Chapter 100: The big guy's little cutie (28)

Chapter 100 The big guy's little cutie (28)

Before the tea came out.

Zhou Qinghuan drove Ning Feng away.

For the next time, he and Chacha can stay together.

He didn't want a light bulb as big as Ning Feng.

After buying a circle of snacks, Cha Cha walked out of the store with a happy smile on his face.

"It's really easy to satisfy." Zhou Qinghuan looked at the little girl's bright eyes with emotion.

"Huh? What did you say?"

She just saw Zhou Qinghuan's thin lips move, as if he said something, but she didn't hear it clearly.

"Say you're cute."

Zhou Xiaoba rarely said something that he thought was coaxing the little girl.

Who knows, Chacha doesn't have much reaction.

She took out a lollipop from her pocket and said while taking it apart.

"Well, I know I'm cute, you don't have to tell me, I also know, if you want to praise me, you can learn from Xiao Fengzi, fancy flattery!"

sounds really elated!

Zhou Qinghuan's mouth twitched, and his thin lips were pursed into a straight line.

Ning Feng? ? ?

Little madman? Why don't you call Ning Feng little fool?

He was furious.

Although she knew that she didn't have that kind of feeling for Ning Feng, she was still angry.

Said Ning Feng, Cha Cha just remembered it, swept around and said vaguely, "Where's Xiao Fengzi?"

"Little fool has something to do, go first."

Zhou Xiaoba's face is ugly.

Unfortunately, Cha Cha just gave him a strange look and didn't say anything else.

"Qiqi, it turns out that Brother Zhou calls Ning Feng a little fool?"

Qiqi, [It seems like hey. 】

"It seems that even Brother Zhou knows that he is stupid. Since that's the case, and let Xiao Fengzi be the second in command, Brother Zhou is really a good person!"

Chacha said with emotion, when she went to see Zhou Qinghuan again, in addition to clarity, she also had some admiration in her eyes.

There are not many good people like Brother Zhou!

At that time.

Good man, Brother Zhou, he was feeling the lollipop in his pocket with a depressed face.

What can he say?

His little cutie just went to the snack shop and bought a bunch of lollipops in addition to other snacks? ? ?

This is so special...

Does anyone know what to do with the lollipop in his pocket?


Did he drive Ning Feng away too quickly?

"Brother Zhou? What's wrong with you?"

The little girl noticed that someone had stopped, she turned her head, bit a lollipop, and looked at him puzzled.

Xiaoba Zhou took out a bunch of lollipops from his pocket without saying a word, and stuffed them into the little girl's arms.

She subconsciously held her arms in her arms.

Cha Cha was stunned by Zhou Qinghuan's actions, "!!!" What are you doing!

She spoke in a hurry and subconsciously, "You..."

Before he could say anything, he heard a clatter, and the lollipop in Chacha's mouth fell to the ground.

She lowered her eyes, stared at her candy for a while, then raised her eyes to look at Zhou Qinghuan, her wet eyes looking at him aggrievedly.

"You, you pay my candy!"

Zhou Qinghuan came to his mind and pointed at the pile of lollipops in her arms, "These are all for you."

chacha, “…”

I see you are sick!

She looked at the candy in her arms angrily, and put it back into Zhou Qinghuan's pocket.

The little girl pondered for a while, and it seemed that something was wrong. She took out another one from his pocket and beeped softly, "Well, a lollipop is enough, and you pay me so much? Are you stupid?"

Brother Zhou, who was a little silly, felt that he had been severely hit.

What a black belly, what a black heart, especially when you meet someone who is not enlightened, you can't get what you want to see if you are exhausted.

This road to chasing his wife suddenly felt very, very far away...


One more update. Ask for a ticket!

If you can’t see the chapter I am the school boss (27), remember to refresh the previous chapter.

The above chapter [Ask for Leave] was replaced by me with the content of (27).

Work hard, little cuties.

(end of this chapter)