Chapter 151

Pei Chiyao suddenly became very interested in this Anthony.

Obviously, he must have guessed something related to Anthony's identity, but he wasn't entirely clear about it.

There were not many people in this world who could see through his true self, and being able to guess even a little about it meant they were highly capable.

Perhaps... he could really trust Anthony?

When Zhi Yao heard that those things were not aimed at her, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She reached out and tightly gripped Pei Chiyao's sleeve, her little face full of tension.

"Are you really sure it's not aimed at me?"

She was a little doubtful.

"No." Pei Chiyao was amused in his heart. "Why are you so timid?"

He grabbed Zhi Yao and strode inside.

The little girl was initially in a very frightened state, but as they went deeper inside, Zhi Yao realized that those things had absolutely no effect on her.

She instantly relaxed and curiously looked around.

Pei Chiyao set Zhi Yao down and sat down on the sofa in the living room.

He was in no hurry. Since Anthony had asked them to wait here, then they would wait.

He wanted to see what kind of trick this Anthony was up to.

After about fifteen minutes, Anthony finally arrived leisurely.

In his hand, he held something like a compass, which Zhi Yao curiously stared at. She saw that the needle on the compass was pointing directly at her.

The little girl was a little startled. "What is this? It's like a compass."

Anthony looked at the girl in front of him and was similarly taken aback.

He never expected that the cute little white fox, after turning human, would be so beautiful.

"So you're that little white fox?"

Although the answer was already quite clear in his heart, Anthony couldn't help but ask.

"Yes." Zhi Yao's gaze was fixed on the compass in his hand, as if she had seen some particularly interesting toy.

Anthony knew about them because he had accidentally seen things his grandfather left behind, as well as this compass.

But... how did Pei Chiyao know about them?

He wasn't from the Ji Family!

"I've met Ji Lingshan. What relation is she to you?"

Ji Lingshan?

Anthony frowned, clearly trying to recall where he had heard this name before.

After a while, he suddenly looked up at Pei Chiyao. "Ji Lingshan? You've actually met Ji Lingshan?! She's still alive?"

The woman who was expelled from the Ji Family back then was still alive?

"She's dead. I killed her." Pei Chiyao admitted it nonchalantly, which startled Zhi Yao.

Oh my! Did Pei Chiyao not know that killing people was illegal in this world? The way he said it from his mouth made it sound as simple as eating, drinking, and sleeping!

And her father and brothers, those lawless people!

She really worried herself sick over them!

Anthony's expression changed drastically. "You... you..."

Pei Chiyao didn't intend to hide anything. "If you don't cooperate and tell me everything, I can't guarantee that I won't do something to you."

"Hmph, what a big mouth." Although threatened by Pei Chiyao, Anthony didn't panic. Instead, his expression became even more resolute.

"Mr. Pei, let me tell you, if I die, then there will be no one left in this world who can remove her seal. Because the Ji Family..."

Anthony didn't continue what he was going to say next.

Because he was the only remaining member of the Ji Family.

The others, or rather those skilled in demon-catching and versed in the art of catching demons from earlier generations, had already passed away a hundred years ago.

He, too, only learned these skills by chance, finding his ancestors' books and notes at home, coupled with a bit of natural talent, and through self-study.

Moreover, he could see at a glance...

"The seal on this young lady is that of the Ji Family."

She must have come into contact with someone from the Ji Family!