Chapter 76: The big guy's little cutie (4)

Chapter 76 The big guy's little cutie (4)

Cha Cha was stunned for a while, and thought about it for about half a minute.

"Qiqi, I think, think your method is good..." Trouble!

【Chacha, you think it’s great too, right? 】

【Look, in addition to this task, you also have hidden tasks, believe me, this method is definitely the best! 】


She silently swallowed the remaining three words back into her stomach.

Well, she seems to have indeed forgotten the hidden mission, so, then listen to Qiqi.

In terms of tasks, Qiqi is still very reliable.

Cha Cha pondered anxiously, how to become the school bully's younger brother!

This...seems a bit difficult?

Hey, why don't we fight!

It should be okay for her to beat people down, right?

However, as soon as this idea came up, it was rejected by Qiqi again.

Qiqi said earnestly, [Chacha, Zhou Qinghuan has your hidden mission on him, if you beat him down, he will doubt his life, he will feel very useless, and you will beat his self-confidence. unbeatable...

Do you have the heart to watch that cold and fierce school tyrant big wolf dog turn into a pitiful little milk dog? 】

Cha Cha tilted his head, his eyes full of seriousness, "The little milk dog is also very cute!"

Great wolf dog?


Um? All very well!

Qiqi, [...I think, I may be autistic again. 】

I shut myself off every day, and it was about to cry.

Why Chacha's focus is always so peculiar.

Heartache to the point of being unable to breathe.

Seeing that Qiqi is like a blooming flower being suddenly picked off, and then quickly withered...

Cha Cha sighed and said helplessly, "Don't be bored, can't I, I listen to your opinion?"

【Yeah! My Chacha is the best host! 】

is another wave of fancy touting.

Chacha was in a good mood, so I ate some snacks with my arms in my arms, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

She glanced at the original owner's current shape in the mirror.

Hmm... Really blinded this pretty little face.

Anyway, in a few days, someone will find her photo along the original school forum of the original owner.

At that time, many people will still know her face, so it is better to let others see her beautiful face in an upright manner.

She found a hairpin and combed her heavy bangs to reveal a smooth forehead.

In the mirror, the little girl's slap-sized cheeks are white and pretty, and her facial features are as beautiful as a peerless painting, exquisite and gorgeous.

White tea bent the corners of his lips, and sure enough, when people see beautiful things, they will feel very good.

Like she is now, seeing this face makes her feel better.

【My tea is prosperous and beautiful, beautiful! 】

Qiqi didn't know where to learn it, and after saying this, he whistled.

Chacha, "..." Qiqi is also going further and further on the road of deterioration.


The next day.


Cha Cha was woken up by Qi Qi's shout, "What's wrong?"

The little girl was sleepy and full of grievances. She was dreaming that Su Qinghuan cooked food for her.

woo, before I could eat it, it's gone... gone...

【Chacha, get up for class! 】

"Huh? Class?"

Chacha lifted his eyelids and glanced at it, "It's not yet dawn..." What class?

No matter how noisy, she doesn't like Qiqi anymore.

Seventy-seven, […………] Wronged Baba.

An hour later.

Cha Cha hugged the quilt and turned over.

Qiqi is infinitely sad, forget it... It's too late anyway, so that's it.

One minute late is late, ten minutes late...


Two more.

Inexplicably feel that I can get 1,000 votes today, (I don’t know where the confidence comes from.)

So, I'm going to write an update now hahahahaha~

(end of this chapter)