Chapter 44: Actor's fiancee (44)

Chapter 44 The actor's fiancee (44)

The two sisters, Baiyuan and Baicha, are indeed similar in body shape.

Coupled with the rhythm of being so caring, people in the film academy ignored Bai Cha, but instead sent Bai Yuan's name to the hot search.

And someone asked Bai Yuan for the first time.

Bai Yuan's answer was also ambiguous, neither refuting nor nodding.

is Bai Yuan's roommate, who sincerely stated that they had seen Bai Yuan wearing that dress very similar to the video.

As a result, many people secretly thought that this was a sure thing.

So much so that many students of the film school said on the Internet that the person in the video is Bai Yuan!

Bai Yuan, who successfully rubbed off a wave of heat, was very happy inside.

She watched as her Weibo became crazy.

It doesn't matter if she comes to scold her or to question her.

Anyway, she now understands that black fans are also fans.

Black fans can also bring a wave of popularity.

Bai Yuan smiled and enjoyed the benefits this incident brought to him.

Tsk, she was sure that Su Qinghuan would not announce that Baicha was his fiancee. No matter what Su Qinghuan's feelings for Baicha were, from that video, he didn't want others to recognize Baicha.

That's why she was given a chance for Li Daitao to stiffen.

The corners of   's lips curled into a smug look. Of course, even if Su Qinghuan promptly clarified that the person in the video was not her, it wouldn't matter. She never admitted that she was the person in the video from beginning to end.

Other people are guessing, what is it with her?

Besides, isn't she also a victim? Was pulled into Su Qinghuan's emotional grievance for no reason?

These days, all she has to do is to disappear from the school and quietly watch the play at home and wait.

Bai Yuan successfully took sick leave and went home.

The phone was also turned off, and no matter who she was, she could not be reached.

As a result, those who could not contact Bai Yuan felt that the matter was more and more obvious.

But he didn't want to, all this was Bai Yuan's calculation.

In the future, even if the truth is revealed to others, she can say that she is ill and doesn't know what is going on outside, or she can say that she is frightened... In short, she will choose a good retreat.


Neither Su Qinghuan nor the manager thought that things would suddenly change.


White kite?

Where did it come from to get the heat!

Su Qinghuan thought for a while, but instead of asking his manager to stop the rumor, he asked him to find out which side of the navy was leading the rhythm.

Something so obvious when he was blind?

The hot search has been round after round, and Su Qinghuan has almost been screened.

Even when he first announced his relationship, it caused the server to crash.

Involved the technical brother hurriedly going online to work overtime.

And Bai Yuan also gained unimaginable popularity from this incident.

Su Qinghuan's eyes were half-squinted, and the dark ink eyes were full of gloom.

White kite.

He read this name in a stern voice, it seems that he didn't cause enough trouble for the Bai family...

At that time, the Bai family.

Bai Mu naturally saw the news on the Internet. When she saw Bai Yuan came back, her first reaction was to ask her, "Is it true that you and Su Qinghuan are together?"

Even she was a little unsure who the figure in the video was.

Baiyuan said things and plans in a very good mood.

Bai Mu didn't say much after hearing this.

just stretched out his hand and pressed his eyebrows. Recently, things in Bai's company seem to be not going well.

Now the news brought by Bai Yuan is barely considered good news.

"By the way, Mom, do you want to call Bai Cha back and trick her into cooperating?" Bai Yuan suddenly suggested.

(end of this chapter)