Chapter 35: Actor's fiancee (35)

Chapter 35 The Actor's Fiancee (35)

Qiqi soon found out which coquettish **** had hooked up Bai Cha.

Well, the person who hooked up with its tea tea was that Qiao Weiwei!

That he praised the pretty Qiao Weiwei!

It watched Qiao Weiwei coax Cha Cha away and ran to the restaurant outside for dinner.

White tea can't walk at all as soon as it is delicious.

Let Qiqi be in his ear, after a lot of words, Bai Cha added, "Qiqi, Qiao Weiwei is a woman, so am I, and Su Qinghuan asked me to give her an album. , so, I can have dinner with her!

Be good, don’t make trouble, I’ll chat with you online after I finish eating, alright~”

Qiqi was silent for a moment, and nodded at a loss, [Hmm. 】so shy!

Chacha with it...

Although I don’t know where Chacha learned from, but Chacha not only has to chat with it, but also chat with it.


Nowhere to put your hands.jpg


The chaotic Qiqi, shyness has become an emoji everywhere.

"Chacha, don't be polite to me, I'll ask you to agree to this meal. In order to thank you for sending me Su Qinghuan's album, you can order it!"

"Hmmmm." Bai Cha was also welcome, she ordered several dishes in one go, plus dessert and Coke.

She was really stunned by Su Qinghuan.

I eat sour food every day, but now I just want to eat sweet, sweet! Make up for her little stomach!

"By the way, Cha Cha, why do you have time to eat with me today? Isn't the one in your family angry?"

Qiao Weiwei asked tentatively.

Bai Cha was taken aback, "Huh? Who is at home? Who is it?"

Qiao Weiwei's eyes flashed, "Okay, don't hide it from me, there is no one here, just me and you.

You have been staring at your phone in a daze these days, and occasionally giggle. When get out of class is over, you run out of the classroom with a 100-meter sprint, and then the whole person seems to disappear.

I can't find you at all except during class time. In this case, you should have a boyfriend! "

In the end, her tone was very determined.

Bai Cha was blank, and soon, he stared at Qiao Weiwei seriously and said, "Your conclusion is wrong! Then I might have a girlfriend!"

Qiao Weiwei, "..." Can you be serious?

Bai Cha was serious, "I was in a daze because I wanted to be in a daze, and I ran out of the classroom because I was hungry!

And I don't live in the dormitory, of course you can't see me! "

After that, she took a big gulp of Coke, um... it didn't taste good, it wasn't as good as Su Qinghuan gave.

It seems that today's Coke can't be drunk.

Her little dessert may not be eaten either.

That's all, she should go back and be a lemon! Being raised by Su Qinghuan seems pretty good too?

At least, she never saw any malice in Su Qinghuan.

The phone vibrated, and it was Su Qinghuan who sent it: Why didn't you come back? where did you go?

Bai Cha thought about it and sent the address.

This is near the school, and the school is very close to the apartment, so this restaurant is also very close to the apartment.

Qiao Weiwei seemed to be still thinking about how to organize her language, and the smile on her face became obviously unnatural, "Chacha, let's not talk about anything else, let's eat! Haven't you been talking about drinking Coke? Why did you only take a sip? Do you want me to buy you a cup of milk tea?"

Bai Cha raised her eyes and met Qiao Weiwei, she shook her head, "No need."

Fourth more good night, remember to vote for the recommendation~

(end of this chapter)