Chapter 105: The big guy's little cutie (33)

Chapter 105 The big guy's little cutie (33)

Ning Feng endured for about half a minute.

In the end, I couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

He laughed as he ran outside with a burst of urge to survive.

Zhou Qinghuan pressed his eyebrows angrily, "..."

By the time he wanted to hit Ning Feng ruthlessly, Ning Feng had already run away.

He was holding the lollipop in his hand, and his emotions were complicated.

Ning Feng never dared to be so bold before, and of course, he was not so clever.

Tiredly, he tilted his head to look at his little cutie.

Hmm... all of them are taught by Little Cutie.

Chacha winked at him, looking at him innocently, as if asking: What's wrong?


After three seconds.

Zhou Qinghuan put the candy in his pocket and quickly left with his nose covered.

Chacha looked blank, "...Meng, Qiqi, why did he run away again?"

Qiqi, [This...I don't know either, maybe he ran to find Ning Feng! 】

"Hey, their relationship is really good, and the siblings are deeply in love." Cha Cha said enviously.

[Aiya, Chacha, Xiao Fengzi Zhou Xiaoba, you have me too! 】

"...But Xiao Fengzi is a human being, you are not."

Caught off guard, Qiqi was stabbed with a knife.

What happened to the system?

Does it want to be a system?

It also wants to be a person!

Thinking about it, Qiqi cried out with a wow.

Cha Cha slid his hands together with a look of unease.

Qiqi... Why did Qiqi cry?

She touched her pocket, tangled for a while and comforted her, "Don't cry, Qiqi, if you can climb out in the future, I'll give you lollipops to eat!"

Hearing this, Qiqi cried even more fiercely.

chacha, “…”

I always feel that Brother Zhou and Qiqi are cheating on my lollipops, but I have no conclusive evidence.

at the same time.


Zhou Qinghuan washed his face with water and sighed silently after making sure his nose wouldn't bleed.

He actually got a nosebleed from her good-natured look...?

He thought, maybe the little cutie poisoned him secretly?

Ning Feng stood aside, holding back his laughter and holding back his laughter.

Sorry, it was the first time he saw Brother Zhou so embarrassed.


This stalk, he thinks he can remember it for a lifetime.

Zhou Qinghuan glared at him angrily, "If you want to laugh, laugh!" There was a bit of self-abandonment in his words.

Ning Feng raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

"Then I'm really laughing? Brother Zhou, you can't settle accounts after the autumn!"

Zhou Qinghuan, "..."

"Of course, even if you settle accounts in the autumn, I'm not afraid. After all, there is still a little sister-in-law! I believe that my little sister-in-law will not bear to see a half-crippled me who was beaten by you..."

Ning Feng is particularly proud. In the future, he will hug his little sister-in-law's short legs, and he will no longer have to worry about Brother Zhou's disagreement with him.

Zhou Qinghuan gave him a cold look, turned and walked out of the bathroom.

It was Ning Feng, who stared at the figure and laughed involuntarily.

No, he has to laugh hard for a while.

smiled, he suddenly realized something.


Why so supportive?

I always feel like... as if I accidentally ate a lot of dog food? ? ?

Oh yes, he is still a single dog.

"..." He suddenly stopped laughing.

His elder brother Zhou, like an iron tree, has blossomed, why is he still single?

Ning Feng suddenly fell into self-doubt.

No, he needs to reflect for a while.

He turned around to ask the little sister-in-law if there was any cutie similar to her in the family, um... I can introduce it to him!


Two more.

Brother Zhou asks for tickets online.

You should be able to see the ranking of that week when you vote for the recommendation, and now we are hovering around the 110th place.

So let’s work hard together? Let's rush to the 100?

What?~ Duck! Thank you so much~

(end of this chapter)