Chapter 26: Actor's fiancee (26)

Chapter 26 The actor's fiancee (26)

But if you ask Bai Cha, where does the bad premonition come from, she really doesn't know.

She restrained the smile on her face and listened to Qiao Weiwei's complaints with an unnatural expression.

"Chacha? Why don't you speak?"

Qiao Weiwei said a lot, but did not wait for Bai Cha to speak.

Bai Cha's eyes flashed slightly, "Who, who is your male god?"

Qiao Weiwei, "...Su Qinghuan! Su Yingdi, the most handsome one!"

"Oh." Bai Cha nodded.

She now seems to know where that bad feeling came from.

Well, but how did Qiao Weiwei know that there was someone outside Su Qinghuan? And that person happened to be her?

A batch of white tea panicked.

Su Qinghuan said before, don't expose the relationship between the two.

said it would cause her trouble.

Wow, troublesome, the most annoying thing!

【Don't be afraid of Chacha, we have to calm down! No one knows that you know Su Qinghuan! We hold on! 】 Qiqi said comfortingly.

Qiao Weiwei looked at Bai Cha, who looked a little weird, and was startled, "Cha Cha, don't you know Su Qinghuan?"

Bai Cha's face tensed, and he said firmly, "I haven't seen him at all, and I don't know him at all! Don't think about him!"

Qiao Weiwei, "..."

"Of course I know you haven't seen him, but, haven't you seen him on TV? Weibo, news, these are all of him, you..."

"If you don't know it, you don't know it!" White tea is unreasonable and strong!

That serious look made Qiao Weiwei laugh.

But in fact, Bai Cha was in a panic.

"Qiqi, I, I always feel very uneasy."

【do not be afraid! Chacha, I am here! Besides, it's not that Su Qinghuan can't see people, so what are you afraid of! 】

"Okay, okay, don't know if you don't know, it doesn't matter, come, I'll show you my collection of pictures! So you know it!" Qiao Weiwei found Su Qinghuan's photo from her phone while talking.

She can be regarded as Su Qinghuan's iron fan, almost every picture on the Internet has been preserved.

Bai Cha stared blankly at the screen of her mobile phone, watching Qiao Weiwei open one picture after another.

Qiqi had already learned about the basic concept of star chasing with her.

But in this situation, she was very confused.

"Qiqi, what should I do? Follow her and say Su Qinghuan is handsome? Or what? What if she misunderstands me and robs her of Su Qinghuan?"

The brain circuit of   white tea made Qiqi unable to answer this answer.

【Chacha, you might as well ask Su Qinghuan. 】

White tea, "..." Okay, Qiqi doesn't know either.

Then ask Su Qinghuan.

Qiqi felt disliked again, and cried out with a wow.

Chacha always asks about something it doesn't know,'s so panicked!

Bai Cha took advantage of Qiao Weiwei's time to order photos, sneakily took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to Su Qinghuan.

Qiao Weiwei's eyes flashed, and she silently put away her mobile phone, "Chacha, so you don't like Su Qinghuan? Forget it, don't look at his pictures, although I like him very much, but I won't force it. You go to like him."

white tea, "???"

I understand every word you say, but when combined, I am stunned.

is capitalized.

Qiao Weiwei was pulling the white tea, and the previous displeasure was swept away. When she just looked at the pictures and licked the screen, her grievances had been smoothed out by the male god!

Ah, the male **** is so handsome! The time to lick the screen is not enough, how can there be time to care about those messy people?

(end of this chapter)