Chapter 541: 10,000 scale battle

Name:The Eye of Evolution Author:Ashero
Hearing the sound of the horn, Pharaoh Ramesses' face suddenly covered with a layer of frost.

This is the Hittite offensive horn!

Bai Xiaowen said softly: "Finally here ... Hittites' reinforcements are earlier than expected."

In the north, a stream of iron bypassed the city of Cade, rolled into the battlefield, and formed a pinch-to-back attack with the Hurdbu Army in the south!

This is another Hittite legion, the vanguard of the Guardian Hatusa Legion named after the capital!

Although the number of this vanguard was small, only two thousand, it was a heavy blow to the heart of the Egyptian Amon Legion. In the anxious battlefield, the reinforcements of the enemy arrived first and their own reinforcements had not yet been traced, which was very morale-damaging.

Last night, Bai Xiaowen refused to send the letter. Pharaoh Ramesses turned to other messengers and urgently issued orders to the other three Egyptian legions to reinforce the Kadeshi battlefield.

In order to be safe, Pharaoh Ramesses sent several batches of messengers, taking different paths to ensure that the news could be passed to friendly forces.

However, temporary assistance is definitely not as quick as military preparations prepared in advance. With the arrival of the Hattusa Corps vanguard, it is only a matter of time before the follow-up corps join the battlefield.

Egyptian soldiers desperately rushed to the south, but the Huddles Regiment who received reinforcements, under the order of the commander of the army, General Horti, Horim, summoned Yu Yong and continued to fight. The situation is developing in a direction that is not good for the Egyptian camp. Egyptian soldiers on both sides of the enemy can no longer maintain the inherent formation of chariots and infantry, and have fallen into chaos.

Ramesses pharaoh yelled, "I need a warrior, take the Hittite's head off for me!" He pointed his finger at Horim, the commander of Hurdbu.

"I think Pharaoh is watching us." Li Shuyi glanced and said secretly.

Bai Xiaowen calmly added a shot to a Hittite elite officer and knocked him down: "Can't go ... rest assured, there are still many warriors under Pharaoh's hands, not bad for the two of us."

Sure enough, a roar rang: "Observe Pharaoh's order!"

A half-length, macho with a huge axe, led a team of Egyptian elite guards, like a flesh sickle, rushed into the Hittites array and straightly captured the enemy generals. This macho man is Samp, a loyal subordinate of Pharaoh, a powerful 7-level leader.

The group of elite guards followed by Samp are all Pharaoh's close relatives and are an important force to maintain the authority of the Pharaoh!

This elite squad launched an onslaught with extraordinary momentum and invincibility. For a while, the morale of the soldiers in the Egyptian camp surged, and they screamed to launch a counterattack.

Suddenly, the pharaoh's throne flashed a dazzling light, and a golden light curtain was opened to protect Pharaoh Ramses in it.

"There are assassins!"

"Protect Pharaoh!"

The remaining Egyptian elite guards around Ramesses shouted in panic. That golden light curtain was a sign inspired by the magic runes engraved on Pharaoh's golden chariot, and it was also the last barrier to protect the safety of Pharaoh. It's incredible that it has been triggered silently now.

A slightly illusory shadow appeared on the side of Pharaoh's golden throne chariot. His cheekbones were high, his eye sockets were deep, his slim body was like a bamboo pole with a smirk, and a dagger was inserted into the driving car. The horse's neck quickly kills the horse.

In this way, the Rameses chariot lost its mobility.

Egyptian elite soldiers surrounded him.

Suddenly, a full-fledged roar sounded, a burly man figure, stepping on a heavy and regular pace, rushed towards the golden chariot! The elite Egyptian soldiers along the way were lifted off like rag dolls.

One of the Egyptian elite officers, with a high strength, blocked the raid of this burly figure. But the next second, the burly man blasted out, hitting the officer's chest and abdomen like a piling, the opponent's figure leaned back, leaned backward, and then added a clean whip leg Fly it into the air.

The first man who appeared as thin as a bamboo pole appeared ghostly after the elite officer, and stabbed him with a dagger to kill him.

"Protect Pharaoh ..." The Egyptian elite guards quickly moved closer to the golden chariot.

At this moment, the sound of gurgling sounded, and the crowd of Egyptian elite guards burst into tears.

"Scorpions! There are so many scorpions ... whoops ..."

Large swarms of scorpions, not knowing where they came from, got out of the ground and scrambled to bite these elite guard soldiers. Although the damage caused by the weak individual of the scorpion is not high, the damage caused by a bite of the toxin is quite fatal. People who are in the middle of the stroke often have a feeling of dizziness and dizziness, and their combat effectiveness is greatly reduced.

"Sure enough, it followed ..." Bai Xiaowen sighed and said in the team channel:

"It's Zaren, and his two teammates ... the one with the strength special type is called Ba Song, and the one with the agile special type is called Bicha! They are both heroic professions, so be careful about Ramses' safety!"

Li Shuyi agreed, and rushed to Ramesses II ~ ~ to be precise, the agile awakener Bicha!

It's early morning, and Li Shuyi's equipment skills are almost restored. And Bai Xiaowen, although the five dead Skull Shieldmen could not be summoned, but the butcher killed yesterday afternoon could already be summoned repeatedly.

The reason why Bai Xiaowen saved his strength and did not respond to Rameses' call to kill Horim was just waiting for this moment.

Suddenly before the power awakener Ba Song, a giant skeleton with a large sword holding a large sword suddenly appeared.

"A mere elite creature, dare to stop me?" Ba Song chuckled, "Give me death!"

Ba Songshen slammed into the shoulder, and the skeleton warrior suddenly raised his sword to launch Whirlwind, and the two collided with each other.

Ba Song just shook his body slightly, but the skeleton warrior took several steps back. One is a normal attack posture, and the other is a skill, but the result of the shock is completely reversed! This can only indicate that the strength values ​​of the two sides differ greatly.

However, Ba Song had not yet stood firm, and a bad wind came from behind his head. A crack in his angry claws was handed out, and a click sounded, leaving several bloodstains on Ba Song's huge body.

2vs1, the Skeleton Warrior and Angry Claw join forces to temporarily freeze Basong, the Powerful Awakener.

"This wolf ... Damn it, the little lamb of Huaxia Kingdom is in the way!" Ba Song roared, "Bicha! Kill that guy!"

Bicha's slender body suddenly shook his cloak, like a ghostly prey, rushing towards Bai Xiaowen at a high speed.

"Stop it for me!" Li Shuyi's double swords staggered towards Bi Cha.

The unvoiced sound of two metal collisions in ping-pong, Bi Cha held back his double dagger to block Li Shuyi's sword, and said coldly, "Little girl, why are you so anxious to die ..." hospital