Chapter 78: The big guy's little cutie (6)

Chapter 78 The big guy's little cutie (6)

Ning Feng has a good relationship with Zhou Qinghuan.

The Ning family can be regarded as a prominent figure in City A, but unfortunately, Ning Feng follows Zhou Qinghuan all day long.

Naturally, many people also guessed Zhou Qinghuan's identity, but unfortunately, no one knew the specifics.

only know that the background is strong.

at this moment.

Ning Feng suddenly walked out of the classroom, which naturally attracted the attention of many people, and they looked in the direction of Ning Feng.

I saw that there was a beautiful little girl at the back door.

is delicate and pretty.

For a while, it attracted the attention of many people.

Chacha glanced at Ning Feng with disgust, knowing that she would have called the particularly handsome boy.

She just wanted him to move the chair, but...

He made her gain so much attention.


Exactly at this time.

The teacher on the podium turned around with a bit of surprise on his face.

Well, everyone's eyes fell on her and Ning Feng this time.

Chacha, "!!!" Calm down, I want to calm down.

Unfortunately, Ning Feng smiled and asked calmly, "Little sister, what are you calling me for? Do you want to send me..." love letters.

The last two words    have not been finished yet.

He saw the pretty little girl passing him in disgust, and then walked straight into the classroom, her pretty face tensed very tightly.

When    walked to his seat, he stretched out his hand and moved his chair, and then said to Zhou Qinghuan, "Can you let me pass?"

Her voice was small, but in such a silent classroom, almost everyone heard it.

The entire eighteenth class was stunned, "..."

Where is this little girl from?

So courageous!

Zhou Qinghuan is usually in the classroom. Even if he doesn't speak, he is so cold that no one dares to provoke him.

Who doesn't know that Zhou Qinghuan is a school bully!

she she she... how dare you say such a word to Zhou Qinghuan?

Let Zhou Qinghuan make way for her?

Is this lifeless?

Even Ning Feng, who had been standing outside for a long time without reacting, was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Such a beautiful little girl, with thin arms and thin legs, he was really afraid that his brother Zhou would punch and cry until he cried.

Lianxiangxiyu or something, in Brother Zhou's place, it doesn't exist at all!

The sun in October is not too strong, the shirt on the boy's upper body is shiny white, he looks really good-looking, but the coldness on his body makes people shy away.

Zhou Qinghuan raised his eyes, his dark eyes showed no emotion.

He looked at the white tea.

Chacha also looked at him very quietly.

Seeing no response from him, she repeated, "Can I go over?"

The soft voice is a little sweet.

Everyone, "..." Pretty is really pretty, and sweet is really sweet, but why do you have to provoke the school bully?

Isn't this looking for trouble for yourself?

Even Ning Feng silently stretched out his hands to cover his face, unable to bear to see the next scene.

Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!

Little girl, you are really brave, let Brother Zhou give way, and look at Brother Zhou?

Alas, since he can't be sympathetic to Xiangxiangxiyu, then...then don't watch it.

This makes me feel better.

Although the girl is very beautiful, there is no way. Brother Zhou is the first in his heart and no one can replace him.

After three seconds.

Covering his eyes, Ning Feng suddenly heard a uniform gasp.



Did Brother Zhou beat someone to cry again?

Then why didn't you hear the cry?


Are you too scared to cry?

Well, it is also possible.


Four more hahahaha.

is less than 100 votes away, I will add more in the evening~ I love you!

Thanks to the scum in the world, Yanyu, Yingluo for the reward, alright~

(end of this chapter)