Chapter 28: Actor's fiancee (28)

Chapter 28 The actor's fiancee (28)

Bai Cha listened carefully to the class, and some people regarded her as a painting to appreciate.

Perhaps those people's eyes are too focused.

Within a few minutes, Bai Cha silently swept around.

And the group of boys, who were very clever, immediately retracted their eyes as soon as they noticed her movement.

repeated several times.

The white tea was finally determined, and it may have been an illusion.

I always feel that someone is looking at me, but I can't find out who is looking at me.

Seven-seven, […]


Someone has an idea for Chacha!

It seems that the big-tailed wolf's worries are justified. Fortunately, the big-tailed wolf Su Qinghuan warned him in advance.

Otherwise, maybe its tea tea was abducted by a big pig's hoof!


When we go back, let Cha Cha nibble on a few pig trotters to vent his hatred!

Meng Tongye in the corner almost bit his silver teeth, and the hatred in his eyes was clearly visible.

She never thought that there would be such a day when white tea stole the limelight!

No one paid attention to her elaborate dress. The eyes of these people, like dog skin plaster, all stuck to Bai Cha's body.

I hate it!

Oh, and Qiao Weiwei.

Her good sister, inexplicably, was bought by Baicha? ? ?

What is this operation?

Meng Tongye felt uncomfortable, so he picked up his phone and sent a text message to Qiao Weiwei asking: Why are you so close to Bai Cha? Don't you care about our previous sisterhood?

Qiao Weiwei looked confused after seeing the text message, sisterhood? could she not know when she and Meng Tongye had a sisterhood?

She quickly typed a line on the screen with her fingers and replied to Meng Tongye: Haven't we always been plastic sisters?

Meng Tongye was so angry that he almost cursed on the spot when he saw that plastic sister.

Of course I know it's the plastic sisters, but who have you ever seen me say the words plastic sisters so confidently?

She was so angry that she didn't know what to say, and subconsciously glanced in the direction of Qiao Weiwei.

This is not a tight look, the mouth of old blood almost got stuck in his throat.

I saw the group of boys, peeking at Bai Cha with a smile, and withdrawing their eyes from time to time, as if playing a game with Bai Cha, never tired of it.

Meng Tongye, "..."

However, the thing that made her ruthless was more than that.

When she was so angry that she had no choice but to divert her attention, the moment she picked up her phone and flipped through the forum, she suddenly saw a photo of Bai Cha.

That post attracted a lot of replies.

And most people are asking which class the little fairy in the picture is in...

The photo of   white tea was taken very well.

The profile of her face is perfect, her outline is delicate, and her skin is as jade-like as it is without any flaws. She looks pure and innocent without knowing the world, and that smile makes people's hearts melt.

Don't talk about boys, even many girls are replying below, want to touch, want to hug, want to pinch, want to see...

Meng Tongye took a deep breath and gripped the fingertips of the phone hard, which gradually turned white because of the force.

Hold back! Must hold back now, so many people!

She has to wait for Bai Yuan, and she wants to join hands with Bai Yuan to deal with Bai Cha, not now.

Holding the phone on the other side, Su Qinghuan with a displeased face, became more and more uneasy, and always felt that something was going to happen.

The agent is on the side, a group of complicated emotions.

Other people are in love so sweetly, why did he come to Su Qinghuan like he was dying?

(end of this chapter)