Chapter 5

How handsome...

The little fox rested her front paws on [Pei Chiyao]'s shoulders, facing that face that had captivated her endlessly, and stretched out her soft pink little tongue.

"Muah!" Something warm and wet, more like a kiss, landed on [Pei Chiyao]'s cheek.

The next second, her fox head was lightly flicked again.

"You sure know how to take advantage."

The little fox put her two paws together, making a gesture of greeting, "Mmm mmm mmm!"

Please, she really wanted to eat!

"Gulu gulu" The little fox made pitiful cries while her belly also made some noises.

She was really very hungry.

"Alright." [Pei Chiyao] glanced at the little fox, "Show your belly."

[Zhi Yao] didn't quite understand, but still rolled over on [Pei Chiyao]'s thighs, revealing her soft fluffy belly for him to abuse as he pleased.

The next second, a big hand covered her soft, snow white belly. The extremely delicate and soft sensation made [Pei Chiyao] like this little fox even more.

[Zhi Yao] narrowed her eyes comfortably from the soothing rubs.

It had to be said, [Pei Chiyao]'s technique was really too good.

"Little thing, I know you can understand human speech, but remember, from now on, every single hair on your body can only be touched by me." [Pei Chiyao]'s voice suddenly became somewhat gloomy, "I have mysophobia. Once something becomes dirty, it won't be that simple."

He would directly destroy such a thing.

As a fox, and even a fox spirit, [Zhi Yao]'s instinct for danger was a hundred times more acute than an average person or animal.

She hurriedly nodded, raising both meaty paws to desperately make a "greetings" gesture.

Too too too...too scary!

Although [Pei Chiyao] looked so good, his eyes just now really frightened her!

This silly act thoroughly amused [Pei Chiyao].

It was as if the killing intent in [Pei Chiyao]'s eyes earlier was just [Zhi Yao]'s illusion.

Accompanied by a "bang", [Zhi Yao] suddenly came back to her senses.


The moment she turned her head back, she saw that her lunchbox had been thrown into the trash can by [Pei Chiyao].

He also never took such roles. Speaking of which, this "Fox Spirit" was the first.

Because he owed the producer a favor that he had to return.

Lying on [Pei Chiyao]'s thighs, [Zhi Yao]'s golden eyes revealed traces of confusion.

[Older Brother Sun] whispered, "But it's just a possibility, nothing confirmed yet!"

Hearing this, [Zhi Yao] suddenly stood up, "Awoo awoo!"

Her sudden movement made [Old Brother Sun] and [Pei Chiyao] stop what they were doing to look at her.

[Older Brother Sun]: "Is something wrong with her?"

[Pei Chiyao] also raised his brows.

[Zhi Yao] hurriedly lifted her paws, pointing at [Older Brother Sun], then pointed at herself, patting her furry chest arrogantly.


Weren't they looking for a fox actor?

There was a ready-made one right here!

She really wanted that role!

Unfortunately, fox language was an extremely profound tongue rarely understood by others.

After pondering for a long time, [Older Brother Sun] finally squeezed out a sentence, "I got it!"

He slapped his thigh and said, "I understand now! Her body is itchy and she wants me to scratch her."

[Zhi Yao]: "????"

"!@#¥&*%¥#@!" You're the one who's itchy! Your whole family is itchy!

The little fox completely wilted.

She had forgotten.

She was a fox now. Possibly for the rest of her life.

What acting...

Feeling grievanced, she curled into a ball as disappointment filled her golden eyes.

The next second, she felt [Pei Chiyao] lift and carry her back to the room.

It wasn't until she heard the sound of running water that the bewildered little fox finally raised her head.

[Zhi Yao]: "!!!"