Chapter 4: Actor's fiancee (4)

Chapter 4 The Actor's Fiancee (4)

The action of white tea touching the stomach is outrageous.

The    system only thinks that its own host will not only draw inferences from other facts, but also be very soft and well behaved.

Wronged Baba looks like a little white rabbit.

Let her do what she does, and if it doesn't speak, she doesn't move.

Hey, be **** good!

【Chacha, you go down to find something to eat now, be careful, and don’t make any noise. 】

Humph, we can't let that stinky man find out that his host is stealing it!


White Tea moved very lightly and followed the system's guidance to the kitchen.

She opened the refrigerator, and after looking around, she found... only noodles and eggs...

"587, what should I do?"

She can't cook! In the memory of the original owner, there was no cooking.

One person is silent.

After a long time, the system turned out a cookbook with confidence, [Don't worry about Chacha, come, listen to me, let's make egg noodles! easy and convenient! 】

white tea, "...good."

living comfortably without anybody's help.

Bai Cha looked at the handful of noodles and an egg placed in front of him, and the pretty peach blossom eyes were full of daze.

"And then what? 587?"

【Chacha, turn on the fire and boil the water, wait for the water to boil, then put the noodles in. 】

"Huh? What about eggs?"

【emmm...Let's put it there, let's make Shimizu vermicelli. 】

System said with a guilty conscience.

It has no cooking experience, it is a system, and it can't eat. To put it bluntly, it is assembled from various data. I don't understand this kind of fireworks!

It even thinks that under its command, Chacha can make a bowl of clear water noodles, which is already very good!

White Tea added water to the pot, and the system added oil to her ear.

【Chacha is great! 】

【Wow, Chacha’s action of adding water is very handsome! 】

【Awesome! 】

I feel embarrassed that the white tea is blown by the system, just add some water, it's really easy.

Later, Bai Cha learned a word - fancy embarrassing blowing.

After a while, Bai Cha curiously glanced at the pot of boiling water, "587? When will the water be opened?"

system, […] Wait for me to flip through the book.

This question is stumped.

Bai Cha dragged his chin and leaned against the door frame, waiting for the system to answer.

Until a steady voice came from my ear, "What are you doing here?"

In the silent night, the man's voice, neither light nor heavy, fell in her heart.

Bai Cha turned his head and saw Su Qinghuan's angular face at a glance.

He was wearing a nightgown, his jet-black hair dripping with water, slid down his cheek to his collarbone, and disappeared.

She suddenly thought of Su Qinghuan's information she had seen before.

There are countless girlfriend fans and wife fans.

And in the vote of "the person women want to marry the most", the popularity is far ahead, leaving the second place N streets.

Um...why do you think of this all of a sudden?

Bai Cha shook his head, throwing his thoughts away.

replied very cleverly, "Make clear water noodles, I'm hungry." Her voice was soft.

Caught off guard, he got into Su Qinghuan's heart.

He stared at her for a while, then looked at the situation in the kitchen.


Clear water?

Then why is the kitchen a mess?

Out of the corner of the eye, he suddenly caught sight of Bai Nen's feet stepping on the floor, which was particularly abrupt.

"Why don't you wear shoes?"

"What?" Bai Cha looked at him blankly, and immediately followed his gaze and landed on his feet, oh...

Really should find a pair of shoes to wear.

Can not be significantly different from others, that will cause suspicion.

system, […] Cha Cha is really a clever little ghost!


The early stage of this position is probably a stupid system of white tea who doesn't know much about anything + desperately making up lessons.

Wait for the white tea to be familiar with the plane for two or three days, and then you can get started happily.

(end of this chapter)