The gaming circle, especially the e-sports circle, only depends on strength.

Losing is losing, second is second.

In the entertainment industry, fans will feel distressed for giegie, "He has worked very hard, don't scold him."

The strength of the e-sports circle is the top.

"It's really rubbish."

"I can't, I can't go, and you'll be scolded if you can't."

"It's you @#¥***#@."

Most of the talk doesn't come out.

Even in the regular season, Shuo Shen, who had the best data, was scolded for nothing.

Shi Xi sighed.

It must be very hard for my brother to lose the game.

He was worried that he would suffer a loss, and he actually shut him out.

Shixi opened the door.

I saw that Shi Shuo had fallen asleep leaning against the wall.

Shi Xi called the front desk: "Please arrange for two security guards to come over and send the person at my door to his room to rest."


After sending Shi Shuo back, Shi Xi checked the KPL Asian League again.

The league is divided into regular season, playoffs and finals.

A total of 20 teams participated in the regular season, and the top 8 teams entered the playoffs.

Then the top four will be determined to participate in the finals.

Compete for the first place in the KPL Asian League.

Shixi was speechless.

Looking at the hot search and scolding so vigorously, she thought JS was the runner-up.

I didn't expect the game to be over yet.

White was worried.

Shi Xi casually swiped the hot search. He thought that there was no hot search of his own, but found that "The Girl of Vitality" was still on the hot search.

#Energy girl box office water injection#

[How can there be a box office of 500 million? Most of them are bought! 】

[They've all picked up to buy the box office, tsk tsk tsk Shixi is just pretending to be dead and not responding! 】

[How many bosses has Shixi slept with to get this 500 million box office? 】

The insulting words at the back are even more unsightly.

Shixi: I'm sorry, Shabi who scolds people in any circle is disgusting.

Fans began to be scolded, and later they have exercised a strong heart.

"Yo, why don't your movies buy box office? Is it because you don't like it?"

"As such, I invited my friends from the company to watch the movie, and I also bought 1w at the box office."

"Haha, there are more than a dozen theaters in my house, and the "Vitality Girl" is full every day. Don't say anything about the water, the attendance rate for the next week of "Vitality Girl" is full!"

"Shut up if you don't have money to support the box office~ I'm willing to spend money on the female goose~~"

Fans are not used to Heizi.

After the movie is broadcast, publicity and marketing are normal methods.

And the latest box office is out.

"Vitality Girl" box office the day before: 240 million, total box office: 660 million

"Oh, "Yuan Shao" has a total box office of 660 million! Who is sour?"

"When you have time, watch more of your cooking movies. If you get stuck like this, I'm all worried for you!"

"The attendance rate of "Biochemical Man" is not as good as one day, and major theaters have already canceled the schedule."

But Heizi doesn't think so.

[Shixi fans work in theaters and never arrange films for "Biochemical Man", so the box office of "Biochemical Man" is so poor! 】

After such remarks came out, not all fans laughed to death.

"Hahaha, I never imagined that Shixi fans would be so NB that they could affect the cinema line!"

"Nan is the little princess in the Beijing circle. On the first day of the show, all the theaters in Yanjing were lined up for "Biochemical Man" from morning to night, and there were not many theaters for "Yuan Shao"."

"The fans didn't dare to speak at that time, for fear of offending the big bosses in the Beijing circle."