Chapter 403: Marsh Hydra (2 in 1)

Name:The Eye of Evolution Author:Ashero
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The undead tiankeng is hundreds of meters deep. If you go down the circular **** mountain road, you have to go around a large circle for dozens of kilometers to reach the pale mud marsh at the bottom of the tiankeng.

However, Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi used the gliding skills attached to the equipment, but they were relaxed and hovered, and in less than a minute, they could reach the bottom of the tiankeng.

In the process of falling, Li Shuyi talked about Bao Yiming.

"What does that fat man mean? I don't think he has any bad intentions."

"Is there any malice, I can't see it for the time being. But it's just a little embarrassing." Bai Xiaowen said.

"Why does he have to follow us? His strength should be very strong, heroic level 6 is not much worse than Qi Ruifeng, there is no reason to force a team with us." Li Shuyi said.

As for saying that deliberately making electric bulbs is offensive, Li Shuyi doesn't think that people who can switch to the hero profession will be so superficial. Don't look at the big fat bag Yiming not looking handsome, but on earth, the beautiful girl who chased him down must have a big ticket. The hero career is a gold signboard, which is equivalent to the oldest diamond king in the AD era ...

Bai Xiaowen said with a smile: "I can guess some reasons ... Just now, I took a look at it. Bao Yiming's profession is a Street Fighter wrestler. He has high strength and is good at throwing skills. According to the information, Undead At the bottom of the pit, the main monster mud slug multi-headed snake in the pale mud marsh are all large monsters, and Bao Yiming's throwing skills were very bad. "

"That is to say, pale mud is not suitable for his play. If he is alone, the gains will be very limited, so I started thinking about teaming with us." Li Shuyi quickly filled in the follow-up answer.

Bai Xiaowen nodded and smiled: "So, he also said that the team can take less loot, in fact, even if you take less loot, the gains after he teamed with us will be much richer than his single-handedness, but it must be It's squeezing our revenue. That's why I flatly reject it ... "

Between the words, the two have been gliding to the bottom of the tiankeng.

At the bottom of the tiankeng, there are some huge glowing plants, which look like mushrooms, and their long rhizomes support the ring umbrella cover. However, their size is hundreds or thousands of times that of ordinary mushrooms, and they are as tall as trees.

Although the pale light emitted by these giant mushrooms is relatively weak, it successfully illuminates the underground world of the Undead Sinkhole. The name of the pale mire, in addition to the white ghost fog, these mushrooms should be one of the reasons.

"Fortunately, the ground here is stronger than I thought," Li Shuyi walked deep and shallowly, smiling. "This way, the battle will not be affected much."

At present, the ground of the pale mud marsh that the two have walked in is deep in some places, but it only sinks to the ankles. In most places, the mud is very shallow, but the soles of the feet are buried.

Bai Xiaowen shook his head and said, "No, we landed close to the mountain wall, the terrain should be considered high ... Here is the bottom of the tiankeng, the climate is humid, and the silt in some depressions should be very deep. The name of the monster that lives from here is the mud-headed snake , Can also guess one or two. "

Sure enough, as Bai Xiaowen said, after walking a few hundred meters forward, the two met a depression, which was a quagmire with rancid smell. It didn't look much different from the ordinary ground, but it was slightly darker. Fortunately, Bai Xiaowen has telepathy. He discovered the problem in advance and did not fall into the mire.

Although both of them are Superman physiques, they can get away even if they are caught in the quagmire, but they will be very embarrassed in the end.

If you get covered with mud, and you ca n’t take a bath in this pit, you can only clean it automatically when you leave the space of the dead lake.

Each time the awakened person makes a space shuttle, whether it is in or out of the spiritual realm, or in and out of the treasure land, the psionic particles will automatically gather to repair the damage suffered by the awakened person and make it "renewed." It is inappropriate to use the word here. But it means no problem.

While psionic particles repair the wound, they also include cleaning the filth of the awakened person.

Based on this mechanism, each time Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi returned from the spirit world, they were actually clean and had no dust on their bodies. They often choose to take a bath as soon as possible after the return, mainly after the spiritual world fights and kills, to achieve spiritual relaxation and want to take a good rest.

The two walked around the quagmire, and just before they continued to move forward, Bai Xiaowen's expression moved slightly, and he whispered, "Wait, there is movement in front of me, it seems that a living body is coming."

The surface of the quagmire trembled slightly, and a huge piece of silt passed through the mist.

When they came near, Bai Xiaowen and Li Shuyi could see what was the mud, but a pot-sized crab.

[Marsh Cancer (Level 5)]

[Race: beast species / terrestrial beast] *

[Attributes: Strength 22, Dexterity 11, Constitution 18, Spirit 6]

[Skill 1: Mud Shell: The body of the swamp crab is covered by a thick mud shell. The first attack damage on the same part is reduced by 90%, the second attack damage is reduced by 50%, and the third attack damage is reduced by 20%. After three attacks on the same part, the mud shell fell off, and the damage reduction effect of that part disappeared. Critical damage will also cause the mud crust to fall off at this location (no need for three times). 】

[Skill 2: Sprint: Swamp Cancer moves across to initiate an attack, inflicting moderate physical damage to the first enemy hit by the impact, and adding a knockback effect. 】

"It's a big crab," Bai Xiaowen drooled a bit. "This crab doesn't seem to be corroded by the ghost ghost fog here, it should be edible."

"Just know to eat."

Li Shuyi pulled out her two swords and rushed towards the Swamp Cancer in a small broken step. Before the Cancer's cross charge skills hit, Li Shuyi made a clever move and avoided the collision. The two swords crossed horizontally and vertically, and two slashes were shot.

In this way, hiding skills is based on the suppression of agility and combat skills. It is normal to hide, but it is not normal to hide.

Alas, the two swords struck the back of the swamp crab.

One sword caused 7 points of damage, and the second sword caused more than 20 points of damage.

Obviously, this is the effect of the [mud shell] skill of the Swamp Cancer. Otherwise, with Li Shuyi's attack power, hit a level 5 ordinary monster, and the damage value will not be lower than 50 points.

"Try to attack the same point." Bai Xiaowen sent the detected information to Li Shuyi.

Li Shuyi nodded.

However, knowing it is the same thing, and it is still a bit difficult to achieve. Fortunately, Li Shuyi's combat skills and agility attributes were suppressed. She gently took a glide step, letting Dao, who had swamped the crab, attacked it, bypassed it, and flashed the red sword in his main hand, once again stabbing the previously attacked part .

This time the damage is as high as 41 points. Obviously, the third attack on the same part will only reduce the damage by 20%.

The third attack caused the mud shell on the back of the swamp crab to shatter and peel off. Li Shuyi chased after her victory, and after a few swords went down, she gave this mighty crab general to the chopped eight-legged sky.

"Speaking of which I haven't tasted the crab with a large lid ..."

Bai Xiaowen's eating attributes have another good time and space to eat. He rubbed his hands and turned around the crab, but he still had a headache about how to handle the big guy.

"Forget it, put it in the storage space first, and when you go back, find a professional to deal with it." The professional in Li Shuyi's mouth is naturally a life assistant He Yunqing who has learned psionic cooking.

Bai Xiaowen could only hold the exuberant appetite and collect the carcass of the swamp crab.

The Marsh Cancer didn't drop the treasure chest, it just gave Li Shuyi dozens of psionic points.

They walked around the quagmire and were attacked by two swamp crabs.

Bai Xiaowen summoned two Skeleton Sword Shields to meet, he intentionally observed the effective mechanism of [Absolum's Bloodstone].

Obviously, summoning creatures' attacks will not trigger Bloodstone's first ability, Blood Desire, nor the third ability, Killing Desire.

Bai Xiaowen fired his own shot, and then found that half of the blood stone had a slight red halo. If you look closely, there is a number that stores the health value, which is currently displayed as 9/97.

"Only my own attack will trigger the blood stone skills." Bai Xiaowen was a bit sorry after confirming this mechanism. If the summoning creature can also trigger the Bloodstone skill, it is really invincible.

In the two newly appeared Swamp Cancers, Bai Xiaowen did not let the summoned creatures attack, but just let the skeleton sword shield carry the hands, and all the output was given to Bai Xiaowen to complete. The maximum health is given up.

After killing the two swamp crabs, Bai Xiaowen's maximum health value stored in bloodstones came to 37/97.


A shock came, and a cobweb-like crack appeared in the quagmire, and then a large amount of silt was ejected. Immediately afterwards, a snake head emerged from the mud, and then there were second and third.

A heavy stepping sound sounded. A three-headed mire-headed snake emerged from the quagmire, walking heavy steps towards the two of Bai Xiaowen.

This multi-headed snake monster has wide fins. Its seemingly heavy body is stepping on the mud, but it is only slightly sunken. The three snake heads all have slender snake necks that swing from side to side.

Xiaowen Bai quickly used insight.

[Swamp Hydra (Elite 6)]

[Race: beast species / terrestrial beast]

[Attributes: Strength 31, Dexterity 23, Constitution 29, Spirit 14]

[Skill 1: Mud Shell: Slightly. 】

[Skill 2: Toughness: Passive. The Swamp Hydra will not trigger the Spike effect when subjected to a critical attack. 】

[Skill 3: Multi-Head Regeneration: Passive race, Marsh Hydra has multiple heads, and each head has independent health. When the health of a skull is cleared, if other snake heads still exist, the skull will regenerate quickly. Due to the existence of multiple heads, the maximum attack speed of the swamp multi-headed snake has been increased, but it needs to withstand additional disturbance effects. 】

After the third skill, "Multi-Head Regeneration", Bai Xiaowen also detected a detailed description of the "disturb" effect.

[Disturbance: Multiple heads of the swamp multi-headed snake have independent consciousness and compete for control of the subject, which will disturb each other and reduce the hit rate and dodge rate. 】

"This disturbing effect ... well, I saw three passive monsters ..."

Bai Xiaowen thought of the voodoo giant that he encountered in Yinfenggang before, which is called a brain-wack.

It seems that the swamp hydra snake is also a type of brain-mind ...

As usual, the skull knife shield on top of the hand. The skeleton sword shield hand that has been strengthened twice, at least the overall attributes are not worse than ordinary monsters of level 5, the strength value has reached 19 points, it is no problem to carry the single head attack of the swamp multi-headed snake.

Six skeleton sword shield hands summoned only three, which is regarded as respect for the three heads of the swamp multi-headed snake.

Bai Xiaowen shot and fired, too, in order to stack the upper limit of the blood stone's health. He deliberately chose a skull to attack, leaving no two remaining.

A Swamp Hydra has a skull with only about 90 health, and is quickly destroyed. Then, unsurprisingly, the broken and bleeding head quickly swelled and formed a mass of sarcoma.

About ten seconds, from the sarcoma, a snakehead was drilled again, but compared to other snakeheads, the color was lighter, more tender, and there was no protection of mud shell skills.

Bai Xiaowen observed the change in the health value of the swamp multi-headed snake and found that the newly emerged snake head has 74 health points, which is a dozen points lower than before.

"It takes 10 seconds for the skull to regenerate. After the regeneration, the upper limit of the skull's health is reduced." Bai Xiaowen took note of the two points of information, and then shot again, smashing the newborn snake head.

The smashed snake head retracted into a sarcoma again. Ten seconds later, a new snake head appeared. This time there are only 55 health caps left.

Bai Xiaowen tried a dozen times ~ ~ The attacks were all concentrated on a snake head and would regenerate each time, but the upper limit of life was getting lower and lower. In the end, there is only 1 point of the upper limit of the life of the newborn snake head. If it is broken again, it will still be reborn, but the upper limit of the life value is fixed at 1 and will not be reduced.

"An elite multi-headed snake with a skull regenerated at most five times has only 1 life left," Bai Xiaowen told Li Shuyi. "Of course, the fighting pressure is not great now, I just do experiments. Real battle In the middle, you must press the blood lines of all the heads at the same time, fight to the residual blood, and then blow them all in ten seconds. This is the correct way to play the swamp multi-headed snake. "

Bai Xiaowen's attack turned to other snake heads, but the swamp multi-headed snake twisted his butt, and chose to escape without a bone.


Bai Xiaowen did not expect it to escape, it seems that the intelligence is a little higher than the voodoo giant. However, Bai Xiaowen could not let it escape, reached out a move, a tall skeleton holding a two-handed sword appeared, a sword split, blocking the way of the multi-headed snake.

This is Bai Xiaowen's new Elite Summoning Skull Warrior, whose power value is higher than that of a multi-headed snake, and it is unambiguously blocked. Mobile users please browse and read for a better reading experience.