Chapter 56: Actor's fiancee (56)

Chapter 56 The actor's fiancee (56)

Bai Cha watched more and more people in the live broadcast room, and her mood was getting better and better.

The more people   , the more people will see her live broadcast.

Then she can talk to more people.

The little girl stared at the screen solemnly, and then looked at the name of the live broadcast room - Su Qinghuan, three big characters came into view.

She frowned, looked up at the person opposite, and waved to him.

"Can you change this name temporarily? Otherwise, people will think it's you who are broadcasting live, and then come in and find out that it's not you... It's called, called..."

Cha Cha tilted his head in thought.

looks very serious, but Nai He Leng can't think of what to say.

Su Qinghuan's thin lips hooked, and the smile was doting and helpless, "What do you want to change to?"

"I'll think about it."

The black fans were almost going crazy when they looked at Bai Cha's serious and cute appearance.


How can you be so cute?

How can there be such a cute girl?

Su fans are confused.

The voice just now belonged to Brother Su, and the appearance of Brother Su brought them back to their senses briefly.


They were actually bewitched by this little girl? ? ?

Almost left Brother Su behind!

No no no!

They only love Brother Su, they can't climb the wall to like other people.

They have to stick to their position, no one can shake it!

right! So firm!

Su Fan: Look at our firm eyes!

Cha Cha secretly changed the name of the live broadcast room, then looked at the eight characters and nodded with satisfaction.

"Cute Chacha, chat with us online!"

Just as the    smile showed just a little bit, Bai Cha heard a protesting voice.

Qiqi, 【Ahhhh! Do not! I don't allow you to use this name, it's mine! 】

Silly Baitian system cried with a wow.

【You don't love me anymore, you just don't love me anymore, I'm no longer your baby, you big pig's hoof! 】

I agreed to chat with me at the beginning, but in a blink of an eye, others also have the treatment that belongs to me.

is still the treatment that many, many, many people have.

Qiqi's mentality collapsed with a click.

It was a tearful complaint.

Bai Cha was stunned.

"..." She thought for a moment and explained in a low voice, "Qiqi, when did you become my baby?"

Seven Seven, 【! ! ! 】Not alive!

This day can't go on!

I'm running away from home!

Silly White Sweet system is closed online.

Bai Cha sighed, the idea of ​​the system is really not something she can understand.

However, since the system has misunderstood, so be it!

After all, she won't have any good results with the system, so it's better to break the system's liking for her earlier, it's just right.

Bai Cha thinks that she is a lovely big pig's hoof today.

She bent her eyes and continued to watch the live broadcast room.

Since she said she wanted to chat with you, let's chat with her. She smiled softly and harmlessly at the phone, "Hello everyone, Chacha, let's chat with you for 30 minutes today! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!"

Before discussing things, get the relationship right first, and then talk about specific things.

Well, just do it!

Later, while they are happy, she will talk about her purpose!

Ah, it's perfect.

The bullet screen is very fast. Of course, Cha Cha can read the bullet screen very fast, but there are too many questions on the bullet screen, so she can't answer them one by one.

is really annoying.

"You have too many questions, so let me close my eyes first, then open them, and the first barrage I see is the question I want to answer!"

As soon as the    voice fell, the barrage was silent for a few seconds, but unfortunately, Bai Cha closed his eyes and did not see such a scene.

Two more, and two more, four a day.

Chacha: I'm very sad, I think my family's system is in love with me. But this relationship won't work out...

Su Qinghuan: Where is my 80-meter long sword!

Qiqi: ………………I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!

(end of this chapter)