Throughout breakfast, Clark seemed to be hit and absent-minded.

Instead, Eric and Charles asked a lot about mutants.

Ruiwen was the first mutant they saw close, and in their hearts, Ruiwen was the hero of the mutant.

Ruiwen didn't know the mutant identity of the two little guys, but she was also very happy to see that they liked themselves so much.

So in the morning, both sides got along very happily.

"Aunt, I remember on TV, you are not like this, you are blue."

"Yes, yes, is this your ability?"

Looking at their curious eyes, Ruiwen dodged.

Her ability?

These two children will be afraid when they see it, just like those people

"Charles! Eric! You can't be rude."

Mike frowned and shouted.


The two were disappointed, but they still looked forward to Ruiwen.

Ruiwen hesitated and said, "let's talk about it next time."

Just then, Charles winked at her and said, "aunt Ruiwen, we are not afraid!"

Eric nodded.

Ruiwen looked at Charles in surprise, secretly surprised at the little guy's delicate mind, and said to the two people, "I hope it won't scare you."


Charles and Eric shook their heads.

The next second, Ruiwen turned blue and looked carefully at the expressions of the two little guys.

Seeing that the two people were not afraid at all and their eyes were full of exclamation, Ruiwen breathed a sigh of relief and finally let her heart down. Then in the exclamation of the two people, she began to constantly change her image and finally became Mike's appearance.

The two of them have already looked silly.

Look at the Mike on the side, and look at the Mike that Raven has become. He exclaimed, and even Clark on the side stared in surprise.

Looking at the expressions of the three little guys, Ruiwen felt sincerely happy that she had obtained such ability for the first time.

Ruiwen changed back to her own appearance, looked at the excited appearance of the two people, happily kissed their small faces, and said to Mike on the side, "I should go."

Mike nodded, looked at Eric and Charles, and said, "I'll see you again."

Ruiwen smiled at them, and then hugged Clark, who had not spoken. She rubbed her soft but greasy black hair with her hands and said, "don't put on so much hair wax next time, it's too greasy!"

As he said this, he rubbed his hands on Mike.

Mike: "..."

Ruiwen smiled happily and walked to the door.

Mike and three children sent him out the door.

Looking at Ruiwen's back, Mike shouted, "Ruiwen!"


Ruiwen turned and looked at Mike with some expectation in her eyes.

Mike walks towards Ruiwen. Ruiwen is more and more expecting, and even feels a little shy in front of her three children.

Mike bent over, put his mouth close to Ruiwen's ear and whispered, "don't forget to remind your white queen to give me money when you go back. Er, it's better for you and her to call me, lest they find anything."

Ruiwen was stunned.

"Is that what you told me?"

Mike thought for a moment and added, "you know the account number?"

"Bastard! Go to hell!"

Ruiwen scolded angrily and turned away without hesitation.

"Also, come and do it when you are tired... Sit down."

Hearing this, Ruiwen slightly stirred up the corners of her mouth, changed her shape and left quickly.

Mike looked back and saw the three boys staring at him.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

The three sighed heavily, turned around and walked back home.

Mike was stunned and shouted to the three people, "wash my head!"


One year later.

In order to celebrate Clark's graduation from primary school and because of Clark's wish made on his birthday, the family decided to take a long-distance trip in the summer vacation.

The last long-distance trip was several years ago.

Speaking of his last trip, Mike couldn't help thinking about Jason.

If he doesn't drive to travel, his car won't break down halfway. If it doesn't break down halfway, he won't meet Colson. If he doesn't meet Colson, he won't be dragged to crystal lake for camping, he won't meet Jason, and even Mephisto behind him.

Fortunately, Gu came last time, or

Anyway, it's all the damn Coulson.

Mike cursed in his heart and decided that the family would travel by plane this time.

Destination San Francisco.

Besides traveling there, he can also bring some hot pot ingredients and some gift specialties to visit old friends.

Last time I called, Hank Pimm insisted that he wanted to eat hot pot, and Mike decided to meet the other party's wishes.

"Boys! Pack your bags! Ready to go!"

Michaela stood at the door with his suitcase and shouted into it.

"Coming! Coming!"

The three boys responded and ran out with their luggage.

Everyone has a small suitcase.

"Have you brought everything?"

Mike glanced at the three.

"Dad, you are so wordy!"

Eric curled his lips.

Mike flicked Eric's forehead.


"Hee hee!"

Charles snickered.


Mike put on his glasses, and the three little guys also imitated Mike's appearance, put on sunglasses, and a family of four left home with suitcases, took a taxi called in advance, and rushed to the airport.

Charles and Eric looked a little excited when they got on the plane.

The actions of the three little guys are in a row, and Mike is sitting on the seat next to the aisle, separated from them by an aisle.

Mike looked at the two of them lying on the plane window, looked at the following appearance happily, and said, "so happy?"

"Dad, this is their first time to sit."

Clark twisted his hat on his head and said to Mike, looking like he was from the past, leisurely adjusted his seat, looked at the two, winked at Mike, and said, "they will soon feel bored, just like I did in the beginning?"

Mike pinched his chin and wondered, "how can I remember that you were more excited than them when you sat for the first time?"

Clark blushed and said, "I was only three years old at that time, and they were already ten years old! There is no comparability!"


Mike raised his eyebrows.

Clark grinned and turned his head.

As time passed, passengers boarded the plane one after another.

"Excuse me, sir. My seat is in you."

Suddenly, a very gentle, listening like a good voice remembered by Mike.

Mike nodded and was about to get up when he frowned slightly.

It sounds like a good man

He seems to have used a similar description there.

With a flash of inspiration in his brain, Mike's mouth twitched.

Can we say

It can't be true!


Listening to the confused voice, he turned his head and saw a Colson who looked like a good man and whose hairline moved back a little, smiling at him.

