Chapter 124

A young couple arrived at Yuan Jianghai's laboratory, touring the exhibits.

Just like the advertisements, rows of nutrient tanks were neatly arranged, growing customized embryos for parents, some just a cluster of cells, others already with limbs.

They grew in a perfect environment, to be taken home by their parents when fully developed.

On November 26, 2018, humans first attempted gene-edited babies, and an adorable pair of twin girls, Lulu and Nana, were born. They were resistant to certain fatal diseases - a great human achievement.

Since then, gene technology has advanced, with cultivated children avoiding most undesirable genes, healthy and intelligent.

The husband was eager, "They guarantee the child will have high intelligence! You know the Hai Family? They had a dumb son who squandered the family fortune accumulated over five generations in just three years! If we have a smart heir, we can keep our wealth forever!"

The wife looked worried, already pregnant and occasionally feeling the baby kick.

If they chose to customize a child here, she would lose the one in her womb, as her husband only wanted one child to concentrate all resources on providing the best upbringing.

The attending manservant smiled, "Sir, having an outstanding child not only preserves your wealth."

"Parents are innately gods to their children, though parents may not necessarily love their children."

"But children will love you unconditionally, respect and obey you. Even if you make mistakes, they will forgive you again and again. When they can't take it anymore and run away, you only need to coax them a little, and they'll come back."

"It's instinct. There are no better servants than children."

The husband was swayed, but the wife still hesitated.

The manservant presented an album, opening it before the wife, "We'll select your best genes. These are the combinations. This is what they'll look like."

The wife gasped, eyes wide open, "They're all so beautiful."

She was utterly captivated, flipping page after page.

Everyone hopes for a talented son and an accomplished daughter.

Her wish could now be realized. Given a choice, everyone wants the perfect child.

The manservant said, "Raising a child is the biggest investment. If you give birth naturally, there's a 3% chance the child will be disabled and a 98% chance they'll be an average nobody, not worth cultivating."

"You inspect every detail when buying a house, let alone having a child?"

"Madam, it's still in your womb. You have the power of life and death. Once it's out, you won't have a choice."

What fate awaited Yi Qi and her sister?

Luoyi was also being used to treat the Yuan family's illness, but in a different way. According to Yuan Jianghai, Luoyi would help them relax.

Yi Qi asked, "Will Luoyi end up like this too?"

Yuan Jianghai replied, "No, she will contribute to my research in other ways. She holds the answer I've been seeking. I need to verify it."

Back in their room that night, Yi Qi tossed and turned, unable to sleep.

She had to think of a way to escape!

Too restless to sleep, she pushed open the iron door and went out.

When Yi Qi lived alone, this door wouldn't be locked, for Yuan Jianghai knew she wouldn't leave by herself.

She went to the infirmary, where Luoyi was also awake, her wounds still painful from the earlier blood loss, leaving her pale.

Luoyi said, "Can't sleep either, sister?"

Yi Qi replied, "No, I can't sleep at all."

Just as Yi Qi pondered escaping daily, Luoyi considered the same, their many shared experiences allowing them to understand each other without much words.

Yi Qi crawled into Luoyi's bed, the two huddled on the small cot, feeling a little warmer.

Adults will pick and choose, their love and interests are tied together, but Yi Qi and Luoyi have no concept of interests, they only want the other to be well.

Luoyi said: "Will I die first?"

Yi Qi said: "No, I will die first, after all, I have lived ten minutes longer than you, no loss."

"But if you die first, I will be especially pained."

"Then let's die together."


They hooked their little fingers together, making a pact.

Ahead is a dead end, but fortunately they have each other.