Chapter 90: Big boss's little cutie (18)

Chapter 90 The big guy's little cutie (18)

Ning Feng reacted for half a minute.

glanced blankly at Zhou Qinghuan, who was thoughtful, and then looked at cute again.


Ok, I get it.

Three seconds later, Ning Feng fled from here at a lightning speed.

Are you in love?

but pulled me into the water? Is this what people do?

A witty boy like me would naturally run away!

Cha Cha looked at Ning Feng, who was almost running away at a sprint speed of 100 meters, a little confused, "...I, I can really beat him! You have to believe me."

At this moment, Zhou Qinghuan also calmed down a little bit.

He sighed and looked at her with a gloomy expression.

"Why do you want to be my little brother?"

Cha Cha, "..."

"Huh? You said in the cafeteria just now that you want to kick me out of the position of the school bully. Are you serious?"

He half-squinted, looking at the little cutie in front of him.

looks delicate, weak and pitiful, why is this lofty?

Hearing Zhou Qinghuan repeat what she said in the cafeteria before, she had no choice but to nod.

Hey, is she revealing too quickly?

How can you tell the enemy of your plan before breaking into the enemy's interior?

Seven-seven, […]

The big tail wolf has become an enemy?

Sorry, it wants to laugh too!

Obviously, Cha Cha is not a tangled person. After tangled up for three seconds at most, he will leave it behind.

For her, if you know it, you know it.

There is nothing to say anyway.

She nodded and explained to Zhou Qinghuan very seriously, "I'm really serious! I think it's very powerful to be a school bully, everyone will shy away when they see you, so I want to be your younger brother first and get familiar with the business... …”

Speaking of the end, Cha Cha is a little embarrassed.

After    is familiar with the business, she will seek to usurp the throne.

The boy's expression returned to calm.

The    voice also became a little more calm.

"It's not impossible to be my little brother, but..."

"But what?" Cha Cha's eyes suddenly lit up!

Really good guy! So happy to agree!

Immediately, Zhou Qinghuan's words changed, his dark eyes seemed to glow green.

is like a man-eating wolf with a big tail.

"However, I need you to practice by my side for a few days. After the internship period is over, I will decide whether to let you be my little brother."

Cha Cha looked confused, "Ah? Is there still an internship period?"

"That's right! If you can't do your business well, you can't do anything well, and then go out under my name, wouldn't it be a loss of face for me? So, the internship period is very important, cute, you have to work hard!"

Zhou Xiaoba smiled very gently.

I don't think there is anything wrong with this abduction method.

The kidnapper with peace of mind!

Cha Cha, "...Okay."

Internship first.

Ning Feng can be second in command, of course she can too!

Ning Feng, who was pulled out again, "..." I'm really miserable.

Zhou Xiaoba, who had successfully kidnapped the little girl, smiled proudly.

It doesn't matter if you confess or not.

Anyway, man is already with him now.

There is ample time.

He has a lot of time, and slowly brings people into the ditch... No, slowly brings people into his arms.

Qiqi was taken aback by the big tail wolf's routine.

【…………】So he brought his tea house to him?

My watery tea was kidnapped by the big tail wolf again?

So angry!

But it doesn't matter, it's useless even if you turn around, can't you see that you can't eat?

Humph, my tea is my tea, the **** used to be plain and simple!

In the future, you can still be a big scumbag!

Seventy-seven is full of confidence.

It looks like Zhou Xiaoba is very confident waiting for Cha Cha to confess to him...

Good night in the fourth shift.

Ahhhh vote!


Thank you Moon Hare, Leaf Fish, for the reward, alright~

(end of this chapter)