Chapter 19: Actor's fiancee (19)

Chapter 19 The actor's fiancee (19)

In his opinion.

White tea seems to have never been in contact with the surrounding environment, but clearly knows some things…

The feeling she gave him was indescribably strange.

But it doesn't matter, he can ignore these.

He was very patient with her and could teach her slowly.

Thinking like this, he turned back to the room and pulled out a few albums, and then found a signature pen to sign.

The font is flowing and flowing, majestic.

When he returned to the white tea room, she had already packed her suitcases.

"Chacha, take these albums with you."

Bai Cha looked puzzled, "What are you bringing this for?"

Su Qinghuan was really stopped by her question. He couldn't say directly: I'm an actor, I have a lot of fans, your roommate may also be a fan of mine, but I happen to know that you and your roommate have a bad relationship. , you can send them an album of his to ease the relationship.

The atmosphere was eerily silent for a long time.

White Tea finally reached out and took it, and thanked him earnestly.

She thought about it, and thought about it again, he was so good to her, although she didn't know what the purpose was, but she couldn't let him pay all the time!

She should have given him something too.

But...she doesn't seem to have anything.


Then when she arrives at school, will she think more slowly?


The day the film school started.

Su Qinghuan sent her over, but before he got to the school gate, he stopped the car.

She is still in school, and if he is recognized, it will bring her a lot of trouble.

"Chacha, when you get to school, text me if you don't understand anything, you know?"


"If there is something you don't understand and don't know what to do, you must tell me, don't think about it by yourself."

"...Um." How did he know that she liked to figure it out by herself?

"The albums I gave you were for you to give away..."

"Why do you want to give it to someone else?" Bai Cha asked a question that didn't quite understand.

Su Qinghuan sighed, she obviously didn't know much about the world.

How would he explain it? Really a problem.


"If someone is nice and nice to you, then you give away a copy of the album, if..."

"But, I took a look. The album is yours, so what if someone doesn't like you and isn't your fan?"

White · Topic Terminator · Tea is online.

Su Qinghuan, "…"


For a long time, Su Qinghuan couldn't say a word, so embarrassing...

The people he contacts seem to like him?

"Then, wait a second, I'll ask the assistant to send some other gifts." This question was due to his ill-consideration, so that his voice sounded a little lost.

White tea is a little melancholy.

She felt that she seemed to have said something wrong, and the system told her that he was an actor.

The actor has many fans.

But there are also a lot of black fans.

That means not everyone likes him.

How miserable!

She reached out and patted his shoulder, "Don't be so troublesome, time is running out.

That's right, don't worry, even if those people don't like you, I will still like you very much, don't be sad, don't be sad. "

Su Qinghuan's eyes lit up, and there was a smile on his brows, she likes him? ? ?

She said she liked him, liked him very much!

The kind that I like very much.

Immediately afterwards, before he had time to say anything, a pot of cold water poured down the white tea, and it was thoroughly chilled.

"You are so nice, I will work hard to be your fan in the future, I will never be your black fan!"

The smile on   's face instantly solidified and gradually disappeared.

The whole person looked even more lost.

Bai Cha thought she had poured him a bowl of chicken soup, "Ah, I'll go first!"

said hello, she happily got out of the car, carried her luggage, and hopped away.

(end of this chapter)