consciousness because of mana exhaustion."

Then Raven replied to her with a warm smile.

He's currently lying on Ruby's bed as he's still pretty tired.

And meanwhile, at the corner of the room, Ruby is squinting her eyes while looking Raven.

Raven saw her like that.


And all he could do is laugh awkwardly.

Ruby know to some extent that Raven is physically exhausted too because of a skill he used in his spar against Alec.

It was then, Levina flew in front of Raven's face.

-Anyway, while you were fighting against that kid earlier.

-I noticed that you got better at applying your electric attribute to your mana and body.

Then she said.

"Well, yeah, I've been practicing a lot and I have an outstanding teacher after all."

Raven responded to Levina.

And hearing his words, Levina was genuinely happy.

"Too bad I lost though."

But then, Raven suddenly added with a bitter smile.

'I already lost to Ruby twice when we were sparring.'

'But why does losing against Alec feels more impactful?'

Raven asked himself inwardly.

"Hm, losing does really make me feel shit."

Raven weakly mumbled.

"This is why I don't like losing."

Then he stated.

Levina, Keara, and Ruby.

They all heard Raven's words, but they didn't say anything.

They don't know what to say to him in the first place.

Because looking at Raven... He doesn't look like he's depressed about his lost.

It also doesn't feel like he's angry at himself.

It's just that... Raven looks a bit dissapointed.

"Anyway, how's Alec?"

It was then, Raven suddenly asked them.

"He's still in the medical center."

And it was Ruby who answered him.

Then with a small frown, Ruby continued talking.

"Many of Alec's ribs were shattered, he was already given a proper treatment..."

"But the doctors said that it would still take him two whole days to heal completely because his insides seems to be roasted as well by something hot."

Ruby explained to Raven.

And after hearing that news.


Raven chuckled.


At his very last attack to Alec, Raven accumulated a ball of mana that's combined with his electric attribute on top of his knuckle.

And when his fist made contact with Alec's side, Raven made sure to blast the electric ball and scatter it inside Alec's body!

'At least I didn't lost one-sidedly against my protagonist.'

Raven thought before getting up.

"What are you doing?"

Then Keara asked Raven.

Raven looked at her, before looking at Ruby and Levina too.

And after that, Raven shrugged his shoulders before opening his mouth.

"I'm gonna make dinner for us."

Raven stated.

"Anyone want something specific to eat?"

Then he followed a question to the others.

Ruby, Levina, and Keara looked at each other for a while...

Then they all looked back at Raven.

"I want something roasted."

Ruby said to him.

"Me, I want something super sweet for dessert..."

Then Keara shyly muttered after.

-I'm fine with anything, anything you cook is delicious after all!

And lastly, Levina stated her opinion too.

And after hearing their words, Raven smiled at them.

"Then I should probably start."

He said before exiting the room and heading to the kitchen.

And the 3 ladies followed Raven like they were ducklings following their mother.


And while Raven is chilling with Keara, Levina, and Ruby...


[Raven Obadiah: The Dark Angel!]

-A new desirable talent appeared to the world!

[Raven Obadiah] jumped from <F-> rank to <E-> rank in under 2 months!

He revealed the aristocracy of a student group in the [Lunar Academy] that has been abusing their parents powers!

That's not all, [Raven] bravely faced them all even without a proper backing, and he emerged victorious!

[See more about the article?]


An article about him was posted online!

And that article was gaining crazy amount of attention from the public!

People started praising Raven's achievements!

Many high ranking officials and guilds became interested in him!

But it's not just them...

Demons and evil organizations also started paying attention to Raven's presence!

They think that Raven is a possible strong enemy to them, and that he might hinder their movements in the future.

But there are also some stupid idiots who think that Raven is a good candidate for them to recruit!

Anyway, just a little while ago, Raven's name was unknown to many.

But now he became known in many names!

'The Rising Star.'

'The Hidden Prodigy.'

'The Sleeping Dragon.'

'The Vigilante.'

'The Dark Hero.'

These are some of the nicknames that were granted by the people to Raven!

And the nickname that is really known to everyone is:

Raven, The Dark Angel!


"Hm, people liked him more than I expected."

Leo, or the headmaster mumbled while looking at the people's reaction to the article about Raven online.

He was in his office and sitting behind his desk with an amused expression.

"You have a way in your words huh, you made the article pretty well."

The headmaster said, then he looked in front of him.

There... Kendy was sitting on a red sofa.

Kendy looked at the headmaster, then he smiled.

"Really old man?"

Kendy asked.

"Yes, you brat."

Then the headmaster replied.

Leo, looked at the article about Raven one last time before standing up from his seat.

And after that, he walked toward the door of his office.

But when he gabbed the handle of the door...

Leo suddenly looked back at the still sitting Kendy with a frown.

"What are you doing?"

Then he asked Kendy.

"It's time to clean up the trash inside the academy."

And the headmaster stated!

Kendy frowned too.

"It's not like you need help."

Then he mumbled.

"And because of that, you're gonna slack off?"

The headmaster asked him.

"Stupid old man, I'm paid to teach students."

Kendy rebutted.

"Stupid brat, you're being paid by me."

But Leo rebutted back with a sly smile.

Knowing that he wouldn't win against Leo...

"Whatever, let's just do it quickly!"

Kendy stood up from his seat in the end.

Leo smiled at his words.



He disappeared!


And not long, Kendy disappeared too!


It's not gonna be noticeable from the public...

But the Lunar would lose some staffs and professors this night.

Some of them would be fired for their wrong doings and the headmaster will make sure they can't take a proper job anymore.

Like Pete...

While some, who's corrupted to the core and who contracted with the demons or evil organizations.

Will silently vanish from the world without anyone knowing.


End of Volume 1.