Chapter 54: Actor's fiancee (54)

Chapter 54 The actor's fiancee (54)

See you Su Qinghuan again.

is on the phone screen.

It turns out that the boy in white back then has become a male **** in the heart of many people.

Look, he's still so good.

And she... Qiao's family was defeated, and she became a child of ordinary people.

She had to bury that feeling deep in her heart.

Later... In order to get close contact with him, she applied for the film school and became a student of the film school.

She wants to get closer to him...

It is a pity.

In the end, she couldn't control her jealousy.

Calculations, frame-ups... She has never been soft-hearted towards Bai Cha.

But, still unwilling, what should I do? Qiao Weiwei looked up at the sky with a gloomy expression.


Su Qinghuan gave Baicha a three-day leave.

In three days, the discussion on the Internet has also decreased a little bit.

The names of   White Tea and Su Qinghuan still occupy the top spot.

Su Qinghuan was very distressed, very worried that after Baicha returned to school, various situations would happen.

Unfortunately, someone who has no conscience doesn't think there is any problem at all.

In addition to staring at the food, the two eyes are still staring at the food.

Su actor is depressed.

Is the food as good as him?

Is it a fake?

Bai Cha argued with him very seriously, "Xi Se Ke Dian must be fake in my place! What's the use of looking good? You can't eat it!"

Of course, she still prefers food to beauty.

Emperor Su, "..."

Baicha has a little understanding of what happened on the Internet in the past few days.

Qiqi talked to her from time to time, and she also understood why Su Qinghuan asked her for leave.

She thinks, Su Qinghuan may really think too much.

Just fans, they are all cute!

Even if there are really irrational fans, she is not afraid!

I can't beat her anyway.

Qiqi, [That's it! My tea is super! 】

After looking at it for three days, Su Qinghuan wanted to continue to ask her for leave, but Bai Cha was not happy. Although she liked delicious food, she couldn't help but let her go out!

She felt that she had to solve this problem. Well, she could discuss it with Su Qinghuan's fans.

Bai Cha communicated with Qiqi for a while, and one person came up with a solution: live broadcast.

She can broadcast live broadcasts for many people to see.


Su Qinghuan just walked into the living room after finishing dinner when he saw Baicha who was seriously groping for his mobile phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Huh? I want to live stream, I'm applying for an account!"

"???"live streaming?

Su Qinghuan looked bewildered, he hurriedly walked over to take a look, and saw that someone was seriously applying for an account and filling in the information...

Without waiting for him to speak, Bai Cha said his thoughts. He looked serious and well-behaved, especially the pair of star eyes... Ha! Acting cute?

OK, you win!

His family Chacha said that they need to interact with fans and discuss with them.

She is going to school, don't block her, don't follow her... Be peaceful and friendly.

Well, this idea is quite naive.

But what can be done?

What Chacha wants to do, he has to help her.

He took out his mobile phone and logged into the live broadcast account he hadn't used for a long time.

As soon as I got in, the fans cheered.

【Fuck you? In my lifetime, I actually saw Brother Su live! 】

【Ahhhh! Excited! 】

【I suspect that I am dreaming, but I don't want to wake up! 】

When fans screamed wildly and the number of people in the live broadcast room increased.

Bai Cha's cute little face suddenly appeared on the screen.

Fans, "???" looked bewildered.

Ten faces are stunned.

All stunned...


Thanks to Mu Nuan, Zixiu's Kun, Nan Yan Ruo Butterfly Dance, and Misty Rain for their rewards, alright!

(end of this chapter)