Qin zuozhi stood by the bed, looking at Gu Xiaowan, who had lost a lot of weight due to the suffering of illness these days. His ruddy face, now Pale without a trace of blood, may still be dreaming of that terrible scene, and his brows are all tangled in one place.

Qin Tuo's feeling can't help but sit to the bedside and stretch out the eyebrows twisted into Sichuan characters.

Tentacles like warm jade like skin, smooth forehead, slender eyebrows, closed eyes, can not see the black grape like eyes, long eyelashes, as if closed in the fan Bei Li.

Qin zuozhi is staring at Gu Xiaowan who is sleeping soundly. His face is hard to hide his worry.

After a long time of deep gaze, she sobbed and said, "Xiao Wan..."

But I don't know how to go on.

Gu Xiaowan has been unconscious for three days.

Finally, I tried to open my eyes. First of all, I saw the black roof and felt the soft bed and bedding under my body.

Seeing the familiar black roof, Gu Xiaowan almost cried with joy.

I was saved. I finally went home.

In the past, she hated the shabby house and the black roof. This time, she was so happy and excited.

After a disaster, that's almost what I mean!

Gu Xiaowan struggled to get up and found that she had no strength at all. Gu Xiaowan gave a bitter smile.

This time, I have suffered a lot.

Struggling to prop up his body, just as he was about to look up, Gu Xiaoyi just pushed the door and walked in.

Gu Xiaoyi just saw Gu Xiaowan get up. Because she was too excited, her hand shook, and the basin of water she was carrying took off her hand and fell to the ground, making a huge "bang Dang" sound.

Gu Xiaowan looked up, but he didn't see it clearly. There was a baby with crying sound in front of him. He hugged himself with snot and tears and cried.

Gu Xiaowan for a moment, some of the consternation, Xu is lying in bed for a long time or too scared, even the brain is some slow half beat.

Gu Xiaowan looked at Gu Xiaoyi holding himself, and the expression on his face softened instantly.

Gu Xiaowan raised his hand and gently encircled the man in his arms, "OK, Xiaoyi is good, don't cry. Sister is OK, you don't cry, sister is OK! My sister miss you so much. Does Xiaoyi miss her

Gu Xiaoyi listened to her sister's spoiled and familiar voice. Originally she cried loudly, but this time she cried more loudly.

Gu Xiaowan saw that the child's voice was getting louder and louder. He felt more pain in his heart than he could hold on to. He stopped talking. He just gently stroked Gu Xiaoyi's back and comforted her silently.

"Sister..." All of a sudden, another surprised voice sounded in my ear.

It turns out that Gu Ningan and Gu Ningping, who heard the sound of the water basin falling, rushed to come here. They thought it was Xiaoyi's wrestling, so they rushed to see Gu Xiaowan awake.

The faces of the two brothers suddenly showed excitement and joy.

Two people ran to come up to me, surprised to call: "sister Sister... "

Gu Xiaowan saw that all three of them were holding themselves. Gu Xiaowan was a little weak. Coughing and coughing, the three children immediately let go of their hands.

Gu Xiaowan was about to fall down without the support of the three of them. Gu Ningping quickly stepped forward and sat behind Gu Xiaowan, blocking Gu Xiaowan's backward posture.

Gu Ningping simply sat in the back of her sister, for Gu Xiaowan when a back.

"Sister You finally wake up, sobbing... " Gu Ningping hugged Gu Xiaowan from his back. Because of his worries and crying these days, his eyes were slightly red and swollen, sobbing.

"Have I slept a long time?" Gu Xiaowan felt powerless, looking at the worried and joyful eyes of several children, his heart was full of excitement. She went home at last, finally.

"Sister, you have been sleeping for three days and three nights!" Gu Ningan replied.

Is also a face of joy and excitement. Under his eyes a piece of dark green, it seems that these days did not sleep well!

It seems to think of Gu Xiaowan that dying, gas like gossamer, Gu Ningping secretly wiped tears behind him. Another hand, tightly around Gu Xiaowan's waist, Gu Xiaowan can hear his low sobbing voice.

"Well, Ning'an, Ning Ping and Xiao Yi, don't you cry. My sister is OK. Isn't it safe to come back? My sister is fine. Don't worry. Don't cry. " Gu Xiaowan saw that their three faces were full of joy, but the corners of their eyes were full of tears, and some of them were reluctant to give up, so he quickly comforted them.

"Sister, you don't know. You've been in a coma for three days and nights. Master, Aunt Zhang, brother Shi and we have been guarding you all the time. Aunt Zhang will take care of you as well as cook for us. We are afraid that she will be tired. We just advised her to go back to rest. She will be very happy if she knows you are awake! " Gu Ningping wiped tears and said.

Gu Xiaowan nodded.

"Where's brother Qin?" Gu Xiaowan looked at a circle, but did not see Qin's figure, some lost heart."Elder brother Qin went to the town and said he was going to buy you some tonics and come back to mend your body!" Gu Ningan saw the loss of her sister's eyes, and quickly explained: "sister, master, he has been guarding in front of your bed these days and nights! He has never rested. We advise him not to go to the town. He doesn't agree. He wants to go anyway! "

What? After hearing this, Gu Xiaowan felt a burst of heartache. What is that fool doing!

"Did you give him money?" Where is the money in that fool!

"Ah? No Gu Ningping patted his thigh, wiped a handful of tears, opened his eyes and looked at Gu Ningan wrongly: "brother, did you give it?"

Gu Ning'an glared and said with shame, "I didn't give it either."

"What did he go out to buy?" Gu Xiaowan couldn't laugh or cry.

Just then, the door was pushed open from the outside.

"Brother Qin..." Xiao Yi's eyes were sharp, and he immediately called out with joy: "my sister is awake..."

"Master..." Gu Ningping also excitedly called.

The door was pushed open, and the glare came in from the outside.

Gu Xiaowan did not care to glare, but looked sideways.

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