It's sunny on Friday.

Clark arrived at school on time and went to their respective classes separately.

They thought today would be a dull day, but they didn't expect that something would happen today that they would remember for a lifetime.

Charles ran into the bathroom on his stomach. When he was released, the world became bright.

He dragged his chin with his hands and slowly cleaned up the inventory.

He didn't rush to class. He had a good reason. Besides, he hated the old man in class.

Don't you envy him for being clever and cute by always asking him to answer questions?

Just when he decided to linger for five minutes and lift his pants and leave to welcome the lunch break, the door of the bathroom was opened, a series of footsteps sounded, and then a burst of conversation began.

"PE class, PE class! Damn Clark, it's too eye-catching."

"Every project is completed perfectly, which makes me sick."


Hearing this, Charles secretly laughed.

That's his brother, of course.

Just when he was proud of this, he listened to the conversation outside and said something that made him angry.

"Turner also hates Clark because of hope. He plans to teach him a lesson after class. Are you going?"


"Of course it's true. I'm going. What about you?"

"How can you miss such an interesting thing!"

"Then go quickly and class will be over soon."

"Go, go!"

"Be sure to show him!"

As the footsteps went away, Charles quickly wiped his buttocks, lifted his pants, pushed open the door of the compartment and looked. Seeing those people were not there, he ran out quickly.

These people are so annoying that they even want to bully his brother.

Although he knows Clark's strength, even if these people are ten times more, they are not rivals, but whether Clark can make a move is another problem.

"Don't be foolish enough not to fight back!"

With a whisper, Charles ran to Eric's classroom.

When the bell rang after class and the teacher came out of the classroom, Charles rushed in immediately and dragged Eric out with an inexplicable face.

"What are you doing?"

Eric looked at the angry Charles, a little flustered.

Do you want him to pay back?

Thinking of this, Eric said righteously, "I tell you, do you want money, want..."

"Shut up!" Charles glanced back at Eric and said quickly, "there are many people who want to trouble Clark."

"What? Trouble your brother!?" Eric stared, held Charles back, and said anxiously, "then why are you still dawdling?"

They are very anxious. Based on their understanding of Clark, if someone bullies Clark, Clark will not fight back for fear of losing strength.

But how can Kent people be bullied for nothing?

Two little guys rushed to the corner of the school angrily.

At the same time, Clark was blocked by a thin boy.

"K, Clark! Help me!"

The boy blocked Clark's way with fear on his face, like a chick after being caught in the rain.

Clark looked at each other gently and said, "what's the matter?"

This boy is from his class. He is often bullied by others. Clark has helped him twice before.

The boy tensed and said, "can you come with me?"

Clark nodded and followed the boy.

But the more he walked, the tighter Clark's eyebrows frowned.

Further on, there is the alley in the school.

Of course he knows about the rumors there, so

This is a trap.

So he stopped.

The boy who led the way turned in a panic, then looked at Clark's calm eyes and said in a panic, "hurry up, why don't you go, you'll be there soon."

Clark still looked at each other quietly and said calmly, "why?"

Why use his kindness and kindness.

"What, why!" The boy said nervously, "I don't know what you're talking about. Didn't you promise to help? Let's go!"


With a slight snort, Clark turned around.

"You can't go!" The thin boy screamed in collapse, stood in front of Clark, looked at Clark fiercely, and stressed again, "you can't go!"

Clark paused and said, "that's a trap, right? Now that I know, why should I go there?"

"You, I..." the boy stared at Clark. He really couldn't find the reason why Clark took the initiative to pass.

If he were, he would not go there.

Clark pushed the boy away and strode away.

Just then, the boy's frightened voice rang out.

"They said that if I couldn't take you there, they would beat me violently, and they said they would take off my pants and tie me to the school gate."

Clark stepped, turned around and walked towards the boy again, and said, "you are ridiculous. You don't want to fall into the abyss, so you push others into the abyss? What's the difference between you and them?"

The boy lowered his head.

"It's good to stop me just now."

The boy looked up at Clark fiercely.

Clark continued, "if you had the courage to fight, it might not be the result now."

With that, Clark took the initiative to walk to the alley.

The boy looked at Clark's back and whispered, "you, why are you still going?"

"Because this is because of me after all, I have to solve it."

With the words, Clark disappeared around the corner and walked into the alley called dark thorns by the students.

Sure enough, there are nearly ten children waiting for Clark.

Clark stopped and looked at the surrounding children with flat eyes.

Looking at Clark's appearance, Turner, a black boy with curly hair, shouted and cursed, "that's the ghost look. It makes me sick. What do you think you are?"

He didn't see the expected appearance of fear, which made him very unhappy.

Clark curled his lips and said, "hurry up, I'm in a hurry."

"Teach him a good lesson!"

Looking at the rushing children, Clark took a deep breath and squatted in the corner with his head in his arms.

Fists rained down, but Clark, holding his head in his arms, even wanted to laugh.

Soft and weak, he is not even worthy of scratching him. If he strikes back, maybe one of them will die if he doesn't control it well.

But if these guys dare to fight him, their father will be unlucky

Thinking of the parents who had been taught by their father in recent years, Clark observed a moment of silence for their father.

"Damn it!"

Seeing that Clark didn't even scream, Turner, who took the lead, felt as if he had been humiliated, turned around and angrily picked up the steel pipe set aside.

It was meant to scare Clark, but now

He angrily walked towards Clark and raised the steel pipe in his hand.


With two angry cries, Eric and Charles appeared at the entrance of the alley.

They looked at the fist that fell on Clark and the steel pipe that was about to fall. Their eyes were angry, and then something seemed to break in their bodies.