Chapter 49: The New Mrs. Ascalon

Name:The Fallen Vampire Author:
Chapter 49: The New Mrs. Ascalon

Indra hesitantly reached out and touched the puddle of black goo that had become his beloved partner.

As soon as his finger made contact with it, a series of bright purple eyes sprang up all throughout the goo.

He would recognize those eyes anywhere, even if there were now multiple of them and they were significantly more unnerving.

"Enyo, can you hear me...?"

"Y-Yes, b-but what's happened to me!? I look like I'm made out of tar!"

Indra didn't exactly have an answer for that either and he wracked his brain trying to come up with one.

Suddenly, he remembered the fact that his body was now in a spiritual state, and a small hypothesis began to form within his mind.

Concentrating, he forced his body to retake physical form.

It took a few seconds to get used to, but eventually he let out a sigh of relief when his skin was no longer translucent, and he reformed his flesh and blood.

Finally, the gears started to turn within his brain.

Like when he drank from Vermeil earlier, he seemed to have exchanged something with Enyo upon biting her with the intent to feed.

However, he was still rather unsure of what exactly that was.

But he was quickly beginning to formulate a theory.

Vermeil was fine when he left her, other than the fact that she was horny enough to fuck a cucumber.

And through the use of the shared connection he now shared with her, he could see that she was fine and napping on the couch, dreaming of doing the same things with him that he'd just done with Enyo.

She showed no signs of mutating, nor of having her body's composition changing anytime soon.

So then what happened to Enyo?

His only guess was that he had done something like planted a seed in Vermeil, but since things never progressed any further it was never properly 'watered' so to speak.

He had never been so grateful for the fact that he wasn't the kind of person to carelessly act on his libido, or else he might have put her in an irreversible predicament.

For right now however, he could worry about things like that later and instead focus on helping Enyo.

"Listen to me, my love. It's just like switching between your corporeal and incorporeal states. If you only remain calm, you should be able to revert back to normal."

The irony of Indra telling her to remain calm when he himself was actually quite worked up was not lost on Enyo.

She couldn't explain it, but even though she was used to her beloved Indra not showing any discernible traces of emotion she could feel the anxiety that was literally wafting off his being.

'He... is this worried about me..?'

Touched by Indra's level of concern, Enyo finally began to calm down.

And sure enough, once she did so, her body started to come back together once again.

Bit by bit, her medley of eyes disappeared and her motherly and dangerously sinful figure came back into full view.

Enyo flashed Indra a sheepish smile that seemed to confirm just how embarrassed she was from showing him such a display.

"Whoops... seems I may have ruined the mood just a bit."

Indra wanted to laugh at her joke, but he was having a hard time finding anything funny about this situation.

This was the first time he ever felt worried about ingesting the blood of the old one, as well as raised questions over what exactly he had become.

The moment that Enyo's body literally dissolved in front of him... it was the most frightening moment that he'd ever been through.

The fear that he would never see that beautiful face again, or hear her warm and seductive voice was enough to calcify him.

What if something like that happened again?

What if he wasn't able to rectify the problem as easily as he was today?

That fear was now lingering inside of his heart, and he didn't know if he was ever going to be able to expel it from itself.


Perhaps due to their new connection, Enyo was easily able to sense the way that Indra was feeling inside.

As such, she didn't allow him to feel sad for even a moment, as she firmly wrapped her nude body around him in a loving embrace.

He admittedly felt very caught off guard, as he was still too deep in his own mind to notice her sifting through it.

"What are you..?"

"I think I like being able to read your mind, it helps me know whenever you're thinking something silly."

Enyo suddenly cupped her beloved's face in her hands and showed him a smile that was absolutely blinding. n-)0velbIn

"You don't need to worry about anything happening to us. No matter what you become, no matter what that blood has made you, I will always love you.

From now until the end of time, you are mine and I am yours, yes? That means that every part of you is in my possession, even the parts that you hold fear of. And I will accept them all."

Once again Enyo was displaying a remarkable ability to hold Indra's emotions in the palm of her hand.

The string of words that she had woven together served to not only make him feel accepted, but it made him see her as an unspeakably precious existence.

The obsession that he already had with her was building and building beyond any identifiable metric.

"Are you sure about that? There still exists a chance that I will become an unholy abomination that is hunted by every soul in this world." Indra reminded gently.

"Then we will become monsters together, and we will raze everything in front of us until we are free to live as we choose." Enyo said.

Indra was surprised by her lack of hesitation in her answer, but more than that he was relieved to hear her say it all the same.

Enyo lightly pressed her lips against his and kissed him tenderly, which healed the last of Indra's worried psyche and gave him new and much needed clarity.

Now, he knew exactly what he had to do.

Without breaking their kiss, Indra asked a single question directly to her mind.

'Enyo... Will you be my wife?'

He felt her shudder a bit in his grasp and felt a small tear spill from one of her eyes onto his cheek.

'You cannot possibly understand how long I have waited for you to ask that ...yes!'

When the two of them finally separated, both of them were wearing the most gorgeously happy smiles that they could muster.

Enyo suddenly slipped from his grasp and laid back on the bed with her arms out in a waiting embrace.

"That means that this is our first night together. Let's not end things so soon, okay honey?"

Indra smiled predatorily as he felt his ancient heart beating loud enough to be heard through his chest.

He predatorily crawled atop Enyo, and savored in the sight of her shivering beneath his gaze.

"I may not be able to take things easy on you anymore after hearing all that, but you will have none but yourself to blame. "

"I am not afraid, dear. As far as I'm concerned you can stay inside of me all night!"

*They went for three more hours before Enyo passed out and showed no signs of recovering.